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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • 'Build on your legend with a modicum of new weapons, armor, and gear if you're on Xbox. Complete most new quests and missions. Take your Fireteam into half the cooperative Strikes of PS owners, but you get the Raid. Take your competitive spirit to the Master Chief Collection in 2 weeks.' Fixed your press release for XB owners.

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  • People need to think before saying stupid sh*** Destiny is NOT an MMO it is a first person shooter with a campain and multiplayer it just has more to do. Every FPS will have a dlc. It is an addition to the game its NOT part of the original package. They didnt even say it will be part of the disk. So buy the dlc like you would for ANY OTHER GAME. Or shut up because you cant understand how destiny compairs to other games.(FYI most games dlcs are the same price for only a map pack or only a slightly longer campain... Destiny gives you both)

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    14 Replies
    • Pfft, ill be getting my full refund for this piece of shit as soon as the -blam!-in game store door open. This game is garbage cant believe i fell for the hype. CoD was always a batter shooter anyway. Lead story writer bounced on yall dumbass and still made money off this. THATS why u dipshit wont explain that shit to us. Removed gambling mechs which went along with the loot system that prevented players becoming op which coincidentally explains the stupid ass glimmer cap because the trade of weps through gambling or trading with other players could mass produce glimmer, which WAS the main currency for factions until CoD put this pvp idea in your dumbass heads and u went for it why? cause you had no story writer, and didnt know how to finiah the story, so you decided to rebuff pvp and thus changed all faction currency to crucible marks and capped the glimmer and reduced usage to minor vendors only. And since you were refocusing on pvp the use for pve elements got downplayed, sparrows, ships, On planet maps, HuD, THEN by listening to bitches about pvp you -blam!-ed it royally. Balanced all stats except for the weps, so If vex did 300dps and you only had a balanced health of 300 just like everyone else, guess what? Ohk. Dumbasses. Then you change shotgun to a ? Its useless, i understand its overused but what? Shotgun pointblank to the face but no death? Uhm...ok? THEN u change the raid because people beath it with a strategy...and a team, wait...wasnt that the goal? So you changed it so that people would have to quickly adjust and think on their own? uhm, ok? Then you want people to do it constantly for a random result? uhm...o...k. BUT all this could be ignored, we knew what for. Ill tell you. The Speaker is working FOR the traveler(duh) No, the traveler is the darkness the speaker is its herald, the black garden is the inside of the traveler where the Vex Work to maintain the darkness(oh so traveler bad) We are the people who are supposed to help bring the traveler back, but unwittingly stumbled upon the truth(this part cut out put in dlc) Therees more and i dont know it all but this story was chopped qnd screwed by bungies collaborators who felt more money could be made by seperating the finished product into dlcs, and forcing teamplay, but in order to team play u need psplus, hence the excllusive content, xbox dont get this cause well, most xbox players have to pay for xbox to access internet anyway, so most likely you guys have to wait because they need to figure out a way to make you pay MORE for the dlc(ouch good luck). In the end....-blam!- you bungie and your community manager whom you hired to take the downfall for shit like this when it happens in the forums. And -blam!- you Deej for being a two bit sellout, for some change. Dirty ass. Im out. lmao. <~This

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      46 Replies
      • Ha... Love this game but if this is how the dlcs are gonna be, I'll pass no way I should pay the same amount for my dlc that psn players pay for theirs and I get less content. Piss on that Master Chief collection is comin out anyways. To those of you who may take this the wrong way I do not dislike the game, the game is a shit load of fun and I love the raid and crucible while on launch it didn't really bother me that psn players got exclusives, I don't think every dlc they should get exclusive content. Leave a negative comment if u like but u will be blocked.

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        • I can't stop pimpin

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        • Dear Bungie, Can you please fix the servers? I'm playing it on the Xbox 360 and I'm disconnecting every 5 - 10 max - minutes. I cannot complete a strike, a game of crucible or even a mission without disconnecting due to: Monkey, Sheep or even the occasional Weasel! Please fix them as soon as possible. Not just for my sake. But for yours and everyone else's. If you don't fix the severs, less people play, game becomes less popular, you lose money! Sincerely, Derpy X Mage

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        • I like everyone else liked the game when it came out but as i keep play i grow to dislike it alot. If im putting 100+hours into the game i wanna feel like im making progress not running into a wall. One prime example is trying to get lvl 30. I have ran the raid countless of times but yet still haven't gotten all the gear to be lvl 30 but my friend has did the raid 3 times and got everything and has not even put in half the time i have. So to the dlc no says I. I don't feel like put in the time just to have someone pass me all because this game is random. There should be more rewards for plays that put in the time and have the skill.(ex: pvp you can have the highest kd on the team and the one who dose nothing gets the awards There is alot they can do to make this game better and i can sit here all day and say what i would like to see happen but sadly it wont im just one voice and one lonely voice counts for nothing So to all who still like playing to you i say have fun i myself will be moving on

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          2 Replies
          • Just saw the forge mode for halo mcc looks so cool cant wait!

