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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] I don't think the game sucks. And we all knew that this game would be completed bit by bit via DLCs... All that is fine to me. What I dont get is why we ( xbox users ) should pay the same amount of money for less content than on ps4.. Exclusives are fine. But level the price as per the content!!!

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  • U guys complain too much... I don't care wat they say bungie i still like you keep ur chins up

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  • Edited by mike D machine: 10/30/2014 4:20:04 PM
    [b]I have no issue with the fact that the Destiny game "out of the box" had additional content with the Sony platforms.[/b] Although I believe these types of deals are always bad for gamers, I understand the business reasoning / funding / and co-marketing opportunities. [b]I do however have a serious issue with how the information was presented to me as a customer.[/b] I purchased the digital Guardian edition that included the next 2 expansion packs for Xbox one. Bungie and Activision never clearly communicated that the DLC I was purchasing at the same price as PlayStation users would have less content. I believe that DLC packs sold should be the same on both platforms... Either provide a timed exclusive or offer additional content. I think if the Dark Below contained the same content for both platforms and an additional DLC pack came to PS4 as an exclusive bonus mission at a later date, gamers would be less frustrated. [b]I think the biggest issue is that the overall game is lacking variety in content. Everyone has played the same strikes over and over and over again.[/b] With $20 DLC packs, we should be receiving at least an additional 3rd of a game. The core of the game is there and the effort to release a DLC expansion is far less than developing a game from the ground up. A DLC pack should have been a new planet or at a minimum an additional strike on each of the existing planets. [b]It is unfortunate that gamers are feeling cheaped out from Bungie and Activision. For a franchise with a long term vision trying to build good will with gamers each DLC pack should feel packed with new content and the community should be excited. With so many copies of Destiny out there, the goal should be to make the content so compelling that purchasing it becomes a no brainer.[/b] Aim for a 90% attachment rate. The install base is there so make the DLC meaningful and the profits will follow. The pre-order bonus was also a little bit of a disappointment, but my red ghost has already heard that complaint a few times. I do love this game despite many of the short comings, but in the future I will think twice before pre-ording any content from Bungie and Activision and three times before investing in a future sequel to this franchise.

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    16 Replies
    • Enough said...

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    • Not really interested in paying for sub-par DLC with little to no story just to grind for 100 hours in the hopes of better gear.

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    • Edited by Aisxos: 10/30/2014 4:11:11 AM
      The following is a repost from Kotaku. You can find the original post here: On December 9, Bungie will release The Dark Below, a new expansion pack for Destiny. For $20, you'll get some new story missions, some multiplayer maps, a raid, and two new strikes. Unless you're on Xbox. Yep, Sony's snagged themselves yet another Destiny exclusive: one of The Dark Below's strike missions—you know, the ones where you and two other players go through quasi-dungeons and take on powerful bosses—is only for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Bungie says the exclusive is until "at least" fall of 2015, which means that for the next year at a minimum, Xbox players will miss out on a large chunk of The Dark Below. That's on top of the already-PlayStation-exclusive Dust Palace strike, so if you're keeping track, by the second week of December, PlayStation owners will have eight strikes while Xbox players only have six. Of course, it's been clear for months now that Bungie has firmly sided with Sony in the battle for your living room, but that hasn't stopped Xbox fans from feeling ripped off. How can you blame them? They're paying the same amount of money as PlayStation players, yet getting less stuff. It's yet another example of video game console warfare having a negative effect on the people who actually play games. Forum soldiers and fanboys might enjoy this sort of exclusivity nonsense, and it might help Sony's bottom line, but for Xbox owners who have been playing and enjoying Destiny, this is really shitty. (Similarly, Microsoft's timed exclusive deal for next year's Rise of the Tomb Raider has justifiably annoyed PlayStation fans who want to check out Lara Croft's next adventure.) This all might not be as bad if The Dark Below was packed full o' things to do, but even with the PlayStation-exclusive strike, Destiny's first expansion isn't really all that meaty. Unless the new story missions add some variety to Destiny's vanilla "deploy ghost -> fight waves of enemies" structure, you're essentially paying $20 for a raid and two strikes, which makes it particularly aggravating that some people won't get one of those strikes (for at least a year) simply because they chose to play the game on the platform Bungie likes least. Console exclusivity might have saved some developers' hides over the past few years—just ask the folks behind Titanfall—but this sort of practice is just going to breed more resentment in the people who play games, and who could blame them?

