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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Is there a trailer on this. I think a sneak preview on this dlc would be awesome cause it looks fun af

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  • So I guess my money is not worth the same as a sony players money in bungies eyes? Same price on both consoles yet we get less.. SO why don't you sell it for less? No because you are a bunch of greedy effin pigs.

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  • You guys are a Little late to the party I'm already back on ff14 MAG was a better game then destiny

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    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] seriously.. Not worth it. The full game lacked what it was advertising. This is just cheap schemes making consumers pay more for doing less work. Work which was probably already complete.

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    • Good dlc in my opinion don't listen to these crybabies they are little kids and don't know how business works so keep it up Thumbs up

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    • Destiny doesn't have enough entertaining content? I beg to differ.. Without destiny.. I wouldn't have all these silly comments, complaints, stories, rants and such to fill the low parts of my days with laughter. This community is too funny. I will be buying this dlc.. And enjoying the game further on my playstation. I hope the butthurt ppl feel better... You were wronged. Enjoy your halo.. Pffft hahahahahahahaha

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      Woah, is Crota a human turned hive? Awesome!

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      • I don't care about all the bs you been pull with your bs up not only the raid with have more issue.Now with you guy trying to get us to play destiny the way you want us to but with this previous up my connection been s**t. Stop trying to shut us down fix the connect first take your time fixing these exploit. For a 500 million budget game so where did you guy put that 500 million into false advertisement come on get your s**t together.

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      • Destiny is amazing. Truly. But it is rather repetitive with every strike being being the same thing. Adding another planet would be awesome and would help out I'm sure. I don't think the crucible should really be too much of of a concern. This is more of a story type of game. So make the story better. Just do fix atleast 10 in game problems a week. Instead of like 3 things at a time. Step up your shit bungie. You make good games. Show the people that. Don't leave massive gaps in the story and loose ends. That will screw you. Also every single person that has awn xbox -blam!-ing hates you 10 times more than everyone else. Oh. And everyone that has the vex mythoclaust also. -blam!- you Haha. Fix your shit. I also still love the game.. just getting a little bored.

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      • Roses are red, Our fanbase is blue, But we've got their money, So S-T-F-U.

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        4 Replies
        • How about before raising the light level, make the drops on the raid fair. Hell, ran it ten times without ever getting a single piece of raid gear. I'm especially salty because we back-packed a 26 through the raid last night and guess what!? Out of our whole party of raiders, the person who gets rewarded is the lowest level and his first time running through. That's kinda bunk in my opinion. However, yes I am looking forward to new gear/raid/strikes and such. So December will be nice.

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        • To all the pussys who can't stop cry in to bungie about this game... stop fing the game play up cause u want to cry about every thing not going your way.

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        • Edited by Sir MAL1CE: 10/30/2014 4:21:13 PM
          Thanks DeeJ I love the cover art! I am excited this will be refreshing. - MAL1CE

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        • Don't see why people are kicking up a fuss about more content being on ps4 than Xbox. No one kicks up a stink when Xbox get all the goodies as that is down to the companies to fight for the exclusives PS4 wanted destiny exclusives more then Xbox. Same way Xbox wanted Fifa exclusive more than ps4. Just simply wait until next year when it's all over

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        • This is another post that starts with Dear bungie And ends with fvck you.

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        • Bungie - Why are you punishing the end user because of their platform choice? As an Xbox One owner, this type of treatment does not entice me to purchase a PS4, rather it pushes me to not purchase your products. What a stupid marketing decision.

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          7 Replies
          • Most of this "expansion" exists on my console hard disk from the momment I installed destiny. Bungie/activision expects me to pay an additional $20 to access this gameplay? No, im not biting. This whole model of selling finished gameplay in peice meal fashion under the moniker of "expansion" is kinda nefarious, a sneaky money grab IMO. For dlc to constitute as an expansion there needs to be something fundamentaly new added; new game mechanics, classes, areas, etc... Really? 3 new crucible areas, a strike (2 for ps4) and a few story misions on the moon? The only bright point in all this is the new raid. That could be glorious, not $20 glorious though.

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            3 Replies
            • Dearest DeeJ, Ignore the haters; 'cause, you know, haters gonna hate. But seriously, I'm so excited for this DLC, and if it stands up to Destiny thus far, it's going to be many more late-night hours spent in joy! Yours truly, A loyal (and fact-loving) fan.

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            • Few things.. 1) So is crota the guy at the bottom of the page? meaning he is most likely just a oversized knight? 2) I really hope there are new challenges in the missions/ stikes/raid, instead of just sticking your ghost in computers and doors, shooting whatever is on the other side 3) Does this mean the tower is going to expand since there is a new npc?? I hope its that big door across from where the speaker chills, I've been wondering what's back there

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            • "We are finally giving you this on disc DLC for the low price of $20 even though you already bought it with the initial $60 purchase!"

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              4 Replies
              • The Dark Below Add-on $9.99. Sure.

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              • dear cod noobs.... stop bitchin and crying and keep playing... this game just came out and yall already asking for more and more shit... they will add more play lists and modes over time... im a lvl 30 warlock beat raid 15 times already and counting.... psn id carlitoswaypr... if someone wants some help with raid hmu.. im also have an idea where the 6th chest is.... all i say is PLAY HARD

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                18 Replies
                • so since this is already installed, we're just paying to unlock it? awesome. and -blam!- you

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                • When I buy a game, I expect to own the game. All of it. This is the gaming equivalent of lost of some other bullshit tv show. The first bit is good, and they'll continue to milk you until the drivel they keep pumping out becomes boring and people lose interest. The only difference is, you get to pay for the privilege. I only play this because my mates are. I find it repetitive, most people skipping most of a level just to get to the end and hope for something decent in the reward. Nothing remotely fulfilling. On the off chance you get some decent gear, prepare to dredge through the same area, over and over to get the gear to upgrade it. Unfortunately this is how most games are going now, buy the game, buy the add-ons. If the game was free and you paid for the add-ons then fair doos. Just on a last note before my rant expires. The people who say I've beat the raid 9 million times and it's many times did you use the exploit? I'll bet at least once.

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                • Dear Bungie, ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Copy and paste if you're pissed off at bungie :-)

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                • Edited by DIRTy: 10/30/2014 3:20:08 PM
                  So I just read an article that said Destiny numbers had already seen a drastic decrease since launch. This is a HUGE sign to Bungie...or should if they have any business sense left. Let me give you the low down. With a decrese in player numbers barely 2 months after launch with 0 competing titles as of yet this alone should tell bungie that something is wrong. Ive stated it before but at this current rate Bungie will have to scrap Destiny in a couple more months. Why you ask? 9 out of 10 comments on ALL post are of people who are upset and say they will not get dlc. So say half of those go threw with that. Do you think Bungie who is already lossing player's with no major titles out yet can survive when 50% of players do not get dlc. Then when other games start to launch do you think the remaining will stick around when half their friends are gone? How will you do raids or strikes when you have to wait HOURS to find a team?! That is how mmo's die. If players leave and most of the content is team based how will others complete it?? The answer is they can't so when dlc 2 comes out no one will be left to play....and then. ...R . I . P Destiny EDIT: would also like to add that Destiny has already went from the top5 games list to #8 on ps and #10 for xbox. With nothing to compete against. ...thats pretty bad. EDIT: not gonna argue with any fanboys or trolls. By the end of Q1 we will all see what happens. Then you can all hear me say "I told you so".

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