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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Bungie, I dont even know where to start. You cheese us out of the full game, take 50% of the intricate story out. Add in a shit RNG instead of an in-game economy. And now you expect me to pay for content that is already on my disc? You literally cheated all of us out of money and promoted false advertising. This games story was a complete and intricate yet you took out chunks and sell it to us as expansions because you are too incompetant to create something else from scratch. I dont care how many 10 year olds you your game to appeal to, you false advertised a game that has been hyped for 2 years just so you can make an extra profit. All of these accusations have been made before and you refuse to directly deny it, indicating that not only are these claims valid but you admit that most of this is true. I apologize for giving you my $60.

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    • this the worst $20 expansion ive ever seen im going to be organizing a boycott of it

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    • Destiny is like a level 100 gold Magikarp. It's cool an all but, in the end it's nothing more than a goddamn Magikarp

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      16 Replies
      • I would pay 20 just for the new raid anything else is just extra to me!

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      • Edited by lazEbonez: 10/30/2014 4:52:33 PM
        Firstly, I just want to say i'm really loving Destiny. So many people are looking at this game for 'what it could've been' instead of what it is. And what it is is still as great game. I know it must be so frustrating to not be able to escape the legacy of Halo as the two games are constantly being compared to one another. I'm not one of those people, I see the game for what it is and I love it. I'm going to support this game. As a vanilla WoW player, I know exactly how much a game can grow with time and I have faith the game will grow. Destiny is still a baby! But I am a minority.. Maybe you guys need to hire another person in addition to DeeJ to handle the community, I can see how overwhelming this must be for one person. You need to show the community how much we mean to the future of this game. Alot of people feel abandoned. You have to acknowledge this mass hysteria, it won't just go away if you ignore it. It will just get worse. Just know there are others like me who have faith in this. Don't become disheartened. But you do need to acknowledge the community. To the community bitching about dlc: Dlc is the ONLY way to keep games affordable today. It takes SO much more work to make games today than it did 15 years ago and the price of games is in the same price range. You can't get everything for nothing. Super mario 64 was created by a team of 15 people and launched at $70. Today it can take hundreds of people on a team with YEARS of work to make a $60 game. Activision may be greedy, but it is gamers of today that are the real greedy ones destroying the industry. How many great devs need to go under before you understand this. I suggest the naysayers to try their hand at development. As someone who dabbles in c+/c# unity 3d and unreal engine, I understand exactly what it takes. If you don't want games to be priced at $ 80+ a pop, I suggest you understand the purpose of dlc. Yeah, it sucks for Xbox players, but that is business. Every system has its incentives.

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      • Part 2 of the whole game will be out soon guys!!!

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      • Titan Journal Entry 1: The First Month of the First Year of Being Awakened by His light: I am awakened. Lungs heavy, eyes burning, ears ringing, muscles stiff. The light of an angel blinds me. The air is sweet here. I don’t have my helmet on. I’m on Earth. My angel is speaking…something is speaking. I can’t concentrate, the sun is bright. My eyes finally focus, I have to squint a bit. The angel appears before me. It’s a Ghost. “Is this real? “ I ask myself. My body is rigid and yet my mind races. Its as if I have been asleep or even dead for a while. The Ghost urges me to my feet. Tells me it’s not safe here. I stand, I feel strong. I flex my fingers, rotate my shoulders, and move my neck from side to side. I feel strong. Rejuvenated. That was my earliest memory of my second coming; since He chose me. I am His instrument of war, His vision of light, His hope. I am…Him? I take comfort in His light. I am safe in His light. I love Him, I kill for Him. I am a Guardian of the light, chosen by Him. There is much I don’t understand and question. I have many questions, all of which I keep to myself. He chose me, but He doesn’t talk to me. What is He? And in turn who am I, what am I? I am a faithful servant chosen to battle the darkness. I have light in me, I feel the light within me. I feel strong. Why do I have to kill to the Fallen? The Cabal? They bleed as I bleed. They fear as I fear. They fight as I fight? We are organic…aren’t we? Are they the chosen warriors of theirs species? Are they like me? I have slaughtered thousands of them. Why? Are their civilizations not as important as mine? Did He chose us and shunned them? Are they trying to gain His favor? I have many questions, some of which are sacrilege even treasonous. I am conflicted and yet I love Him. He gave me light. Am I the light? Each day I grow stronger. I earn a reputation of being ruthless. I kill on site without hesitation. I hunt, I find, I kill, I pillage. Who am I? Titan

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        12 Replies
        • I feel like this should be a $10 dlc. Looking at the amount of content and comparing to other dlcs, such as skyrim and borderlands, I've payed way less for way more in the past.

