[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
The Warlock armor looks awesome. I can't wait for this DLC! Keep up the good work Bungie. I have never enjoyed a game this much, in my 20+ years of gaming. My only complaint is that I'm still having connection issues, mostly code "bee". Once that is fixed, this game will have nothing for me to complain about. And let's keep it real... the young generation is filled with whiners and complainers, so you know you're gonna hear it, regardless. But most of us are quietly enjoying the game immensely, and I know you can see that fact when checking the overall gaming stats. Just please work on the connection issues! Had a buddy miss out on a potential exotic last night because he disconnected RIGHT AS the Nightfall boss was killed. Couldn't join back in time for the rewards. I've had similar issues happen to me, and it sucks if it happens in a Raid because then I rejoin and I have to pretty much wait for the entire segment to end, or for my team to wipe (which doesn't happen often). tl:dr Amazing game, just please fix the server issues. this recent patch may have made it even worse, please be careful when making fixes. Most common one i see is "bee".
New loot, two more strikes, a new raid, and more refined UI & added features, for 20$? Sounds good to me. Most of you have over 200 hours play time, so quit pretending you're not buying the DLC.
Lucky raspberry:P
So much negativity. Why can't everything be simple? If you don't like the game trade it in. Xbox gets to feel the way PS does when it comes to COD dlc. And less people complain about COD..
Ummm...no chance of ordering this DLC until they fix the main game. Hell...they should be giving us this content at no charge!
I'd rather have the multiplayer be fixed before the DLC is released.
Edited by T4HPrometheus: 10/30/2014 1:56:17 PMFist let me say I do like the game. It's got potential. I'm looking forward to the "DLC", especially Crota and some of the new gear. That of which is not copy and pasted and then reshaded... I do believe it was advertised and even hyped up as if this content was launch content was it not? In that aspect alone, it should have been. Would have made for a better experience and a better game. Let alone false advertisement. Unless I'm mistaken. A delay to the release date would have been fine . Too many company's are now rushing product in the name of competition.. Point is, we shouldn't be paying for content already on the disk in the name of "faster. Downloading". Now unlike most people I understand a portion of the DLC is on pretty much every disk and as such, you've got no quarrel with me on that. My issue is the very small amount of content being provided. It could all be completed in a single day. The way it's looks, it's not worth a players time in the long run, unless of course... You toon in after the first few DLCs are launched. But for existing players... What's to keep us in the game? If for Example.. WoT were to charge for every update they added; Ohhh 2 tanks and a map, reworking done to 2 others... The player base would outrage and fall off. Again, the issue is the scale of the content. Any other game would call this an update and release it as such. Probably the reason you never tagged it as an MMO. Bump,comment, like. What ever people. Up to you. Not interested in a heated fight.
I get tired of all the bitching and crying (not all people). It's been nearly 2 months, find another game and quit trolling. If you all would put as much effort into ideas about making the game better as you do bashing the shit out of it then maybe they'll add more to our liking.
Evreyone stop ur bitching if u don't like the game trade it in and shut up people who enjoy the game can't stand ur shit
I could tell you how much I cared about three new story missions or a new raid...
You guys are worst then the CoD community and BF community combined first off Deej is a messenger not a developer second off this is a new productivity it's not Microsoft just lay off stop complaining
Lawsuit time I believe
Edited by RostenToken420: 10/30/2014 4:43:34 PMI have taken the First Real steps in showing bungie what i think - i stopped playing destiny i turned my destiny disc onto GameStop fodder i stopped my PlayStation + account and will never play that trash again and i must say that the ONLY reason im quitting is be cause of Bungies fat ass attitude to its fan base - dear bungie your raid was so easy on -hard- mode that i took it after and wiped my *** with it your formula for raids is trash your strikes are trash of the most common kind dont punish your fan base cause the people higher up got your hopes up b4 launch and gave you all them awards ( for nothing btw ) and when your fan base tells you some thing you get butt hurt and gave us crap - i hope truly there is another REAL human out there who will take the steps i have not that im counting on it common sense is more rare then gold if you still want to play destiny thats fine have at but know ever second you are your taking it in the *** from bungie and if you like background R-a-p-e then thats all you but dont expect anything to change as long as you keep letting the dogs (aka bungie ) **** on the floor and wipe your face in it - :) ok im done now and will never be come back to such a pile of half ***ed formulas and bad coding Blizzard has better ears then you guys abd thats saying some thing huge imo...
