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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Some people "Bungie" just wanna see the world burn!

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    I agree it should have came with the game we paid 64$ some even mire and where still not getting thw full game thats crazy its like since we are getting half the game we should pay half the price if games start doing this smh its going to cause problems with the real gamers

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    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] People are upset because Bungie wants to offer people the rest of the game in the form of DLC. I'm ok with DLC, but when the content of the DLC is story line there should be no extra charge because we already paid for it when we bought the game. Just my two cents, and that's probably how much money I'll be left with after buying Bungie's DLC.

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    • Im betting bungie doesn't even read these comments. But im gonna give it a go anyway. Dear bungie, i would love to see some changes added to the game. Like a quick select menu. grabbing an ammo pack in the middle of a boss fight, could kill you. Bigger vault slots, would be awesome. I find my self deleting exotic weapons in need of space. Charracter shared weapon slots. In stead of wasting 10 mins. Flying back and forward to the vault. And how about raising the cap on emblems and glimmer. Im capped for a while now and there is nothing worth wile to buy... How about some realy special looking weapons, sparrows, ships, etc for a lot more coins or emblems. Give us something to work for. Xur is fun and all, but doesn't sell anything i want, for a while now. I would love to hover around, on a 300 strange coin worth sparrow. That shows your no-life comitment to this game. And if we are an advanced species, traveling around the universe. Then why do we all have the same sparrow. Where are the other vehicles? Like quads or whatever. And no 2 manned vehicles from bungie? Common.. About the strikes.. Every time im doing a strike, im forced to leave some friends behind. How about an option to raise the amount of players u can take with u. It can still be challenging by upping the difficulty. Tiger strikes are to easy and boring. How about lv26 strikes, with some better rewards. I mean the weekly and nightfall are challenging. But thats once a week. Then its back to boredom.. Dont get me wrong. The game is fun. But it could be great.

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      • Edited by UGotTheTarStick: 10/30/2014 4:57:59 PM
        I like how the president of Bungie is so misleading about what is going on. Knowing he is screwing people over, you sound like a prick just like Dj. Halo was the best game ive ever played, and being so hyped thinking Destiny would be above and beyond that, only to be a lackluster game with no story. So now we must purchase dlcs to get more of the campaign. It's not like buying a book from a series like Harry potter, cause at least you get a sense of what is going with the story and what to expect next, which is exciting to find out what will happen to this person or this place next. Not, what am I doing here, why is this happening, this person doesnt make sense, what is the vault of glass, why is the vault of glass there, why do we have to kill atheon? Who is the drifter? What is she doing? Who is the doctor that had files in the archive about the vault of glass and why was he so intrigued and where is he now? Tower speaker talks about we have to save the cabal on mars. From what? And if we are saving them why are they attacking us? Are the confluxs teleporters for The Darkness original homeland planet? This is so much missing with little to no explanation that leaves people to speculate and well most likely be wrong. You released the game making it seem like its been out for years the way you just threw players in here with no explanation of what to do or where to go or how to play. I get messages daily about how to get past level 20, what is light, what are factions and how do you join? Like really? I was so frustrated trying to figure everything out when I first go it. There was no manual for the game giving explanation on how to play. The tutorial should have lasted longer to give people a better understanding of the game, how to join factions etc. You really dropped the ball Harold and all of the bungie crew. Your going to lose your player base and go bankrupt if you dont do something quick..

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      • The truth about Bungie and Activision... They both need to be sued. On false advertisement alone. The rest is complete bullshit. DeeJ, you're even worse for not standing with the Creative Director. there's a reason he left. What ,did your job get threatened you pussy?

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        3 Replies
        • I am all about repetition, but seriously how can this be considered a MMO??? There are people that have expressed what I would say better then I could. However I have this to say I do enjoy your game the mechanics are great the graphics on par, but the story is what is missing. I ask this how could you not make a better story and I find it funny that most of the enemies feel like I have experienced them in other games i.e. mass effect and halo to name a few. I doubt I can keep with the RNG grind for much longer when games like Dragon Age are looming on the horizon and Advanced war fair are almost here. Sorry Bungie I liked the game play but I feel like a crack addict at this point....3 secs of a high left with hours of regret after.

