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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
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  • Edited by DIRTy: 10/30/2014 3:20:08 PM
    So I just read an article that said Destiny numbers had already seen a drastic decrease since launch. This is a HUGE sign to Bungie...or should if they have any business sense left. Let me give you the low down. With a decrese in player numbers barely 2 months after launch with 0 competing titles as of yet this alone should tell bungie that something is wrong. Ive stated it before but at this current rate Bungie will have to scrap Destiny in a couple more months. Why you ask? 9 out of 10 comments on ALL post are of people who are upset and say they will not get dlc. So say half of those go threw with that. Do you think Bungie who is already lossing player's with no major titles out yet can survive when 50% of players do not get dlc. Then when other games start to launch do you think the remaining will stick around when half their friends are gone? How will you do raids or strikes when you have to wait HOURS to find a team?! That is how mmo's die. If players leave and most of the content is team based how will others complete it?? The answer is they can't so when dlc 2 comes out no one will be left to play....and then. ...R . I . P Destiny EDIT: would also like to add that Destiny has already went from the top5 games list to #8 on ps and #10 for xbox. With nothing to compete against. ...thats pretty bad. EDIT: not gonna argue with any fanboys or trolls. By the end of Q1 we will all see what happens. Then you can all hear me say "I told you so".

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    101 Replies
    • I'm on xbone and many of these other xbone players embarrass me..

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      • Yay I'm so excited! :3

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      • Lmaooo smh at all the cry babies v.

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      • How can she have Hive ties and still manage to be sexy.

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        • Ignore the haters who won't be happy no matter what you do Im very much looking forward to this

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        • Hey DeeJ. I've got a few questions that are probably gonna break off into a bit of a rant. Now I'm not getting mad at you directly, but at bungie as a whole. I've recently heard that when the dark below hits, play station users will be getting not only 'The Dark Below' content but also an exclusive Raid and Exotic Weapon that will not be available to Xbox users until a later date. Is this true, and if it is then why? Because honestly as an Xbox user who paid $100 friggin' dollars to preorder this game just like many other Playstaion users, I'm feeling like I'm getting ripped off here. I've paid for your product, and then I paid for it to be expanded along with MANY others. So with that being said why am I and thousands of others only getting half the package and then waiting for the rest, when another group who did the exact same thing as me get the full deal straight out the gate. I was willing to turn my head when you give Playstation the those weapons because they weren't a major piece of content to me but now they're also getting more story and gameplay than us for the same price as us on Xbox. This is very upsetting and alarming to me since it puts out the message that holding back content from the Xbox is going to become a norm for guys.

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          60 Replies
          • This is why I got the Limited edition (besides how cool it was) games like these live on dlc, that's just the way an ever expanding game is going to be. I understand those that have a problem with that but considering 2 expansions were announced before release it should have been kind of obv

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          • please make level cap higher than 32! 32!!!!!

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          • Bungie, I would like to say that I am a fan of the game who is very pleased and impressed with the overall platform. I do have an idea that would enhance the "teamwork" aspect of the game. On the tower there should be a lounge or gathering area where guardians can go sign themselves up as a free agent for fire teams seeking additional players for the raid or either weekly/daily heroic missions. This way if you are a single player guardian that does not have a ton of friends that actively play the game, then you have some sort of avenue to at least team up with with other guardians that are looking for additional fire team members. It could be as simple as having a guy like "the speaker" that is posted up in one area of the tower and you can go to him if you need additional players. Just an idea! Overall great game so far

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          • Crota looks like he is holding a glowing easter egg....yum

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            • Wow 3 story missions I will finish in 30 minutes pvp I rarely touch and a raid I won't get into unless u implement matchmaking. People say matchmaking fails but using the option, u know the risks associated with pugs and can choose wether to fill your party with randoms off a forum or in game at the press of a button. I'm gone if matchmaking at top level is missing.

