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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • BUNGIE . Hope you tested this new DLC.if not i can see cheesing this raid in 10 min with 2 players .one more thing when are you going to add A CHAT system ,or some kind of e-motes to communicate with other players faster.The way it is now i go to the tower and Sometimes you get one or three invites.what the hell are this invites for. this is BULL SHIT.some kind of e-motes or chat to gather a raid, or Your in a raid and none of your friends are on DESTINY you use the chat system to invite someone to the raid. COME ON BUUUUUUUUUUGIE!! or are we whining and crying to the wrong company. or does ACTIVISION WEAR THE PANTS IN the GAME, you said in Guardian radio you didnt want players patting you on the back. LOVE ALWAYS YOUR Guardian

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  • I have already abandoned COD for the repeatitive nature of the gameplay; 10 + years of "Follow" and multipler that is stale (Black Ops 2 tried very hard to be different) - Bungie do not make the same mistake, or you will loose more fan base to other great games coming out (Evolve, Rainbow Six. Dying Light, Dead Island 2) ... you have an oppurtunity to make something REALLY nice here - listen to the fans fix the "drops in the VOG". This is the TOP of everyones list; fix the raid gear drops. I played the raid on hard (havn't completed it yet), but have completed the checkpoints up to Atheon - every drop was energy or shards (all of them, on hard ... REALLY guys ..!!!!!) I could play a few days in the wild and on dailes and get the same amount of shards as the raid on HARD; WHAT ..? Why do I even play the raid then, it isn't about being fun or the thrill of raiding it is about we have families, work, and school - period. It is the hardest thing for a family man to get a few hours a week to do a raid and get nothing from the experience other than doubles of already collected gear. People WILL stop putting the time in this game if the rewards are not there (juice worth the squeeze people). I get much more enjoyment from the patrol missons (even though they are grindy BUT FUN) than the raid but I'm stuck at level 29 if I do that. I wanna have fun and you shouldn't punish me for wanting to fun-play the game I paid 90 dollars for huh ..? honestly if it wasn't for the patrols, bounties, and Crucible the game would be a dud. Not to mention you feel no purpose at all to "SAVE HUMANITY" and are completly alone unless you have a group of friends to fill the void. Here ya go, quick fix - make gear drop everytime just like the Queens missons. Even if they are doubles at least we see gear drop everytime and know that our turn is coming eventually; but I have raided many times with no gear drops AT ALL ..! We understand you are busy and we have seen you guys fix really important things (that have made the experience better - THANK YOU FOR THIS ... Please consider the raid drop system next - for that much time and cooperation "Raid Set Gear" should drop every game on Atheon. After reading the comments below, I understand that I am not alone. As far as I know the raid drop for completing the entire thing is "Chatter White" have seen it 8 times ... Some random guy asked me the other day in the tower "hey bro what do you get out of the raid' I replied "A White shader called 'Chatter-white and laughed" he said 'really thats it, why do I wanna do the raid for a shader ..?" - I was thinking exactly ... With 215 hrs in the game and a firm understanding of how every element works and I am still a 29.5, something ain't right bungie...

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  • Ok Bungie, heres the thing, I've stood by you this whole way. I was always shaming the haters, and upset when people complained about the game after putting hundreds of hours into it. and i still stand by my stance, and will continue to do so. I was there defending you when people complained recently about the atheon fix, and how it broke and exposed a few other bugs and glitches. I get it, I work in the IT space, and totally understand that things break, and you guys have honestly been amazing for fixing major issues very quickly. So dont worry about those complainers, they dont understand that technology isnt full proof, and code doesnt write itself, and bugs dont fix themselves. I get it and you have my continued support and thanks for amazing speed and attention you give us. Instead of continuing in detail about all the hiccups and how im still there with you, long story short; I get why things happen, im thankful for how you have responded so far, and im still there with you in full support and trust. However, today I'm experiencing some interesting emotions that I havent felt for a while. Today I feel that feeling when you know a relationship just took a turn for the worst, and you know that it may not last. This is an emotion i havent felt in a very long time, as I am quite happily married to a super rad chick. But I feel these emotions today, and a bit of betrayal to be honest. In no way is this an attack or the rambling of an entitled brat that didnt get what they wanted out of a gave (despite hundreds of hours of play time) I feel to hurt and betrayed becasue tomorrow (friday the 31st) ($payday!) i will be trading in my 360 to get an xbox one so i can play with my best buds. and im pretty sure that exactly this kind of thing is what you wanted us to get out of the game. the community, and people say its not there, but really it is and even stronger when its your close real world friends to enjoy saving the human race with. But im so deeply hurt because of this DLC content. I'm about to spend a lot of money on a console, then a lot of money on DLC over the future year, to get half the product. I understand DLC exclusivity, totally get it and am okay with it. But giving me less content (considerable now) for the exact same price seems unfair, giving it to me in a month or so would even have been fine by me, once again the exclusive thing i get it. But a year into the game youre finally going to give me the content that i payed for?? With two large companies handling this game, how did not one person (and heres where im looking at you bungie) raise their hand and say, ummm, i think this is really going to piss some people off, are we sure this is a good idea? i know activision is largely to blame for a lot of the problems that have happened, but where is the artistic and community focused bungie i knew even a few months ago? So why am i paying the same price for this DLC if its 2/3 of the actualy product? what other market works like this? hey, can you mow my lawn? Sure it will cost you $20 That sounds great! okay sweet, so ill be back in a year to do the other 1/3 of the lawn okay? ___ see how that does not honour the consumer?? its just flat out unfair... and so bungie, im wondering and would really like a response because i think it would dictate how many players think of you going forward. BUNGIE, are you going to keep to this method for every DLC package you put out for Destiny? if so please give us fair warning now as xbox users, because if so, after all the dlc releases, we will actually be missing over a quarter of the content. do you think this will make us hold on that year to play again? no, because we would have done the whole endgame by that point. so please Bungie, maybe DeeJ, actually respond to my question at the end here, because i think a lot of us would like to know how, and deserve to know how you plan to treat us xbox users, because i feel unfarily treated (and a little discriminated against). and cant fully understand why I have to pay the SAME price, for less content for a year. so once again bungie, i would highly respect a thoughtful response into this question. Respectfully, A faithful to the end fan of you and this game NATEMCWN

