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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • So Hunter's new Exotic helmet is basically a Helghast complaints here. Anyone know if Xûr is gonna sell these new exotics?

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  • Sorry but im with a lot of people on this, the content you gave us was really not worth $60 in the first place. I play the hell out of destiny more than most people, but its pretty sickening you already want us to pay you more for something that should have already been realesed when the game was out. And not even now its December... lol so wtf do we do for another month..

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  • Am I the only one who pre ordered the game on the playstation store, and didn't get the expansion pack. Because thats just messed up.

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  • Bungie, when you made Atheon teleport random players instead of three farthest, you pissed us off. When you fixed our little Atheon ledge gig, than you REALLY pissed us off. Get.a grip on your game, Bungie. Instead of making changes to every little thing you see wrong, listen to your community and make changes they'd like to see instead of making us mad at you cause you fixed something, cause you were bored.

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  • Goodbye destiny advanced warfare next week you are going to lose half your supporters see ya

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    3 Replies
    • The weapons, armor. and ships look amazing.

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    • Please for the love of God, turn off the comments for a little while. These essays about "betrayal" are ridiculous. Go over to Reddit/r/Fireteams for a large, generally happy-with-Destiny community because if you're like me, this place is horrible. The people here who say they've been around since day one and are "true gamers" are the original people who first played Halo matchmaking and obscenely called 12 year olds -blam!- for no reason - so remember what kind of "true gamer" you are - you persisted an Internet gaming culture of racism and bullying. I love Destiny, wish it had a little more to start with but no other game gives you that much DLC for $20. Stop. Complaining. /rant

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      74 Replies
      • Awesome deej.... Props to whoever made the art for that page looks great...looking forward to being at least 29 so i can jump into the new raid fresh with no spoilers or exploits... Keep it coming...i know im in the minority on the forums but as long as you guys keep pushing out new content ill keep coming back

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        • I have never felt so ripped off by a video game before. And I paid $60 for Bulletwitch....

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          • Joke DLC for 20 bucks. Not worth the money nice job sucking again bungie. This is a joke amount of content way to little.

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          • I just want to know where the proof the all the additional content is on the disc. I'm just saying because there is an empty shell of a map in the game it doesnt mean they put any content in those zones.

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          • What I want to know is why here in England we have to pay £20 where in America it's $20 doesn't budgie have no concept of exchange rates or just trying to extort us at every opportunity?

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            • I just have one question im not complaining but is it true that PlayStation gets an extra strike and exotic gun that Xbox doesn't from the new expansion and if so then why does our Xbox expansions still cost the same amount?

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                I can't wait! But please buff the Thorn before the expansion pack!! Thanks

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              • Can't wait to see all the bugs (like when a player is in match making and is sent to a DLC map that they do not have, and gets KTO while leaving the team short a body)

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              • yeah we get to go to the moon for the millionth time. Not nearly worth money.

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              • Edited by MisterManMuffin: 10/30/2014 3:04:54 PM
                The way they'll be releasing content in tiny bits for absurd amounts of money got me thinking about this 10 year plan Bungie has for the franchise; Destiny is purposefully not a full game. I'm not sure if anyone has discussed it in the forums, but I've come up with the speculation that the 10 year plan is just ONE game. The combination of Destiny, Destiny 2, and Destiny 3, are just ONE game that they're going to milk us for. It would explain why a company known for creating unique stories suddenly flopped hard on content and delivery, because they're going to make us pay $200+ for a essentially one game. This DLC is just horrendously light in and of itself, that it doesn't justify $20 each. Call it evil genius, but in this technological age they are taking advantage of releasing lackluster content; they can just patch it or force us to download content that should have been in the game to add to the so called experience. I have a sinking feeling Destiny 2 and 3 will be of the same caliber of Destiny, filled with patches and DLC that make it their game and not ours. Of course, this is just my opinion from what I've been observing but I don't think it is so far fetched; Bungie knows exactly what they're doing, knows exactly how to hide it, and knows how to make us think we can change it.

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                1 Reply
                • This stuff isn't new. I've been playing this crap for weeks. It's all already on the disk, you just have to know how to unlock it.

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                  6 Replies
                  • I was excited for this, until yesterday. Xbox users already go screwed out of one strike, but now two? Should I expect more PS exclusive content for House of Wolves? And all of this shit is exclusive for a -blam!-ing year? What the hell?! If it weren't for the fact that I bought the Limited Edition, I would not be buying this DLC.

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                  • Can people really not report a problem or opinion without it turning into a war of whose right and whose wrong? If you want to have your issuses looked into then how about try working with other players to try and figure out the cause and maybe a solution. Bungie is not turning its back on its fans. They are working to fix as many problems as they can for the overall good. They are still people though, and because of that they will not be able to fix every single problem the moment you have them. On top of that. Would you even want to help someone who constantly bitches and tells you how terrible you are? I wouldnt. But for some reason Bungie still does anything within their power to make the best gaming community they can. Those complaining about not having anything to do... Open your eyes. You claim that its the same bounties and missions every week. Well guess what. Other online games such as Call of Duty and Halo have the same exact campain with different difficulties and maybe a skull modifier for halo. Did you complain then too? Test your skills in the crucible if you find yourself with free time but dont devote yourself to it 100% of the time or yes you will get bored. But thats your own fault not Bungies. The reason you claim to have nothing to do. Thats because you constantly do the same thing. You make the game into a daily routine just like work or chores. Mix things up alittle and you may find armor items and weapons you never knew existed. For all the rest, this is one of the only massive online multiplayer games for many consoles. Instead of staying isolated with your own bounties and missions, communicate and help those around you. There is always someone in the tower, russia, or anywere else that could use someone willing to take up arms with them in an attempt to become better guardians so they may be able to do the same one day. Lastly i would like to ask everyone, instead of spending all of your time and rage insulting the devepors as well as their teams. How about you take the time to appreciate and maybe thank them for all they have done, and are continuing to do for all of the players out there who simply want to be the best. Yours. Sklez Orbital Recon 1

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                    3 Replies
                    • Why are you lot punishing Xbox players?

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                      • Is it out now

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                        • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Tbh all I want is more content and more to do and have fun with. I feel destiny lacked all this and story and really community and PvE completions and events, so much could of this sniping could of been avoided at the start by incorporating more at the beginning... I feel like just holding back on this dlc, because of lack of and price of the content... I wait at that round door in the tower hoping somthing major and big will open up soon. I want more because there wasn't any from the start. I do hope you bungie are sitting down really thinking about the near future and how and what big things you'll bring to the table soon, as I believe, like the 1000s of wire I have collected and can do nothing but hang my self with it. Such is your destiny

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                        • They can kiss my ass if they think they're getting my £20.

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                        • Dear bungie, I love destiny, don't listen to all the people who are complaining, it's a great game.

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                          32 Replies
                          • If you are really complaining about 20$ get a job, I'm gonna buy and I'm gonna love every minute of it.

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