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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • So i can play the dark below now or still not because i buyd it for a month ago on playstation store #wewanttoplaythedarkbelow

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  • Its not a good value for what you get and there are coming 4 dlc total thats another 60 euros for an complete game, 125 euros total thats a littel expensive i think. PLEAS BUNGIE AND ACTIVISION STOP SCREWING US OVER. If you think i am going to buy destiny 2... No i am to scared that it is going to be the same profit formula. So pleas give us decent content for our money

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  • So does Xbox get it straight away and we're just missing a strike and mission?

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  • I'm super excited for the dlc it looks rad as shit. I just wanna say that this game is a work of art and Bungie did the best they could and I respect them for this game is. I hope much more DLC is pumped out cause we're playing in the universes backyard. I hope they expand to more galaxy's, or nebulas. The universe is ever expanding so this game should do the same.

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  • They can't truely be satisfied with the game they made. Had potential. Seems like bungie is only in it for the paycheck.

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    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Bollocks to Bungie and bollocks to Activision. They hyped and hyped and hyped this game. 180 plus awards. Youtubers raving about destiny. Reviews saying it was going to be a genre defining game and more. Even the box said it was a vast cinematic story driven game. And what we got was a half arsed game that doesn't know what it wants to be. 10 years? You f*****s think this game will last 10 years? The way this game has been released with its lack of content,diversity,Nerfing of weapons because 10 year olds complain about the guns that you/we spent hours trying to get and the overall lack fun it's like Bungie and Activision really couldn't give a shit about the community or the people that have bought this game. And now there's DLC which isn't really DLC it's just the areas that were hacked off and locked away have now been unlocked all for the low low price of £19.99 and you f*****s think this is acceptable? That's nearly half of the price for a full game! It's a joke. But luckily enough sunset overdrive comes out tomorrow and past that the division and Dragon age so I won't have to play this game any more. It's going to gather dust on my shelf. The gameplay,graphics and music are great. It's just a shame that this game failed so hard and fell so far from the lofty perch it was placed on by us and the media. Hopefully this absolute failure of a game will serve as a warning to not believe the hype train and go off our own judgment instead of listening to some wanker on YouTube who are giving us their bought and paid for review.

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    • An article about how we as consumers should stop buying DLC, and whaddyaknow, the Dark Below 'expansion' is featured front and center. From the article: [b]Destiny was a colossal sales success. However, the general sentiment online is that it’s a phenomenal shooter with a story that feels unfinished. Yet Destiny’s business model will become the norm if we don’t make a stand. We need to make a statement that releasing incomplete products and then demanding that we pay more to complete them is bad business, and should be punished as such. Stop Buying DLC. The only reason this is becoming the norm is because we’re letting it. Join me in making a stand. Stop. Buying. DLC. …That is… Unless Bungie announces new subclasses for Hunters, Warlocks, and Titans. Or if there’s a new endgame raid. Or if they release some sort of fancy hat feature. If that’s the case… well… <shut_up_and_take_my_money_meme.jpeg>[/b] I will not be paying extra money for content that should have been there to start with/should be released as a patch.

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    • Inb4 TDB is just another hallway connected to the hallowed give farming spot on earth.

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    • I almost want to say Dear Bungie, ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... but I am too well mannered to do it, lol. Seriously Deej, come on! This is what we paid in advance for? You already have the areas waiting and yet this is what we get. No Mercury or Jupiter - just more on the Moon. A few more weapons and oh, we can go to 32. Of course you can't get there without huge Crucible playing which puts PVE guys like me on the curb. Can you explain how a PVE person can get to 32? If it is Raid - that is okay with a person like me that has accumulated several friends to play with - but what those that don't? I guess 30 will be a dream forever not to mention 32. Maybe I am seeing this wrong and I need you to explain it to me. What I don't see as a wrong understanding is that Bungie already had the additional content embedded and then spring it upon us as if it is a new territory creation for our add on money. Instead of giving us a new planet like Mercury or Jupiter or Saturn (boy wouldn't that scenery be great with those giant rings in the sky?) we get more Moon territory that was already pre drawn in. Seems mighty weak on your part and doesn't seem to me to be a sign that Destiny will have a 5 year run nevertheless 10 like it has been thought to have. Instead of a multi billion dollar mega hit that will be sustained for 10 years through DLC - it is starting to look like a one hit wonder. You will sell the two DLCs then you will see sales drop off dramatically. I already know friends that have either given up completely or gone on to other games to play Destiny less and less. How can you guys make such a mistake except with short sighted greed to be the explanation? Tell me how hard it was to make this package and how this additional content will help players move on up to actually enjoy all this without being the ultimate gamer. Tell me that if I am not a full time gamer who is 16 with ubber quick reflexes (I am 54 with now dual carpal tunnel thanks to Destiny) can make it to 32 without killing myself by not eating or sleeping. Tell me that I will be able to access this additional content and have fun and not cry because I pre ordered something that I will never be able to use because I am not a good Crucible player or I work full time and can't play 15 hours a day. Give me some hope from your own mouth or email lol.

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    • Destiny will be awesome.... for those that buy the game for the first time a year from now, at a discount, with all DLC included.

