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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • I'm lost on the fact that Xbox users pay the same amount as PS3-4 for less content. How do you make 1 raid 1 strike a few missions and gear out to be 20$. We have 1 raid 5 strikes a ton of missions and gear and that was 60$. Seems to me your war with Microsoft is eventually going to screw yourselves over. The Xbox community is a very large part of your income. Also For those that are reading this on the ps laughing.... I'm not mad... Yall deserve stuff. Though Xbox has never gotten exclusive content like this. Early content is mostly what we got. Same content or content that doesn't make a big difference. Bungie is clearly siding with Sony with this game. Xbox users should pay for what they are getting and that's shit treatment. I love this game. Obviously bungle isn't remembering the wonderful community that made them successful. The Xbox community put Halo through the roof. Now all those guys and gals that made Bungie Soo successfull are being slapped in the face. Bad move Bungie. I bet your loosing activity every day on this game. I really would love no ps hate. It's a great. Console. No beef here. Just shouldn't pay for content that I am not getting.

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    • Hello fellow guardians ill make this short and sweet, looking for PSN & Xbox players that want to join a fun and competitive clan that is built on teamwork! Anyone is welcome to join us no matter k/d or w.e we just want to come together when this game comes out so we have many friends to aid us in our quest for Greatness in the world of Destiny. So if you are willing to work together and strive 2 be the best guardian your want to be no matter of what play style then your more than welcome to join us! Its your Destiny!!!! so take it, make a choice build your own path with us. We do not rely solely on skills but on our abilities to work together and communicate! Our clan has joined the Unholy Alliance which consist of my clan The Game Changers, Unholy, Prisoner of War, and Sanctified. We are an amazing clan with already around 100 clanmates (over 200 members) and would love to add players to an Alliance that will be Chaotic!. My PSN is [b]Kaot1cuco if you want to add me, im one of the Admins for the clan and leaders of the Ps4 branch, i have played both Alpha and Beta versions, and i have a level 30 titan and level 30 hunter, i beaten the hard raid multiple times (legit way) and i can help anyone thats needs it! i believe that learning everyones playsyle and stengths and weaknesses is key to a successful team not just the lvl of the characters, and im just waiting for that new raid to come out and getting ready for it! [/b] Currently looking for more high level xbox 1 guardians to join our other members in VoG (either hard or normal) let me know and also ps4 but that will be more exclusive since we are about to hit the clan-mate limit of 100 per console :D we use quad and in-console chat to organize as well as our website I speak both English and Spanish so any Spanish speaking players are also welcomed! I hope we can ride together in a fireteam on our sparrows soon enough!!!!!!!! lol peace outtt! P.S We play with ppl from all time zones and use the Quad app to communicate with our members. We also have a separate clan for PS3 and Xbox360 which is in alliance with us due to the 100 clan mates limit Here is our link for our clan page: Here is the link for our official website: Thank you all for your time, TGC (The Game Changers) Alliance: Unholy

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    • Bungie you killed my drive to continue destiny knowing in a month my game is going to be obsolete for close to a year(xbox360). Thank god I got your game for free and did not pay 60$ for this overhyped garbage. The game already lacks content and want me to keep doing the same strikes and raids for close to a year lmao -blam!- you. I got your game for free so jokes and you assholes for false advertising this game. Strike 1 was this game is lacking content . Strike 2 was you guys false advertised iron banner and strike 3 the famous dlc bullshit. Now i understand Sony has exclusivity but almost making Xbox players you know your other side console fan base wait that long is -blam!-ing dumb. I can understand one or two months but close to a year gotta be kidding me. Rip destiny Xbox

