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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • I don't care if you don't read this bungie I just have to vent my rage. Your game is an enormous price of shit I bought it thinking that it was great and original I have already stopped playing. I was waiting to see about the dark below to find out whether or not I was selling it. I have come to the conclusion that you have joined activision in its pursuit to nickel and dime the world into submission. You have lost all of my respect and future purchases as well as money from countless others. You reap what you sow.

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  • Anyone wanna do the weekly on 28? I'm lvl 28 Titan defender, PS4 PSN: Vortexile

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  • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] For all of the playstation nation we should be lucky that we are getting these exclusives. X box wont get these for awhile. I know that we all dont like them as much as we should but we have them and x box doesnt. This is a great game and one of the best i have ever played and its even better because a company that made an XBOX only game has come over to the playstation nation. Calm down people its just 20.00 dollars. If you dont want to pay the price then dont. Dont complain about it.

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  • so to cover there ass they say only 1 new strike

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  • Edited by Bad suka: 10/30/2014 3:41:14 PM
    You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game You're ruining the game

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  • Bungie is trying way to damn hard to -blam!- everyone in the ass, to make up for this constant disappointment after disappointment I say we should get some god damn free content and not new bounties -_- because apparently that's "new" content

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  • Nice, the absolute bare minimum for a dlc and you guys pull it off. Congrats. 3 story missions, 1 strike and 1 raid. That'll keep people happy for 4-5 months for the next batch of bare minimum shit.

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    • This is bullshit bungie. Your gonna make the new DLC that we have all been waiting for strictly for ps4 that's total bullshit and on top of that your going to make us wait a whole -blam!-ing year for the DLC?!! That's ridiculous people are already getting bored with destiny and to keep us entertained with your so called "new generation of gaming" product you need to make it available for all platforms because if not call of duty is gonna take the lead to be honest as a loyal gamer for destiny and xbox I've already put my preorder in. Me compared to every other xbox one user is gonna do the same because destiny has lost it's spark. Smh think again Bungie...think again!

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      • What did some of you think you was gonna get for $20, a whole new game? These are billion dollar companies for a reason and it's not because they give away things for free. For those of you trying to compare destiny and borderlands are quite ignorant, 2 different types of gaming systems to begin with, you want to compare anything wait until battleborn drops, it's borderlands for the next gen systems made by the devs who did borderlands and if you think there just gonna throw a massive amount of dlc at you for a cheap price think again. Games have become more expensive to make on these new systems, no company is gonna give away free content. You wanna see a message board blow up wait until gta drops, everybody thinks there gonna get all kinds of free stuff with it but all it is updated version with very few extras that most will wish they didn't waist there money on.

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        • I think the thing that kind of sucks is the end-game gameplay. The current raid, Vault of Glass, is really fun; don't get me wrong. However, take my 29 warlock for example. I have Epilogue maxed out and Ice Breaker maxed. These are the two main guns I use while on the raid. I have one exotic armor and raid boots. I need 2 raid pieces of armor to hit 30; no other legendary gear will help, so no reason to waste shards. So, I log on, do the raid once a week (normal most of the time, hard if I find a group), and then I don't need to log that character until the next week. I'm still working on my 27 Titan, but that is getting close to doing the same thing. I have exotic armor but need 3 raid pieces; might as well just wait until they drop instead of grinding to 29. I think Bungie has a strong game up until about 27 or 28. Then, it's basically a waiting game until you have gear even capable of reaching 30. I know the Iron Banner is supposed to have 30 gear and I'm sure the DLC will as well. However, I think this alone is one of the reasons for a decrease in player activity.

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          • [quote]Dear Bungie, ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Copy and paste if you're pissed off at bungie :-)[/quote]

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            • So much for me getting any sleep.

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            • 💦💦💦 HECK YEA

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            • Bungie, you had more love back before you gained your grudge against Microsoft. Looks like you hopped from one anal probe to an even bigger one with Activision leading your finance team. I don't imagine anyone expected to pay the $60 for Destiny, just to throw down another $20 every few months to get the content that should just be regular updates. Payed content expansions should be massive additions that take up as much time as the original, not a cap increase and an extra raid. Even free to play games do better than that with their free expansions and you guys are suppose to be better than all of them...

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              33 Replies
              • Bungie eat shit and die. When a company (I.e Bungie) get a taste of success like you did with halo you lose touch with your roots and the innovation and creativity that made you so successful in the first place and start shitting out garbage like this game. Destiny sucks!!!