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        • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Fix the -blam!-ing fireteam chat issues already dam man. Can't even play the raid because I can't hear or talk to half the team always.

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          6 Replies
          • Yay were gonna get more raid boots. :)

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          • Dlc story must read

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          • Giant Knight...called it. Would've been cool if Crota was a Wizard with the sword in hand. Only male Wizard haha.

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          • So first of all I 100% agree with everyone with the way this game lacks so much but there are millions if people logging in everyday playing destiny and at the end if the day they look at the numbers on how many people are stilling playing and if it hits there matrix then in there eyes there doing a good job on it. If you wAnt to really put the hurt on BUNGIE you got to stop playing but if your like me I can't stop. As far as the complaining about xbox this psn that it's the least irrelevant issue right now. The xbox community has had multiple first games and as soon as psn gets there hands on something first it's like the world has ended. There are multiple games that I like to play on xbox and on ps4 so maybe you should get both consoles and I know not everyone can just go out and buy one but if it really mattered to you then you would have both instead if complaining all the time. #justsayin

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          • This is not an expansion, this a 20$ map pack, that doesnt even have that many maps. I was really hoping that the expansions would adress the lack of story, but all we get are 3 more mission. Explain to me how are you going to answer all the feedback pleading for a real story with only 3 mission, how are you going to tell something meaningful with that amount of mission when you give us barely anything at all with all the mission (dont remember how many they are) in the original game. Where are the game changes, new bounties, some other things to do to enrich the game experience. Im tired of doing 6 patrols on earth, killing dregs for their "whatever items". Keep all your pvp maps, instead expand the campaing, story and lore, give us more story missions, things to do. Again, this is a 10$ map pack at best. I would gladly wait and pay 30$ for a real expasion. Hire writers, new developers or whatever that can fill the holes in this game. You or Activision (both, I dont know) are trying to push lack luster dlcs of 20$ trying to get all the profit you can instead of really hearing all the fan base and providing quality content that will keep people interested in the game in the long run. That bread for today and hunger for tomorrow philosophy won`t bring you any good.

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          • everyone start complaining about the game and what failures bungie had made, but they keep on playing the game and i could swear every single person is going to buy this dlc now or in the future. stop lying to yourself and quit playing this game or shut the -blam!- up and enjoy what you already have.

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            2 Replies
            • How about in the future. Just make the game $100 and keep releasing new content. Maybe the extra cash will keep the jobless low life's off the game and forums.

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            • All I can say is Crota better not have his sword back somehow. I already destroyed that -blam!-ing thing, so I'm gonna be pissed if they give it back to him.

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              • $20 DLC? Skryim DLC was worth that much for hours of actual story content, but 1 extra raid/2 strikes to repeat ad nauseam and 3 new maps to ignore will running around to complete bounties isn't worth it. Maybe a new planet or actual story are worth it, but not when we are getting charged the same as PS4 but for less content. I understand their exclusivity, but at a $20 price point, they aren't getting bonus content...XBOX is just getting less for the same price.

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              • Edited by Test the God: 10/30/2014 4:12:34 PM
                GIVE ME A REFUND!

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              • I can't wait till the master chief collection comes out so I can stop playing this garbage

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              • Dear Bungie, ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Copy and paste if you're pissed off at bungie :-)

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                2 Replies
                • Whether the extra content is preloaded or downloaded what does it matter? The travesty is a lack of story and charging top dollar in DLC terms for 2 strikes and a raid to repeat ad naseam. If the game was about PvP new maps would be cool, but PvP is just wallpaper for completing bounties for new gear. I think its a great forumla because its not JUST about your K/D for the first time in a while, but then I don't have stake in the outcome unless my bounty is win 3 crucible matches.

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                • Expansion pack?! WTF REALLY? Why do you do this to us players why expansion packs?i not even going to get the expansion packs can you not do the expansion packs plz :(

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                • Everyone is comparing destiny dlc to cod and stuff but should be compared to borderlands. This game is a very similar style and in terms of that games content we are getting ripped off for the dlc and the game

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                • So i can play the dark below now or still not because i buyd it for a month ago on playstation store #wewanttoplaythedarkbelow

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