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    • Edited by PlayerXVIII: 10/30/2014 8:22:49 PM
      Wall of text coming up, guys. Please bear with me and bump if you agree. Bungie and Deej, let me start out by saying I love Destiny. I really do. I was a CoD and Final Fantasy enthusiast, and I can genuinely say that this game makes me feel like I can play both simultaneously. But having put more hours into the Raid than any other single game mode, I feel like I can safely say that you need to change what you're doing. I don't like pushing Atheon off. I don't care if others do, but to me it seems like an easy escape from a glorious battle. When I finally killed Atheon on hard last night, after dealing with the random 'porting and multiple wipes, it was an amazing feeling. Triumph over Atheon, finally. That being said, it's safe to say that thing aren't right. The main focus of your fixes shouldn't simply be changing the fight, or putting up baby bumpers (that may or may not fix Atheon, I hear that there's another way). You [i]need[/i] to address the glitches inside the Vault. Only 'porting one or two people, Minotaurs who regen health, detainment bubbles for some who get 'ported, and countless others when it comes to what's supposed to be a gruelling and epic showdown. Well, it's definitely gruelling, not to mention frustrating. These glitches should be the [b]first[/b] thing that you choose to focus on, not the last. It isn't just Atheon's fight that glitches, either. Instead of fixing detainment bubble glitches (when it comes to the Relic holder) during the Templar phase, you stop us from using the same sniper platforms that the Hobgoblins use. Lo and behold, there's another glitch in the fight. How can one be detained without a bubble around them? Five and a half minutes of the Templar fight, I could barely move. That's a wipe. With all this being said, I still continue to raid. I try to get one run done every day at least. The Vault is amazing. During my very first run through, as we were making our way to the first chest (or in my case, getting hopelessly lost in the dark crevices) I exclaimed, "I don't care what people say about this game; the Vault of Glass is -blam!-ing amazing." That almost childlike sense of awe has now given way to constant determination. That fresh-runner has turned into a somewhat seasoned veteran. I can no longer turn a blind eye to the glitches that take a sprawling, epic, run of awesome, and turn it into a knock-on-wood, finger-crossing, 'hopefully-we-don't-glitch' experience. When I take fresh-runners through the Vault now, how can I defend it to them? "Before the patch, it was better." Not because of the teleporting. Not because of the ability to push Atheon off. Because then, there weren't as many glitches. We could have a great run, encounter a glitch, and wipe. Or attempt to hustle into a portal to help out the one person who got teleported. It's disappointing. Again, Bungie, I truly love your game. I think people need to give you more credit for some things and focus on the positive, instead of the negative. But Bungie, I think you need to focus on the negative, instead of the positive. Instead of just addressing exploits, address the glitches. Don't fix things that change the gameplay without first addressing all the glitches that get close to ruining the Vault. Once it's glitch-free, hey, patch [i]all[/i] the exploits. But until then, you can't work under the guise of making this raid centred around it being played how you want it. You need to make the raid playable. That's all we want. It's ridiculously frustrating to simultaneously defend and resent the Vault of Glass, but here I am. May the Light of the Traveller be with you, Guardians. I hope my points are well understood. Edit: and fix the chat, please! Half the time someone in the fireteam can't hear anyone.

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      15 Replies
      • Why is ps4 getting more strikes

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        10 Replies
        • I'm so dang excited!!! The new stuff looks awesome

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        • For those Moaning about the dlc. If you didn't know anything about some of it being on the disc you would all be worshiping BUNGIE for a fantastic game. For those that say it lacks content... Are only saying that because u know about some dlc being on the disc. However... U cannot put 6 days plus time in a game and say it lacks content that is a joke. I played infamous twice through in two days no one said this game Lacked content. U love it accept it, accept the dlc issue which is they put the basic map detAils on our discs to make the download faster when they completed it and made it available for download. ( thank u BUNGIE). I have never seen anyone discuss a game they hate so much. Why? Because u love it!!! Else why would u bother? I don't search for the Lego movie games forum to diss it... Point proven

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          27 Replies
          • I have an Xbox One and feel cheated. Pretty much half of an expansion that doesn't sound like much anyway? I made the mistake of buying this before I realized what a rip-off it was. I've learned a valuable lesson. Errr....cheers Bungie.