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            • Enough said here anyone catch wind of this

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            • Clearly you kids that keep comparing COD to Destiny are complete morons. This is an OPEN WORLD game. If i'm not mistaking, games like Destiny have only existed for PC in the past, but we finally get the opportunity to experience it on console (aside from final fantasy). COD only gives you guns and maps for almost $20. It doesn't give you new story missions or character upgrades or multiple new weaponry and armor, it simply gives you maps. And i'm sure plenty of people will agree that those maps are complete ASS! COD Ghosts had possibly one of the worst map packs in the history of gaming. They did so poorly with it, COD AW had to revert to their best mechanics and create a "new" COD that clearly replicates Black Ops II with extra stuff. Some of you kids are blind when it comes to the gaming world, when some of us who grew up on Atari, Colecovision, Nintendo, etc. understand the mechanics and appreciate them more than others. All you guys do is "gimme gimme gimme" this and that like babies instead of enjoying the game for what it is, if not stop playing it, BUT you guys are so addicted YOU CAN'T STOP playing it can't you! Every game needs tweaks here and there, nothing is ever perfect! And I'm almost certain, even after AW releases, Destiny will continue to dominate the amount of players logging in once December hits! And stop being cheap for $20 bucs you little -blam!-ers, I'm sure a good percentage of you guys smoke that away on weed or drinks....just like me :) minus the weed

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            • There is no doubt destiny is a very very fun game. But fun only lasts so long and that's exactly what is happening in destiny the content is on the minimal side, and looking at the content of the dark below it's the same again very little content for a nice juicy unjust price. I love destiny but waiting for this dlc and seeing how little there is to keep me ticking over until the next dlc, so bungie if you want to bring the fans back you need to up your game (literally) more content for the pretty steep price you are offering.

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            • Price is 2 high for stuff we should already have in the game. Now i know you CAN'T make it less pricey cuz you sold season pass to people for 35$. But still this is a realy big mistake AGAIN. And i won't buy the dlc until its on sale or whatever. I Will still play the game now and Then but getting Fcked in the ass over and over again is just like being cartman in southpark it aint right. I hope this game is a big lesson for bungie.

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            • [b]Bungie[/b], [b]DeeJ[/b].. I mean.. I am just in awe at this point. Announcing this expansion, really seems just like a kick in the dick right now. I'm not trying to hate. I'm sure Bungie has goals and deadlines to meet just like any of us. And for what it is (a very pretty.. but very standard Shooter), Destiny isn't a horrible game. I have enjoyed it for the most part up to this point. [b]But...[/b] Announcing this expansion shortly after what was apparently a widely unpopular patch, with players continuing to have connection issues while you offer no direct feedback to the feedback in relation to the changes made this week. Not to mention the laundry list of other issues, complaints and suggestions that you (Bungie) seems to have no aim to address ... No community response, no efforts to appeal to the masses.. No [i]Bridge Building[/i].. as indicated. Of course this isn't the first patch where Bungie has made large, seemingly unpopular changes, while providing zero feedback to Gamer feedback... Other than to say, we are reading your comments, taking them in .. and discussing daily. Without of course.. providing any actual feedback to specific points or requests that anyone has had so far, sure some comments regarding them in News.. but vague responses only without of course a time frame. Soon.. is not a time frame. Is this to be the norm then [b]Bungie[/b]/[b]Deej[/b]? Is this part of the [i]10 year Destiny plan[/i] Making changes without addressing the [i]community[/i] ..other than what you post in your typically short (inadequate) weekly update? If so, i believe Destiny will continue to struggle to find a home in the hearts of the larger community of us [b]Gamers[/b]. Myself included. And with new titles releasing over the next two months for both Consoles and PC Gamers.. I believe your poor decisions thus far... Will [b]soon[/b] have a resounding impact that even [i]you[/i] will find hard to ignore. . while you continue to forge your own future with, Destiny. Sincerely, [b] - Gamer[/b]

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              10 Replies
              • So after reading this I'm done with your game, I gave you until dragon age to show me why I should carry on giving you money and didn't even last that long. What your offering for xbox Is a joke. You get nothing more out of me. Hope everyone else enjoys your £20 pounds worth of new content.....

