[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I may be an xbox player and yea I'm sad that I have to wait a year, but like you said bungie has done a lot and is continually doing a lot for us destiny gamers. PS gamers: right on. Hope you enjoy the early content Xbox gamers: quit your yapping! We all knew that PS had the rights for exclusive content so stop whining! I understand that you are upset, but that doesn't give you the right to whine and bitch about it to Bungie. Just be patient and wait..... Patience will be rewarded with time and kindness. Thank you Bungie for your continued patches, updates, and your everlasting commitment to your gamers That's all I have to say on the subject!
Who's ready for the new assassins creed unity guys?! Lol all my time and money will go to that game then a half game destiny has come to be
Looks great, can't wait. Here's hoping we'll see more of existing characters, as well as new ones.
I love how they put "not all gear shown" I call it right now that's all the gear lol maybe they aren't showing shaders or iron banner crap armor
Yay now we get to pay for content already on the disk that should be free... thank you bungie you guys rock..
Edited by THE N0D: 10/30/2014 6:28:16 PM[b]Destiny Review[/b] Story sucks Grinding no reward RNG lazy DLC rip off Xbox players shafted (loyal fans) Nerfed PvE Awful events Chatterwhite Patch Everyone wearing same armor Zebra You got lucky with the Raid, but your numbers are about to DROP. Such a waste of a great shooter :/
Garbage ass game why would we pay u more for trash. Everyone of ur updates made the game worse.
A shame that this wont even matter by the time it comes out because evrybody will be playing other games that are popular and actually stuck up to what they advertised. Also a lot more content
How do you find your business model responsible to your customers when your xbox players spend as much money on dlc as playstation owners and do not get the same amount of content? There are a lot of players who are itching for more content and are supporting this game while you make deals with another company. One of the benefits as a third party developer is to have fair treatment. This is really discouraging to us who care about your game. We are told that these additions may take up to a year to be part of our games.. How is this fair to us? This game doesn't have as much content and it really sacrifices the experience. It's truly a shame, especially being an avid player and supporter of bungie and destiny that I get punished strictly because of my console choice.
Edited by LeftAim: 10/30/2014 6:43:03 PMI play on 360, I'm not buying the DLC. $20 bucks says they offer me everything that everyone else paid for at a lesser cost or at no cost.
Pokemon remakes or keep playing destiny? Ill pick the remakes until all the DLC is available
I think I'm done with the game. Having traded it in once and then getting it back only to enjoy it even less this time around ( friends bugged me to play ) I just cannot see what the appeal is to this game. I've played nearly every game ever in my 20+ years as a gamer and love or hate for games is always apparent but when a game blatantly has no substance to it for the sake of future DLC just infuriates me. How is it 60 bucs buys games like skyrim... dragon age... and gets you hours and hours of exploration, narrative, and entertainment and this you get the promise of future dlc. This call of duty business of selling a $60 game then 40-50 worth of content ( through the year. You invest on it ahead of time when you could get something immediately tangible? ) is destroying the gaming industry. $20 for dlc that will last maybe what a few days? Weeks of grind under the same dull gaming engine. How do you justify that price when games such as Minecraft offer hours of entertainment at that price. I have more fun lately with my psp and vita playing classic psone rpg's which I could buy nearly 3 of at the price of your add on content. This game seemed to have potential but I have no clue where to find it. Destiny is like a steak dinner. The steak looks nice and taste good but the side dishes are awful and the beverage is tap water... oh and desert doesn't exist.
The controversy with DLC that should have been part of the game doesn't bother me, I'd have no problem paying $20 bucks for new multiplayer maps and weapons. The fact is the game just isn't intriguing enough to justify spending more money for a lackluster product.
I wish they would've added more PvE content. Not everyone wants to do PvP. I wish it was balanced more. 3 arenas and 3 strikes, instead of one strike and giving more to PvP. Adding another raid is cool, but for me; it's difficult to find a group to do it. Anyway, it's a great game just wish there was more strikes.
Dear bungie. Am I really that unlucky?
Dear Bungie, I appreciate all the good things coming in December but I am gutted that I have to dismantled most of my good weapons as the vault in tower is limited. I have spent most of my time collecting Energy and Resources to fully upgrade a single weapon which took me about 3 days-5 days. And now I got too many exotics, legendary and raid weapons from all 3 class that I have mostly fully upgraded. I switched weapons from class to class and please understand my plead because I'm Destiny biggest fan and it upset me because u bloody stingy fookers locked vault spaces and I'm the one suffering dismantling most of my good weapons, in that regard please please please give more space in the vault! I've sent bungie personal email but no response. :(
I feel sorry for Deej, being put in this position. I know I would feel like crap if I was the person put in charge of posting these things. I mean, how could you not? Knowing people bought part of a finished game and being sent out to advertise for another small part of the game. I wouldn't be able to sleep trying to take people's money like this.
Weak effort. Sorry. I don't know why I would hope your dlc would fix the game. Just a little more of the same
Some of you people are such losers, all you do is moan moan moan moan, why can't you just go on the game and enjoy it? Why is that so difficult. The fact none of you can be pleased by anything is the reason why bungie can't satisfy you all. How about you all log on, shoot some aliens, high five space wizards and have some -blam!-ing fun for a change
Alot of sour kids on here, for the same old reasons. It's good, it gives the rest of us who enjoy the game someone to laugh at. Well alot of someone's to laugh at xD
I find it funny that nobody bitches about dlc on other games that is done at launch and you buy into later but since its a massive game like destiny everyone bitches. Go ahead call me a tool for buying the dlc i dont care, i buy it because i love the game and support bungie too keep making content for the game i like. If you dont want to play the game and wont buy the DLC then just be quite trade in the game and stop posting whiny comments all over the forums. Grow up move on or shut up and blay the game. I really hope all you complaining whiny bitches dont get the DLC so i wont get grouped with you on a strike. See yall in the game.
My impressions of this "expansion": reskinned queen's wrath event that's here to stay, providing a set of armor for each class, maybe one weapon per subtype, access to existing locked content and still no ability to make your own strike missions... Preposterous.
Can I get a Bad Juju buff!!?
But stupid to ask but can we wear 2 bits o exotic gear with this dlc just because in the picture with that green ball the titan looks like he is wearing exotic boots and arms.
10 years...not at this rate! Lol More like 10 months...