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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Why is there no sword in this DLC?? Make it an Exotic Secondary Weapon! "Fellas, I got a fever, and the only prescription is more sword." haha

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  • Ohhhh sh!t son CoD drops and your games dead but at least you made millions and it was a fun distraction till CoD came out ty for the fun guys

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    • Fat chance getting another dollar out of me! I could buy 20 hotdogs with that money lol . most games start strong and flop at the end, i see by trying things differently your approach is start flop, stay flop, end flop? Anyhow fail attempt. My suggestion for the future is try listening to your community.

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    • Returned to orbit due to a network error. Both names ferret and fly

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    • Will there be a different shader for this raid?

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      4 Replies
      • Garbage...

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      • After seeing the armors and weapons, I do look forward to this a bit more now but it doesn't change the fact that other DLC's, which should have been in the game, are going to be payable. But, nonetheless, show more pictures of the armors with better views or in a video, please.

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      • As stated by me and many others in another thread [ ] This DLC looks downright amazing. So much bang for the buck. Usually just get pvp maps, but here we're getting that PLUS a raid (which I've done VOG over 50 times so I know I'll get my money's worth there alone) PLUS new armor and weapons (made with community feedback and gameplay data in mind) PLUS 2 new strikes PLUS new story missions PLUS new bounties. That's a friggin STEAL any day of the week. Content cant come soon enough, really looking forward to it.

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        8 Replies
        • Bump if you really like Destiny but play on Xbox so you're sad about getting bum -blam!-ed for 10 years.

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          • I love Destiny and Bungie is the greatest

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          • Is a joke... so glad I did t get the expansion pass..

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            3 Replies
            • Are you guys going to be providing more details prior to release about how level 32 will be achieved? Obviously raid gear, but will there be other means of upgrading current exotic or legendary armor? Also in the update about iron banner it was said that the new iron banner armor will be made a viable side grade for max level players. With the max light level increasing, doesn't that make all the iron banner armor once again pointless? Hollar at us Deej.

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              • Why don't they tell you what PSN users will get and what Xbox users will get? That'd be nice, just like a little * is all it takes...

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              • How come us xbox players who basically made bungie with halo have been shunted to one side for ps4 players......bungie you had a great game concept but sold your fan base out I'm certain that 90% of your upcoming dlc is already on my disc so your asking me to pay again for a part of the game I thought I was getting in the first place......sorry but I for one won't be buying it and will be using that money to buy a complete game like dragon age I will not even be getting the new halo of master chief games due to the fact I'm worried you have ruined them as well Sorry for the rant but I've never felt so let down by a game

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                4 Replies
                • If you could maybe actually give out the same content to all people, or at least give us fair warning? With the first Mars strike I was fine because I was aware of it. But as far as I can tell this sectioning off of content because you and Microsoft have fallen out wasn't announced until recently, when a large amount of the Xbox fan base have already bought the season pass. It's ridiculous. AND the last time I buy anything from Bungie on faith.

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                • I have a question. Could you people at bungie make your site possible to navigate through? That would be really awesome if I could actually see my grimoir progression and not be asked to buy the -blam!-ing game again.

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                • I see a lot of negative comments from Xbox users. If you don't want to buy the dlc don't get it. People complain about paying, it's dlc a lot of games have it and it's NEVER free , so why are you complaining. When you buy it, and I say when cuz most of you will, BUY the expansion pass. This will make the price "reasonable" for the "lack" of content. If you still butt hurt then you are most likely an Xbox user and for some reason you think bungie owes you something. News flash they don't. They do owe Playstation, it's called a contract. So bleep your we made you crap and loyalty. They are a business.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Edited by matt7425: 10/30/2014 6:34:49 PM
                    Matchmaking for raids wants to be included for new raid and vog. Me randomly adding players via a 3rd part app is exactly the same just more time consuming. People know the risks associated with pugs and can choose to form a party of their own using actual legitimate friends they've known forever or simply click a button and join a raid. I know I'm not alone when I say this but I'm glad I didn't pre purchase dlc and am ready to pack up and go. Lol 3 more story missions I will finish in half an hour.....I should be getting a new -blam!-ing planet for 20 quid

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                  • Edited by zbeshears: 10/30/2014 5:03:00 PM
                    My god you people can't be pleased.... 4 weeks ago you were bitchin because they took away loot caves and certain captains from strikes because it was "too" hard, you all bitched because they were makin it easier. Then you bitch because they made atheon too hard by adding the bumpers and making it random teleports. Now you bitch because it's not enough content to justify 20 bucks! There was well over 100 bucks worth of dlcs for borderlands 2.... I'm glad they made it twenty dollars, if twenty bucks gets rid of all yall -blam!-in whiners then great, I'd spend twenty dmars just to shut yall up. For those of yall that know what it means GG! Bump if you agree!

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                    19 Replies
                    • And here comes the cry babies about paying.

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                    • Im falling in love with the deathsinger armor

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                    • I think the biggest reason these guys are all crying is because they're CoD babies. There use to only playing PvP and living on it. Not being forced to actually have to work for their gear and grind. Not being forced to, if they want that highest of levels, actually have enough skill to get through the VoG. Earn guns, or just get a few squad points and buy any. Lame. Amazing game. If it wasn't you would all be elsewhere, not here still whining. You obviously live on this game too.

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                      6 Replies
                      • Doesn't matter when the DLC comes out...COD is here on Monday!!! Now I can earn a good gun and not have to hope it drops!

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                        12 Replies
                        • Edited by Orpheo: 10/30/2014 5:36:16 PM
                          This game is decent, not worth the 60$ content wise. Same goes with the expansion or i should call it DLC because its not expanding upon the game. A majority of it is already there. I know its not populated but its still there. There are dozens and dozens of free to play games that have several times the content and charge less for DLC. There are games over 12 years old that have significantly more content, took half the time, and man power to create. Something went terribly wrong and Bungie has gone into crisis management. I really hope the second "expansion" actually expands the games world. Or I fear the Destiny IP will be digging its own grave. I dont feel the general public will be fooled as easily by PR alone.

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                          4 Replies
                          • Screw this DLC after what I found out about Xbox one players getting ripped off and of course sony always being favored and not being ripped off with content.....bungie you suck....and oh by the way I have over a million ascendant shards from the raid so please stop giving them to me.....a f u c k I n g chest piece would be nice come Monday this game is on the damn shelf

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                            21 Replies
                            • I may be an xbox player and yea I'm sad that I have to wait a year, but like you said bungie has done a lot and is continually doing a lot for us destiny gamers. PS gamers: right on. Hope you enjoy the early content Xbox gamers: quit your yapping! We all knew that PS had the rights for exclusive content so stop whining! I understand that you are upset, but that doesn't give you the right to whine and bitch about it to Bungie. Just be patient and wait..... Patience will be rewarded with time and kindness. Thank you Bungie for your continued patches, updates, and your everlasting commitment to your gamers That's all I have to say on the subject!

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