3 missions, 3 strikes, 3 maps, 1 raid. But lots of customers are already experiencing burnout. It'd be great if that was November 9th but you're a month too late. How is this with $20? And will it be awesome enough to bring me back after not playing for a month because of the lack of content I'm done grinding for basically everything
When do we get access to the new content?
New armour No way A whole 4 more new bits of raid gear so we can all still look the same when we hit lvl 32 Geeee whiz thanks bungie 10 years of every character looking the same Your awesome Oh and looking forward to playing the TWO NEW STRIKES for 300 time
Stoked for this :) nice job bungie
Seriously expand your sound settings. I don't always want to be on my mic but would like to be able to hear what teammates are saying when I choose not to. Music and SFX volumes need sliders so we can hear what our teammates are saying over it. Seriously this game has been out for a while now and this very simple thing hasn't been changed yet... Wtf are u guys at bungie doing other then locking away most of the game to sell us later?? Guys -blam!- bungie of and play defiance. Its a free game from the PS store and Xbox store I imagine and its more like the game I expected destiny to be from all destiny's hype.
I enjoyed playing destiny (even though the story and maps are pathetically small), but this has really left a bitter taste in my mouth. I thought that the whole -blam!-ing point of the game was that it could be updated and improved on the go, And that it would be free of charge, I am clearly mistaken. This, bungie, Is -blam!-ing ridiculous. I wouldn't mind paying a few extra dollars for new guns or items related to aesthetics, but come on, making us pay for new maps?! That is -blam!-ing ridiculous. The first time I heard about destiny, it was scheduled to be released [b][u]BEFORE[/u][/b] the summer of 2014, I bought the pre order edition straight away. I have waited so -blam!-ing long for this game, and now you guys are selling us HALF THE -blam!-ING GAME?! AND MAKING US PAY [b][u]EXTRA[/u][/b] FOR THE REST?! I have waited and waited for this game to come out, I know that it took ages to make, but honestly, it doesn't seem that way.
I love the game. Though i'm still very disappointed in feeling punished for buying it on my 360 and not my ps3. But alas more Destiny is good Destiny.
Bungie is bending us over a straight -blam!-ing us like dirty -blam!-ing whores , -blam!- you cock suckers ,
DeeJ, this looks sick. Is there a timeline for adding content to continue the main story and flesh out what had already been laid down? At the same time, will that content be free or will we need to pay to finish the story. I'm loving the game so far, but am worried that I'll have to shell out more to get a final product.
I'm not paying a penny more for this poor excuse of a... (*0*) SUCH A COOL PICTURE!!! I'm sold.
Wouldn't Mind having a glimmer vendor in tower whose job is accumulate funds fir tower defense since humanity is threatened. By extinction. But thst would require a in depth story thst progress. Either I have too high standards fir you bungie. Or u just don't care. Either way cod. Adv. Is next Monday woot woot
Bungie, I dont even know where to start. You cheese us out of the full game, take 50% of the intricate story out. Add in a shit RNG instead of an in-game economy. And now you expect me to pay for content that is already on my disc? You literally cheated all of us out of money and promoted false advertising. This games story was a complete and intricate yet you took out chunks and sell it to us as expansions because you are too incompetant to create something else from scratch. I dont care how many 10 year olds you your game to appeal to, you false advertised a game that has been hyped for 2 years just so you can make an extra profit. All of these accusations have been made before and you refuse to directly deny it, indicating that not only are these claims valid but you admit that most of this is true. I apologize for giving you my $60.