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            12 Replies
            • Bungie, just give us the second dlc too and then make a massive update. It would be peaceful.

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              • "The Dark Below" Build your legend...and then wait a week before Bungie nerf all the great things youve gained from rhe dlc. All Hail the Nerf kings!

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              • Why is that it feels like Bungie is doing the exact opposite of what the community ask for ?

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                • You're joking right? That's all? I expected three new -blam!-ing planets in this DLC. Not three new story missions. Three entire planets filled with story missions. Considering how little there was to the main game. This amount of content is what I would expect to be released for free. I may have already paid for the first two DLCs when I bought the game, but you can be damned sure I won't be buying anything else from you slimy, greedy, scumbags. A SHAMEFUL DISPLAY! I feel bad for the art team that wasted their talents on this awful game plagued by your disgusting greed. Except for the person who designed the ships, and the shaders... that guy sucks. If nothing has changed by the time the 2nd DLC hits... I am getting my $90 back, because this is bullshit.

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                  • Edited by BlaqSpiral: 10/30/2014 11:47:24 PM
                    Awesome... the first comment in is some guy with a sore throat from Bungie's dick... this game isn't a fail, its just good not great... your DLC is joke, you want 33% of what we paid for the game, give us 33% more content... people don't mind paying for DLC, they do mind feeling like they got part of a game, which they did and paying for DLC. How you decide to update and fix things is laughable, the gates in the raid rarely work right, but let's worry about how Aetheon chooses to teleport players. Let's do the Iron Banner, but let's not make sure the guns we have to use are working as intended(nerf/buff). Also, it was your second event and most of the community couldn't log on the first day, because you're -blam!-in stupid. Feel free to customize your guardian, but here is the ONLY set of armor that can take you to level 30. Most of your moronic fan boys are right, because soon, only they will play destiny with any consistency, lord knows they don't have the balls to tell the emperor he isn't wearing clothes. When all those people leave, will Bungie be ballsy enough to spout off their numbers then? Let's see what happens when your game loses half of your PS4 base and alienates all of your Xbox base... fricken d-bags probably didn't consider that. If your going to patch a bug or mistake, try not to cause multiple new ones in the process, I personally love going to the doctor for the flu and coming home with pneumonia AND bronchitis instead. I don't need to go into the repetitious nature of your bounties and your strikes, we know your "complete" game needs them to even appear serviceable. Thanks for all the wonderful social interactions you've given me, I've never said so much to strangers with my dance moves til this game. Oh yeah, can u actually make the d-pad have a purpose instead of catering to the half-retarded mmo dip-shits that think dancing in a game will get them chicks. Awesome idea about 3 person "fireteams," I had never heard on them and assume you got the idea from some genius source. Is it also possible you could waste more opportunities to make your game awesome by not giving any purpose to picking a race or 90% of the "class" skills? I would like to go on, but I'm sure I'll be getting plenty of throaters defending your garbage rip-off. Boom!

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                  • Everyone here is waiting for an apology and some sort of admittance of fault. Bungie, you need to take the first step in rescuing your fan base or risk losing a potentially decade long franchise. Apologize, admit and start giving equal treatment to XB and PS players. Otherwise these "whiners" and "cry babies" will get upset enough to start turning away, especially when games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, Evolve, HALO and many many others. You're not giving us a reason to stay and invest more time and money. Even if you have a spectacular game, the masses don't want to be taken for a ride. Let's put it this way. If Olivia Wilde gave me the time of day and wanted to date me, hells yes I'd take that up, but if she mistreated me and lied to me continuously and never showed any regret for it, eventually I'd dump her. I'd put up with it for a bit, but it wouldn't last long and I'd go invest my time and money in a woman who would respect me.

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                    • 3rd subclass?