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        • Edited by T4HPrometheus: 10/30/2014 5:17:18 PM
          I hope someone grabs you and your company by the balls and tears them off.

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          • Edited by scarekrow0420: 10/30/2014 3:02:36 PM
            Ok so most of you on here are very ungrateful that something you wanted is coming out im actually excited for the lvl cap upping the new raid and story mission honestly im happy to hear there atleast doing something why cant you guys stop being blown up pricks and enjoy your gametime at thos rate your all a bunch of children whinning about a toy that needs fixing well they heard so QUIT YEA CRYING YEA BIG BABYS. And please if your going to reply to me dont cause all im gunna hear is BITCH BITCH BITCH NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG!

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            43 Replies
            • Don't buy it if your gunna complain you weasels every game does the same

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            • It's simple playstation is better.

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            • This is enough to keep me busy for a month. Maybe. I'm disappointed.

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            • For the 20$ can a get a few new animals? I'm sure you're not stingy there.

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            • I can't wait

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            • Funny thing is everyone crys about not getting shit on this game I did the 28 night fall last night and got patients and time. Really just play the game guys or don't but bungie could care less if u cry or not its there game they are not forcing any one to play.

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              22 Replies
              • If i pay the 20 bucks for the dlc and they give me the stuff directly, im a happy gamer.. Or i buy the dlc and i first need to play 50 -blam!-ing missions over and over again because i want a -blam!-ing piece of armor! Thats wat they are doing with the vanguard stuff! I dont expect that from a dlc..

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              • Making bottom dollar minimum wage you can afford this game in 1 day's work. A busy working man it will take at least a few weeks to even get one character to lvl 30 (myself, I'm still not to lvl 30 since launch) and I agree it can be repetetive but I can still find fun in it. Although when you live off government assistance and the game is 1/4 of your monthly income because you spend all your time playing this video game I can hardly see that as a problem to blame bungie for...go outside. Sunshine is nice.

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              • 10 dollars would have been better but 20 is ok. Destiny is freaking addicting!! Whyyyyyyyyyy???!!!!!

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                • Edited by just giraffe : 10/30/2014 5:14:36 PM
                  PLEASE RESPOND Will our current exotics with new raid gear be able to take us to level 32?

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                • Is this free? When does it release?

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                  3 Replies
                  • Good job bunjie you fixed pushing atheon of the edge by making him atheon Jesus he walks on air now last raid I did atheon walked almost to the door while floating 5_10 feet in the air

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                    7 Replies
                    • Dear Homework ]....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

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                      • So this is the content you ripped out of the game at release, just to sell it back to us as xmas dlc......thumbs up!

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                      • I'm not buying it but the asking price is fair. $20.00 isn't a lot in today's day and age. Regardless of what you do for a living nearly everyone can achieve $20 for disposable income.

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                        7 Replies
                        • The Warlock armor looks awesome. I can't wait for this DLC! Keep up the good work Bungie. I have never enjoyed a game this much, in my 20+ years of gaming. My only complaint is that I'm still having connection issues, mostly code "bee". Once that is fixed, this game will have nothing for me to complain about. And let's keep it real... the young generation is filled with whiners and complainers, so you know you're gonna hear it, regardless. But most of us are quietly enjoying the game immensely, and I know you can see that fact when checking the overall gaming stats. Just please work on the connection issues! Had a buddy miss out on a potential exotic last night because he disconnected RIGHT AS the Nightfall boss was killed. Couldn't join back in time for the rewards. I've had similar issues happen to me, and it sucks if it happens in a Raid because then I rejoin and I have to pretty much wait for the entire segment to end, or for my team to wipe (which doesn't happen often). tl:dr Amazing game, just please fix the server issues. this recent patch may have made it even worse, please be careful when making fixes. Most common one i see is "bee".

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