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                • wow could not have written this any better very nice well put together and not rude what so ever. I really hope they take this into consideration funny how you mention the tower being raided that's exactly what i was talking about with my fireteam the other day its a brilliant idea and i don't think it would be to difficult to put together. there are 1084 comments as of now when i add this comment if this was a petition it would be very influential i cant see where bungie is going in the future of this game but as where they are now i have lost some key fireteam members i played with since day one made it to level 26-27 with the same party i met at the tower or along random strikes when i started and i understand why they have left but i have hope for this game as it seems you do as well and many others. Bungie you would like to take this game further for years to come but your loosing countless players daily with the repetitive and lack of imagination you gave this game. I do agree it still has a massive amount of potential but you choose to make players wait for the expansion for months and i hear now xbox has to wait a year. I am a ps player but i still don't agree with this. I would recommend you take our voice and this post into serious consideration PVP is owned by Call of Duty and a new one is due to release you should focus on what makes this game stand out and similar to the tower idea and the focus on gaurdians banding together to take on and defend humanity not battleing each other in a small arena which is fun for "sparing" you need to focus on new strikes not 1 or 2 it will still seem repetitive after we beat them for a week we will fall into the same feeling we feel today. please bungie hear our voice and make this game what it was ment to be i wont give up but i no longer want to feel disappointed in you.

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                • To all haters and "I don`t buy this shit"-user: So what? Just stop playing the damn game and stop wasting your and our time in the forums. I`m so pissed of all the dumb comments. Go play Tetris!

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                  • The dark below dlc sounds great and all with all the stuff you'll be getting but I'm a full on MMORPG player and really when you know it's right is when the game is released and later on the other parts it begins to unlock just like the plants you had to beat earth/cosmodrome to unlock the moon then beat the moon to get Venus and so on. That's an example of things being done correctly from the beginning of the game and which I still think if bungie can fix some of the bugs and all that his bizz then the game might be perfect! Just like how we create a clan which shows how much we support destiny and for all the updates/patches that happen you should at least compensate us!(total off topic). But bungie so far great game not dissing or getting up in your grill and stuff but you were heading in the right direction with the planets and all that...great thing right there now just all you have to do is recreate it again before you lose more profit because at thee games release your cumulative profit sky rocketed which is fabulous but if you release a dlc not already on disc then you cumulative profit shall soon decrease as well as your APA(active player amount) cause some people can't afford everything like say a 15 year old which I'm 15 and I understand and right now trying to get a part time job to earn my own money And get what I truly want. And also you have so much potentially to fix the game by adding in more planets that you unlock once you beat the raid maybe like Jupiter or Saturn because we get grimore cards for them and yet we can't go there so add those in if you can even a trading system and you can redeem yourself like 69% and you shall see your APA increase and even your profit by other people buying the game you've worked so hard on. And really the potential some of us see in this game is great while others see it as trash and isn't worth the money but truly it is and just fix it and you shall see once you do you will see your APA increase to where you servers have to be increased ion a bigger holding capacity of APA and a bigger terabyte storage with the cloud server based technology. So please if any of you read this fully you shall understand where bungie went wrong and could easily fix so which shall be good for the whole destiny community and on behalf I'm speaking for my entire clan as well so thank you and everyone have a good day/night!

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                  • Honistly guys... Destiny is a great game to play and waste a couple hours. I don't get why people saying playing the same thing over and over again is boring because when I'm playing I'm always talking to my clan mates and they make the game so much more fun to play and talk to. So when I'm doing the raid a couple times a day I don't get bored at all because talking to my buddies online make it so much more bearable. So stop complaining guys and just enjoy everything you get out of destiny. And stop being such a critic geez....

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                    2 Replies
                    • I'll keep this brief because I've had my say on other threads today, but just want to add my voice to the long list of disappointed gamers. However, I don't blame Bungie as I'm sure any decision (of which there have been many) that has negatively impacted Destiny has come from the greedy bastards at Activision. I'm a little bit disappointed in myself that I bought the limited edition, otherwise I would've given the 'expansions' a wide berth in protest. Milking gamers dry is a shitty practice that has to stop. Less content for more money. Maybe someone needs to remind these 'suits' that lack of consumer confidence was a factor in the video game industry crash of the 1980's.

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                    • Here the story

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                    • I am super excited for this!! I can't wait to expand on my journey through this epic universe you have created! Keep up the good work! This game is a journey and I'm excited to see where it leads.

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                    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]funny how Xbox guys are all mad when they're not the ones getting exclusive content windows. Hello 6 years of cod and battlefield maps. I think it's about time the tables turn a little. Go play your titanfall

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