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      • Edited by xSOYxSOYx: 10/30/2014 4:22:29 PM
        [b]Microsoft Banning Xbox Owners for Fraudulently Refunding Destiny[/b] Damn!!! Check yourselves brothers and sisters before something bad happens!!!

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        • Can't wait!

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        • Edited by Monkpuss313: 10/30/2014 5:28:09 PM
          If bad juju and thorn aren't buffed before the expansion then that should be incentive enough to not purchase the expansion. If they can't do something as simple as buffing two weapons (which they promised they would do) then how can you take their word for anything?!

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        • Looks like it's back to the drawing board again @DeeJ Atheon STILL can be cheesed.... Here's proof: BTW this wasn't me, was other ppl, credit to them. IDEAS for fixing: Idea #1: Instead why not have Atheon "Ignore" grenades entirely, you know since they barely do any damage? He can just stand there like a total badass, laughing at any futile attempts to have grenades thrown at him. Idea #2: Apparently Atheon CAN Teleport, so as soon as he get's knocked off have the game recognize when he gets knocked off and he'll instantly teleport back. To any ppl reading this, go ahead and hate me. Just wanted to let this be known to Bungie since it seems that patch to "Fix" atheon only caused more exploits to come up, showing they didn't properly test to see if Atheon can be knocked off any OTHER corners of the map....

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        • Screw ur 20 bux more bungie tryin to charge me for shyt u should've kept in game, ill spend that extra 20 I have on cod advanced warfarw or a shark card on gta v atleast gta has free update dlc, cod is just more fun too game with others that I can actually talk too. If we dont let them kno we arent buyin in too their b.s. then they will just keep selling us half ass made products, how many people think the dlc is gunna have its own animal error

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        • This new content is much welcomed. But it's only going to keep my interest for 2 months tops. I was really hoping for more than this. I really hope house of wolves is coming out very early next year.

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        • I would have liked to see more than 3 story levels.

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          • Edited by BALLSTOMPERELITE: 10/30/2014 5:25:31 PM
            I like how Ryan plays it out like bungie are actually working on dlc in terms of what will happen right this moment, seriously? The years of development and your trying to tell me this was all you had!?! I love the game but seriously don't blow smoke up my butt. This is obviously another ransom game drip fed and overcharged. I wouldn't be so mad if we had more content to begin with, but I'm sorry bungie, I'm not giving you money. I'll enjoy what I have.... But I'm not buying anything from you EVER AGAIN. And if anyone else was smart they would follow to send a message. Good day

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            • DeeJ, aren't you embarrassed to advertise this very limited DLC content? I purchased the season pass and I will play the content, but really if I had known the DLC content was a few hours worth of stuff I wouldn't have wasted the money.

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            • Edited by Deep Winter 7: 10/30/2014 5:25:39 PM
              I'm done. Later, Bungie.

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            • Oh yay an expansion pack I can't wait to grind grind and grind some more thanks a lot bungie

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              6 Replies
              • Dear Bungie, ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Copy and paste if you're pissed off at bungie :-)

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                • Dear Bungie, ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

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                • Bungie ! [b]Add League and clans !!![/b]

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                  • I already bought the dlc with my copy of destiny so I will be playing this, but for future dlc above and beyond the two we already know about and most of us purchased I will want new planets to explore. Having a new raid is a wonderful addition so thank you for that. I will be back in December to check this out. I'm just saying after the wolves dlc in 2015 new planets to explore with story, strikes, and raids will be an essential way to get more money out of all of us for future dlc.

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                  • COD NEXT WEEK YALL!!!!!

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                  • Dlc I think we really really need this new content. Its weird that the game is so big and exciting but feels so small and dull.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Guess I'm just confused but where in the world are you guys getting a $20.00 price? It's $35.00 for the Expansion pass. Unless of course your planning on purchasing them one at a time and paying $40.00 for both which is kinda strange. I'm not planing on purchasing this content, the game is not finished. if they had more than 1 weekend of Beta testing then maybe it would be working better now and we would not get the lame errors. Don't get me wrong I purchased my copy when I first heard about the game in Oct 2013 since I wanted to be in on the Beta but it looks like Bungie, (Was one of my favorite company's - I loved Marathon) learned a lot of bad habits from Microsoft. I for one had high hopes for this game. So far it has been, well just sad. Bummer.

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                    • Some people "Bungie" just wanna see the world burn!

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