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              • Watch that Mr./Mrs. Developers. What I wanna know Is why is the game so repetitive? It's like everytime I switch to my lower level characters I have to do the EXACT SAME THING allllllllllllllll over again. And I don't just want 4 planets witht he same level concepts. I wanted an actual story. Like an offline mode, or something not te exact same thing but with stronger and different enemies. I want like a survival planet where you actually have to build stuff, (Like weapons, armor, shelter, etc) and you start off with nothing but your fists. Or change up the stories for different races not just the dialogue of certain parts. PLEASE DONT JUST IGNORE THIS. I paid 60$ for this game and I enjoy it. But i am damn tired of redoing the same damn levels, the same damn way, with the same damn feel, and the same damn outcome. I WANT VARIETY. I seriously doubt im gonna get te dlc because it's most likely the same exact shit as the moon missions. Answer the community, don't just say you will. I respect Bungie, I have ever since Halo, but come on... Why disappoint us with this game!? We all got our hopes up but get 4 planets that are basically the same, crucible (which is fun) which low levels have to go against damn level 20-30's (why isn't there a matchmaking system where you are pinned against the same levels?!), and the SAME GOD DAMN STORY FOR EVERY RACE... Just listen to the community before the game becomes the flop that is on its way to becoming.. [spoiler]Don't get your hopes up. [/spoiler]

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              • Dear Bungie, I play a lot because there is nothing else out now. Rest assured though when Hardline comes out I will such Destiny ablaze. Maybe make it so you don't get booted every 4 minutes all people will play. Sincerely, OMG iiTz Jesus P.S. Lick my balls

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              • I would rather you just sell the full game at $90 than dupe me into thinking I bought it for $60. I mean, I know I'm a sucker but I don't need you to point that out to me. My gym membership already does that each month.

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              • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] "stars can't shine without darkness and I see s*** ton of hive" -Senorpotato

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              • Hey DeeJ, We're excited about it at my house... It shouldn't be long before all the whiners finally quit and the rest of us can enjoy the game.

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                11 Replies
                • Edited by RealSKIN: 10/30/2014 3:40:30 PM
                  To all of you guys who keep crying about being 20$ than don't fcking buy it. No one is forcing you to play destiny nor buy the expansion. You bitching on the forums about how the campaign wasn't good enough than make your own fckin game. you guys hitting your pants in the forums won't change anything …… oh and so what you xbox dicks miss out on a strike, it's only 20$. Nobody cares and you posting in the forums isn't going to change the contract bungie has with sony.

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                • Edited by Hawksey79: 10/30/2014 3:29:59 PM
                  The Dark Below sounds cool to me. Keep it up and keep it coming i'm properly addicted and I do think the game is getting better and that you are listening to gamer feedback. And on that note... Dear Bungie, please can you fix error code bee as a matter of urgency- I would like to experience what the crucible is like just once without being kicked. And... why does searching out relic iron and etc have to be so repetitive and boring? Apart from that all good. Thanks

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                  • Ok who's ready for a ride in sparrow type whaaaaabulance? Btw who gives a shit about price and gaming, didn't y'all enjoy it just like Black Ops 2 or soon to be AW, I did whether pissed off/getting pushed off edge by a friends. PlayStation sucks for one reason for xbox user's can you guess why........ We have our own bandwagon with patience versus what we'll be seeing on Call Of Duty Advance Warfare. Get ready for this monster uses destiny for training purposes only.

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                  • Bungie, I understand Microsoft screwed with you with the whole halo franchise. Who hasn't been screwed over by Microsoft at some point? But to punish Xbox users and throw all your love to Sony while extending a certain finger to Xbox users is getting old. Enough with this exclusive crap for Sony. Guns and gear I don't care about. But extra content for free? So Xbox users pay the same for less content? Remember how it was Xbox users who even made destiny possible because we gave you money for your product?

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                  • Edited by Dredgen Six: 10/30/2014 3:28:58 PM
                    Just..........why? I already memorized every enemy spawn & movements in every damn strike. Its like like purgatory rolling the damn boulder up the hill to have it roll to the other side so i can climb the hill to get to the boulder to roll up the hill only to have it roll down the other side. Again & again & again & again......shakes head.

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                  • So Hunter's new Exotic helmet is basically a Helghast complaints here. Anyone know if Xûr is gonna sell these new exotics?

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