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      3 Replies
      • Bumb this for the sake of Bumping everywhere. P.S. 1000 Bumps should suffice.

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      • I'd love to play the new raid but I haven't raided once because you know, no matchmaking.

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      • Since I have already griped about a DLC that I haven't actually played in yet - I will say this: adding missions involving vehicles is really cool and a step in the right direction. We should be able to fight from vehicles. That said, I have also seen many posts about how we should have a weekly mass attack by the enemy with a call out to all Guardians to join together to fight at the walls or wherever. This could involve 3 man, 6 man or all hell breaks loose everyone mission or RAID. This would be AWESOME Deej. It would make the lack of a storyline less of a lack and turn it into something to really smile about. That and opening a planet like Mercury for example should have been this DLC but if you can promise that the next one will have something like the above suggestions - all will be forgiven by me at least, lol.

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      • I'm looking forward to the dlc. I'm a casual Destiny player so you won't hear me crying a river about dlc on the disc already. Most games probably do it anyways. It's whatever to me.

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      • You should probobly get the connection problems sorted out before you start chucking more content at us.

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      • Is this DLC or another weekly update? Where are the planets!? Where is the VOICE CHAT!!!!

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      • Thing is, that despite all the complaints and things, on what the game is missing, some of which I agree with, some that I don't, the biggest flaw I belive which plagues the game got to my attention yesterday, I am an avid gamer and like Destiny (164+ hours so far) the lack of communication, my father who rarely gets in interested in games at all, is a massive fan of Destiny, the man works hard and enjoys the time he gets on Destiny, biggest problem for him is the overwhelming sence of loneliness he feels when playing the game there is a whole chuck on the game he is missing out on. because of this he is losing interest in the world of Destiny, this to me is sad because it's a great game, please for the sake of a lot of player's, sort it out bungie, Thanks

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      • Dlc story

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      • Awesome update stuff all the cry baby's much lookin forward to it, can't affords 20 for dlc? Get a job lol

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by Toon: 10/30/2014 3:47:54 PM
          A message to all playstation users: You may have won with the exclusive content for a year to a game that won't even make it 6 months. But at least we have halo: MC ,Halo 5 and most of the Cod DLCs weeks before you. But on the bright side.

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          28 Replies
          • i'd like to get the DLC, but as an Xbox One user, i'm horribly disappointed in Bungie and Activision. the linked article about sums it up. i had an Xbox and Halo the day they launched, and have been big fan of the series ever since. Halo exclusivity and the handful of Sega devs developing for MS's platform were the reason for my decision at the time; Halo remains as a factor in my decision, this generation, to get an Xbox One. Destiny was a factor in deciding to stick with consoles and not build a PC, as both Xbox One and PS4 are pretty underpowered compared to even a very moderate PC. now, i feel Bungie is essentially telling fans of the franchise they created to eff off. i know money talks and Sony put up a lot of money to get partial exclusivity, but from a gamer's perspective not all the blame can be put on Activision. iv'e grown very fond of the Halo series. i'm not an Xbox or a PS fanboy, and would like to have both systems, but i really can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on a game system when i already own one. i also want to save Cortana and finish that fight - i need an Xbox One. in part, because of Halo. the game Bungie created. because i've become such a fan of a game Bungie created, now i'm punished by paying the same price for less content than another platform?! we get the message Bungie, eff us stupid Xbox players. and eff you too.

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            4 Replies
            • Bungie make sure everything is nerfed before you release it so we all can be disappointed right at the beginning instead of later on!!!!

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              7 Replies
              • When I first started playing Destiny I was upset with all the disconnects, and constant error messages. Things have improved alot FOR ME. Theres always something to do, daily strikes, upgrade weapons, armor, bounties, etc. I doubt there are very many people out there who have done everything they can. I have one character only, with fully upgraded armor, about 7 exotic weapons, 2 fully upgraded. Then theres still a few exotics I want, and I want to start leveling another character. I have to say this is one of the best games I have ever played. Keep up the good work Bungie! No more disconnects please, and add some playable content to The Reef. Also maybe we can actually use our ships in some type of mission, instead of just staring at there awesomeness. I cant wait for new downloadable content, and dont mind paying the few extra dollars. As for all you crybabies complaining about $20, go ask mommy and daddy to pay for it. If not get a better job, because lets face it $20 isnt very much money now a days.

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                20 Replies
                • Sick and tired of having to grind and grind and grind. The games not fun anymore. Waiting for 5 people I know to all be online at the same time to accomplish anything is near impossible. Make match making for daily And weekly nightfall and vog already. How hard is that to implement already. Just do it. Everyone wants it. Also stop nerfing things. Bungie you wanted us to exploit and find new strategies to beat your game and we do, and a week after you change it. What's the point of a so-called free range game. You're killing the fun and I'm tired of it. Never buying anything from this franchise again. Halo and cod is what I'm sticking with from now on. If only u spent more money on making a solid game then on marketing maybe this could have been "legend".

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                • The level cap need to be higher if you want this game to carry out as long as you hope it's going to! @bungie

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                • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Is there a trailer on this. I think a sneak preview on this dlc would be awesome cause it looks fun af

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