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          • Can't wait to play the dlc hellmouth get ready

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          • I think the real question is is it really worth it (to us gamers)? Destiny (I'm betting) is a complete game and they gave us a quarter of it and plan to slowly sell the rest over time, while they make an xpan. Showing favoritism to Sony check book cause of Microsoft miss hap, that's where u can fully see there true colors. True color is....... green. 343 was founded for the ppl that loved the game and wanted to see it be something great. Destiny. .... they love green and they want to see your wallet get -blam!-. (I'm sure there are ppl working on destiny that really love the game.) Now don't get me wrong, i love destiny! But look at what we have bought so far and what they want us to buy. I mean really, how many of u can really say that the story mode took you longer than 20hrs on hard! Now what other games can u say that about ( don't forget to put it on hard, and no pretty pretty princess games). They say they listen to us. How many of u had the errors fixed just to come back 2 days later if that? How many of you have yelled, cried and bitched about the game in some way or another and they fix something random. I could tell you of the great battle, but I rather make u pay for me to tell u the story. I'm betting by this time next year most ppl that have chosen to stick it out (aka, fool your self in that it's going to get better soon) will have dropped about 200$ on the game. No way right? OK how about 100$ a year in content, over 10 year's. ...... everyone at bungie could retire by then. All on a game that reminds me of president Obama (think about it) I know I'm no English major so I apologize for the horrible grammar. Best of luck. Kradxxx, X 360

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            • Y'all realize all of your other precious MMO/RPG games that come out with such "enormous" expansions do so, because they are $60 up front, then you must pay a monthly subscription and then pay for expansion on top of that. So to complain about this is pretty petty. How about everyone donates $20 a month to Bungie and then we will have the perfect game. Until you're all willing to do that, stop complaining. Constructive criticism is welcome, but the negativity, name calling and dramatics can cease.

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            • Oh my god cry babies... keep up the awesome stuff bungie

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            • Show us that you're not in it just for the money... Give us some kind of free DLC with new content, not some iron banner or queen's wrath which is the same content named differently. Show us that you care about us, the gamers, and trust me, you will be greatly rewarded. "Making a AAA game was never meant to be easy."

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              8 Replies
              • Edited by CaptainBak: 10/30/2014 2:36:16 PM
                To all xbox player, Yes am also surprise to ear that we are getting less then playstation, but it is not a thing to cry about, we been getting dlc before playstation for how long now? We took it as granted and now it's are turn to wait, so now, pick your controller and get your guardian ready for what's to come, because I have the feeling that this game is not going to get easier! See you all online! Captain out!

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                6 Replies
                • Is this guy Crota? Basically I'm just holding on to this game to either Kill or team up with CROTA who sounds like the ultimate badass.

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                • Awesome!

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                • Is that Crota?

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                  • Hey crota i see all that water around you... Sure would be a shame if someone pushed you off;)

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                  • Not worth it for Xbox. Maybe for $15, but paying the same as PS4 and getting less is crap. Allowing them to pay additional for additional maps because of the exclusivity I'm fine with.

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                  • Enjoy fan boys

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                  • Anyone wanna help me do the raid tonight? Probably around 8pm Mountain time Lvl 28 Wizard, I'm on Xbone

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                  • I don't normally post in forums, but what the heck. I have 11 days and 15 hours of my life devoted to this game. I like it....a lot. That being said, I will admit I am bored with the game. Many of my friends have stopped playing it. So I am constantly soloing the dailies and the bounty missions. I had zero intention of ordering The Master Chief Collection because I had anticipated playing this game for the next 6 months nonstop. Well last night I pulled the trigger and preordered the Halo collection. I will continue to play this but definitely not at the level I do now. I will admit that I am in the same group of people who enjoy the raid and have found it unnerving that the priority to randomize the portal group and block the cheese method, took precedence over fixing the teleportation bug and shield going down bug. Problems that plague the raid, rather than non-problems that unified a team into roles and using ingenuity. I have no problems with weapons being nerfed and buffed all the time in order to make sure everything is relatively fair. The things that have upset me most are issues such as the Queen's Bounties and Iron Banner. When players began using the dismantling of armor into shards as a form of farming for armor upgrades it was decided that this was not what was intended and thus it was nixed. Guess what? No one played the Queen's Bounty Missions anymore. They completely dried up. We were promised an Iron Banner where our armor and weapon upgrades actually meant something. "Just kidding! We don't want the level 7s to be left out of the Iron Banner so we leveled the playing field." It sounds as if this will be improved upon somewhat in the next release, but still not to the level that the players themselves want to see. We want an Iron Banner where a level 30 with a 300 dmg Shadow Price will trounce a level 20 with a 257 dmg Shingen C. Just make matchmaking smarter, so they don't get thrown into the same servers. Unless of course they are coming in with another 30 in their fire team. Then they can learn their lesson the hard way! I REALLY wanted (and anticipated) to play this game (with a little BF4 thrown in) exclusively for the next year. Until Halo 5 is released at least, but alas after 2 months I am finding myself convincing me to jump in and get those dailies done so I don't miss any shards or energy! I am hoping it gets better. So much potential here.

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                  • I spent 2 hours last night with 3 different groups only to try to beat Atheon on normal as I have the checkpoint. Did not succeed once, not one time did we manage under half health. Very disappointing because I then had to back out and spend another 15 min AT LEAST finding another group of tards who couldn't do it yet again. Please add Ques for Raid..the more players you push away the harder it is to find a good group to run with. You got me til November 18th then GL with this crap, better more fulfilling games will be available

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                    23 Replies
                    • No words for the amount of disrespect we, your fans, are being shown by

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                    • Overpriced for what u r offering.

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                    • I don't care if you don't read this bungie I just have to vent my rage. Your game is an enormous price of shit I bought it thinking that it was great and original I have already stopped playing. I was waiting to see about the dark below to find out whether or not I was selling it. I have come to the conclusion that you have joined activision in its pursuit to nickel and dime the world into submission. You have lost all of my respect and future purchases as well as money from countless others. You reap what you sow.

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