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                    • I am really annoyed, I own an PS4 & an Xbone. I decided to buy destiny on my Xbone as that is what my friends got it on, however they have since stopped playing yet I continue to love the game. I am not annoyed about the DLC however I want to now get it for my PS4 as I would like the extra content. What annoys me however is that I can not transfer my Xbone Characters to my PS4 and I have put in over 200 hours of Destiny. I really do not want to do that again! Why can we not just have our characters linked to our bungie account so we don't have to do it all again? To be honest you are actually losing money here as I really won't buy the game again just to start from scratch.

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                    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Thank you destiny for giving us even more awesomeness! Can't wait to get home and see what the dark below is all about. Keep up the awesome work and keep my destiny coming. Just ignore all the whiney little peeps who aren't happy about anything. They wouldn't know a good game if it slapped them in the face.

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                    • Why are people blaming Bungie for making us pay for the expansion? Activision is the shitty ass company that forced Bungie to hold off on the DLC that is ALREADY IN THE GODDAMN GAME. I know it's total horse shit, but the blame should be on Activision. Why did Bungie let Activision have anything to do with a game that was meant to be amazing? I HAVE NO -blam!-ING CLUE. Someone please explain this to me, it would be greatly appreciated. -blam!- YOU ACTIVATION

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                      3 Replies
                      • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Lmao it was cut. It's not a place holder. The seraphim vault for example was supposed to be home to another faction and PvP was supposed to be Faction Wars between the in game factions. Dead Orbit ect...ect.. , the game was torn apart no doubt by Activision in an attempt to dumb it down for the ridiculous number of in unintelligent players or those with undeveloped minds(younger player base). They destroyed the game in the name of money and nothing else. Both the DLCs were supposed to be with the package. They were not supposed to be DLCs in the first place. The Traveler was supposed to be evil and we were supposed to encounter the queens brother on earth and we were supposed to stop the resurrection of the traveler. The black garden was supposed to be located within him. It's false advertisement and extortion...

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                        7 Replies
                        • So is the dude in black with green fire Crota

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                          • Edited by Superiority: 10/30/2014 6:49:48 PM
                            Money grabbing bastards. You could of had the best game ever made. Then: Greed. I'm glad Joe and the rest don't work for you any more, their talent is wasted making cash cows aimed at 12 yr olds.

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                          • Here's my two cents on this. No that any of you really care. Paying for dlc is understandable, if not welcomed. I would like to further support a company that has provided sufficient entertainment upon purchase of their game. However, when I pay $60 for said game, and by the end am left feeling like it was half-assed(sorry for the crudeness) I'm very hesitant to pay money for more. When there is no story to Speke of, I don't much care for expansion on said story, or lack there of. When there are only 5 strikes for xbox users(insert play station master race hooplah) I feel some sort of skepticism towards purchasing more(by more I mean 2. In my honest opinion the one free raid was fine, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Multiplayer maps were also ok, pvp is not my forte, but it was still fine. Maybe another big map where scout rifles and snipers are more viable than the mlg auto/shotty combo. But I digress. In closing, paying (20-35) bucks, I have no idea what it's worth at this point, for content that was already finished but withheld just to expand on a game that really doesn't feel like it was worth the $60 that was spent on it, makes me hesitant to purchase dlc. Which I'll still do anyway since I'm quite bored with the original game

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                            • Edited by WannabeSamurai: 10/30/2014 7:51:10 PM
                              Gonna release DLC when you can't even get updates right without creating a plethora of other issues...or work on the other obvious ones; ie. not being able to exit the gates during Atheon and connectivity issues. Get right Bungie, you have potentially a fantastic game here if you'll actually put in the effort to make it playable.

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                            • Is that Dredgen Yor in the picture?

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                            • I hope they do something cool with the quests/weapon bounties like finding a certain NPC in the patrol areas for one part. It's not like it will take long for everyone to find out and post where to find him, but at least the first few days it would be cool. Sure beats going to the tower 1000 times.

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                            • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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