[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
DeeJ, Every article online mentions exclusive content in the DLC for PlayStation users, but the linked (and admittedly gorgeous) advert on the main page here says nothing at all about exclusive content. I've looked it over at least 10 times (I did say it is gorgeous). Am I blind, or were media outlets given a different PR sheet about the DLC than the one posted here on Bungie.net? Thanks for reading, LL
So there's only one strike? I thought it was two for PSN?
Simply put as an Xbox user not paying the same price for a Dlc which comes with less content. It's not about the money... Just about equal worth for equal goods.
This dlc made this community so -blam!-ing toxic with console wars.
Oh finnally something new to do , though its not all that much. Perhaps bungie should go look at warframe for some suggestions. You may do the same mission there but at least every time you do its not exactly the same.
Awesome looking armor!! Can't wait!! That rocket launcher is a must get!!
Not enough..
With any luck this will drive away most of the ignorant to other games. I'm starting to like this game and come December these forums should be a lot better. Ya know, with having to pay money for something someone made.
Edited by Myztik79: 10/30/2014 5:20:50 PMFor those saying, "it was already in the game." This will be simple. Have you ever looked at the dash panel in your vehicle and noticed there are places where other "options" could go? Say for example a traction control button or some other indicator light? Your vehicle doesn't have that option or that spot would have its device in place correct? Manufacturers mass produce these products and use what they need depending on the model and options purchased. You can purchase these EXTRA options if you choose to. The manufacturer does NOT have to arbitrarily include them for free. Now, towards Destiny and Bungie. You think just because there is a slot or "glitches obtainable" area for new content, it doesn't mean Bungie had to include it. (See dash panel above.) They simply mass produced the game and its content for distribution. The ability or OPTIONS may be present but not available at the time of purchase but at a later date may be. People really should stop and really think about this. I see people talking about law suits and blah blah. Have those of you mentioning/thinking this way sued McDonald's because your food didn't look like it did in the commercial or even on the menu's of the restaurants? Pretty sure you didn't. Let's think before we speak.
Fellow Guardians: Can anyone tell for sure how the new Light level cap will work? Shame on me but I haven't raided yet. I'm at level 29 with 1 exotic and 3 legendary as armor on each of my toons . How can I increase the light level to 30 and 32 with the DLC... strictly by Raiding or will be other ways? Thanks!
Bungie, i just wanna say your dlc looks -blam!-ING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks pretty good
I love how everyone is saying Bungie is "cheating" us by charging for this dlc and some are even trying to compare that a true MMO like WOW would have given this for free...ummmmm, they also would have charged you $15/month just to play their game on TOP of the cost of buying it.
Your -blam!-ing over your xbox customers by charging them the same. Give us the strike or reduce the price to match the content delivered.
Yes by all means base stuff on the communities most hated exotic bounty...
If a game is going to come out for both consoles then it should be equal content straight across the goddam board!!! I have equal respect for both consoles and as players we deserve to have equal rights to equal content - if that's not the case then whoever gets screwed should pay less money. PlayStation got screwed over plenty before and that is totally unacceptable as is this situation now,when will this stop???!!! I'll even go so far as to say - Boycott Destiny altogether for a said period of time to make our point. Games are made to be fun and it's all about sharing the content etc. This is just going to hurt Destiny in the long run!
It would be cool if we had some capture the flag, and for fun game types for pvp. Such as game types to be taken less seriously and more fun like how in halo there was dodgeball, etc. just examples xp just an idea from a player who loves his multiplayer.
Edited by AnyOLName: 10/30/2014 5:35:42 PMI am extremely unhappy that there is "Exclusive timed" content for the DLC for PS. Had I know this when I purchased my limited edition, I probably wouldn't have done so. Exclusive content on release is one thing. Exclusive content on DLC, for who knows how long this will happen, is another. I would have opted to wait and buy it at a later time when it was cheaper....that way I could have all the content at once. How long will Xbox users have to wait to get full versions of the game? Or catch up to PS?
LMAO i just decided to, for the hell of it see the majority of the complainers were, simply look at there BIO's and see what they have done in the game over 80% of the whiners and complainers arent even at lvl20 ....Maybe instead of Looking for social interaction and attention play the game get somewhere and then you can have room to talk.....LMAO. For those that are whining about 20 buck dlc whining here wont change the fact that you WILL buy it or end your game cycle there either way the game will continue as long as there are enough people that warrants it and there will be....DECLINE in player = Loss of scrubs PVP whiners and people that want more for less and not having to do anything to progress...There is a game already out there called COD have fun with that the novelty of COD ended for me at BLK opts. you talk frivolous well that is the pure def of it. All of the developers out there have issues this game is no diff ....WORDS watch here and see HOW many pissed and moaned about DLC WILL BUY IT! Just watch.
I'm happy with the game, and if you were not aware that expansion packs were going to cost money than well...... You were dreaming haha! I agree with skip if you don't like the game, and are only on the forums to preach that your not buying the expansion..... Or think the expansion should be free than feel free to hang up the game and never play it again. I look forward to playing the raid available now and the raids available in the future with the positive people on these forums! Have a great day everyone.
No chat in game. No social raid chat in game... No dlc for Xbox players till fall 2015... WHAT THE FCK! For sure destiny is a cool game, boring at high end game, I'm glad that I recive it for free. But that exclusive shit for ps4 players says that I'm sick of it. It's time to quit.
I miss the days before DLC was a thing. Hell, I miss the days when DLC was actually expansive. Oblivion, Fallout, etc. THOSE were worthy expansions.
This is gonna be so awesome, I can't wait!
No one here has time for your fanboying of your preferred console. What peoplr are saying is xbox is paying the same price for less content. Plain and simple. Quit with the blame games of CoD on Xbox and all this bull about Halo being xbox only and whatever. You do understand you sound like children with those arguments, right? I'm on no side, i am simply just stating how immamture sime of this is. People feel they are being ripped off, so leave it at that. People are entitled to feel that way and not hear you calling them a bitch and throwing your choice of console in their face. Honestly thought we would be over this by now.
If we on the Xbox are getting less why are we not paying less?
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] I don't think the game sucks. And we all knew that this game would be completed bit by bit via DLCs... All that is fine to me. What I dont get is why we ( xbox users ) should pay the same amount of money for less content than on ps4.. Exclusives are fine. But level the price as per the content!!!