[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I'll be saving that money for better games. Can't wait for The Division and Star Wars Battlefront.
Wow bungie releasing content that is already on our disks as dlc content. Who ever would have thought (mass sarcasm)
I'm just glad I didn't get the Ghost Edition xD and yeah I have 15 days of gameplay, so what? ... that doesn't mean that this game lacks content.
im just disappointed I like this game but it chould have been such a greater game but they were to busy looking for ways too make a quick buck instead of being loyal to your fan base sad to say that if this keeps up bungie will be a thing of the past all I got to say to bungie is try harder instead of patching bull shit and and cutting content just to re sell it to us this game chould have been one of the greats instead it will be consider a half rate game
Can't wait to get a new helm for my Titan, my current one is getting worn out....
Fix the errors first bungie
Edited by jthomas1223: 10/30/2014 7:30:21 PMDestiny is a great game Evan with all the lag issues and problems I still enjoy playing it. It never bothered me that the game had content at launch exclusive to the ps4. Now this is were I have a issue the dlc comes with content exclusive to ps4 content I have to pay for so what ur saying is I am going to get less for my money and ps4 will get more. Now that's wrong if your going to take paid dlc then u need to raise the price for ps4 and lower it for Xbox because I don't serve my country every day in United States navy to get ripe off by a video game and I am sure the outher hard working Americans/ffnations who play this game feel the same. But that's just me I could be wrong I really like the game but saddly after the halo master cheif collection comes out I don't know if a lot of xbox players will be playing destiny. Any I love the game I can't wait to see it improve and grow into the game it should be.
More of the content they cut out of the original game and now sell it as DLC, you fooled me once ;)
The cost is fine to me. It just feels like a lot of this should've already been in the game.
Why is everyone crying about the game? If you don't like it don't play it. It's just a game anyways. I personally think it is awesome! Hella good job bungie.
I see a lot of people crying here.. personally I'm pumped! I got goosebumps when I saw the last picture of crota's eyes lit up in the dark room with green torches! This content can't drop soon enough for me and my clan. Looking forward to taking on a fresh raid! See you haters when I'm light lvl 32!
Was hoping for more but still pretty cool
Sorry Bungie, love you guys but this is far from $20 value to me. I was already quite disappointed when I reached max level to learn there was extremely little end game content, and it was just repeating the content I already did over and over to get gear... now you are going to charge me $20 for a DLC that adds very little to each section of the game? My hard earned dollars will get much more game content else where, hope you guys find a pricing model that allows you to keep expanding the game without ripping off your players. So far you have not found it.
This community reminds me of the golden goose girl in willy wonka. i cant wait til the hole in the floor opens up and sends you ridiculous brats to the incinerator. I'm 32, play this game everyday, and Ill be buying the expansions and playing them with the friends Ive made through this game. I dont understand why people complain if they hate the game, stop playing leave the community, do yourself and those who enjoy the game a favor.
If you want to complain stop playing. That's why I don't play COD anymore. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!
"The number of times people have played the raid is pretty amazing as well". That portion of Bungies presidents interview really ticked me off. 15 times I've ran it I got 1 raid armor and 15 chatter whites!!!!!!! And still I keep coming back thinking this has to be the one I get something. I want to love this game but is more freaking irritating than darksouls almost trolling the players. FIX THIS LOOT SYSTEM!!!! Night falls have higher chance of loot than the raid wth?
[quote]You're joking right? That's all? I expected three new -blam!-ing planets in this DLC. Not three new story missions. Three entire planets filled with story missions. Considering how little there was to the main game This amount of content is what I would expect to be released for free.[/quote] This X 100000000000000000000
I seriously love how you PlayStation people keep comparing destiny to halo...".ohh no we get a map and you got halo stop whining xbox babies" screw you PlayStation people if you want to keep using that we got halo against us...then how about uncharted? Ps vita? God of war? Ratchet and clank? I could just keep going an going...who cares you didnt get halo..it was a Microsoft game! We dont get sony games! Thats why you are still not getting halo...Microsoft owns it! not bungie! So now bungie withholding dlc for a year is BS..ohh we xbox users get cod dlc first...this isnt cod and we are losing story not just a few multiplayer maps or a gun...plus you PlayStation people get it 2 weeks after we do...NOT 52 WEEKS! im so sick of this bs! Both play the game both run at 900p 30 fps on ps4 an xbone...we both paid $60 for the game and $$ for dlc...
With the favoritism of consoles and lack of content, I doubt I'll be buying a bungie game ever again.
So if you're raising the cap to 32, is that going to make exotic armor worthless or are you increasing their light capacity? It would be really shitty if We had to abandon our exotics to reach the level cap.
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] how hard is this? I can't find it in orbit map.
Edited by ChILdIsh Atari: 10/30/2014 7:16:12 PMI think this whole forum is just filled with ppl who are so spoiled that they don't realize one thing. That is that this is a game and games are played for fun. You payed the money for it so just shut the fk up and chill out. There's no reason to complain this much about a game that hasn't even been out 6 months yet. We all know there is going to be improvements so just play a different game or don't who cares when the times comes u will come back and enjoy the game like u did when u started. Or you could stop being a nerd and go do something besides playing video games everyday of your life . $20 is nothing I'd have a job so who cares just appreciate that u actually have these things available too u in the first place.
Http///www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-10-29-destinys-first-expansion-the-dark-below-takes-aim-at-story-criticism The on-disc locked areas are not in DLC 1
Bungie made the best story line for Destiny, but the good stuff got cut out or locked away. Many of the features in the expansion pack were ready for us to play in but Bungie needed more money so they locked away the locations. The story line in one point a person named Crow captures you and brings you to his lair, there you meet some ex-guardian who lost their ghosts. When you talk to them they reveal the truth of the Traveler and the Speaker. They are causinh the darkness. All this time the hive was trying to stop them. This was a huge part cut out of destiny, also the developers mentioned gambling and trading, we dont see that either. Crucible was known as Faction Wars until Bungie cut out the main faction.