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    7 Replies
    • Edited by eNDeR2851: 10/30/2014 3:03:02 PM
      Deej , how will your servers handle players with the DLC and players that hold out from buying? As an Xbox user that is being rubbed the wrong way by announcement I will probably wait for it to go on sale (if still playing by then) and want to know if I will still be able to play with friends that have the Dlc in crucible and older game content like strikes and vog

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    • Short and sweet letter to players and makers Players You ask for a lot huge ass lists with unrealistic wants and too many of you want everything for free unacceptable! Makers You are hearing all this and you keep taking the game in the wrong direction I'm yet to read people saying more crucible or more crucible content quit trying to recreate the wheel with pvp I think the game will suffer your players are looking for the best coop exp out there and you are so close

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    • It would be nice if Xbox players weren't shafted for a whole year. Not sure if I'll still be around.

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      2 Replies
      • Dark Below sounds sweet and I don't mind paying for dlc. It makes the game more expansive and fun. It's too bad that Activision got involved and made Bungie change Destiny, but it is what it is. I love playing Destiny so I will most likely get this dlc. Thanks for the fun times Bungie.

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      • Anyone else actually looking forward to the DLC? I can hardly wait!

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        4 Replies
        • Well .. Now. Practically no story content . I'll play the damn expansion Bc I bought them but I'm moving over to dragon age where they provide the player with an actual novel to keep is engaged. Not this flimsy piece of crap that a ten year old could have put together and surpassed . Shame on you bungie

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        • Okay, I know a lot of us are angry and disappointed at this game right now, but come on! This actually looks cool. I'm definitely looking forward to this dlc. And yes, I know it was probably cut from the original game and overpriced, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a quality item. Let's hope this starts to revive this game, stat.

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          2 Replies
          • I feel let down bungie. Im going to trade my game away. All you want is my money.

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          • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Fu€k you bungie piece of shit sniff my di€k which is filled with aids

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            14 Replies
            • Still with the exclusives to ps4/3 bungie what the heck!!!

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            • Edited by VapeValis: 10/30/2014 3:49:45 PM
              After playing Mass Effect 2&3 on Playstation 3 I then decided I needed to buy an Xbox 360 so I could play Mass Effect 1 as then at the time it wasn't on PS3 and I wanted to play the whole trilogy!! I would say MGS & GTA are my favourite ever games along with Mass Effect... I never got into Halo as I was a late comer to Xbox and there really were enough games to play already having both consoles... Now I have just PS3 & PS4 and so far I've enjoyed what I've played. Watchdogs was alright for a week or two. COD Ghosts was alright for a weekend. Wolfenstein was Awesome and FIFA is a better shinier game. Oh yeah and Last of us looks beautiful. I've had Destiny since day 2 and played it almost every day for at least an hour or two. I'm a married working family man so I play as often as I can. This week I've been sick from work and played a lot more and this week I've noticed the Grind more and more. I've been trying all week to get from level 25 to 26. I think I'm just 1 light point away from levelling up. Every item I get is less the light value then I have already. I now understand what people are saying about the endless Grind. I just want to level up and try VOG! I love this game but it needs more story for sure. I wanted this game to be an open world Mass Effect maybe I'll just wait for Mass Effect!! I Hope this sound like a ramble anyhow I love this game and like many of you I want this game to be as good as it can be... Good Vibes Guardians I meant to say I hope this doesn't sound like a ramble! Cheers y'all

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              7 Replies
              • Can't wait for ac unity

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              • ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

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                11 Replies
                • "12/9/14" Make that '15 for Xbox. Thanks, Bungie.

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                • I'm not buying the new dlc for destiny because there ripping us on content. One raid ,three new missions and three new maps. It should be three raids, 20 new missions and five or ten new pvp maps. The reason why I'm saying this is because the game was incomplete and they premised a bunch of content. Also, everyone beat the damn storyline in a day and the side mission were very repetitive. BUNGIE AND ACTIVITION STEP YOUR GAME UP!!!! 😡

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                • It's an interesting dynamic. I work for a living so I can buy a game that doesn't work, then I go back to work so I can pay for the DLC that may not work either. I get dc'd constantly on my one day off and Bungie says they're working on it, meanwhile I get bored of Destiny so I go back to work.

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                • Are you -blam!-ing kidding me?! #destinyisofficiallydead

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                  2 Replies
                  • Destiny is a box of never know what your gonna get.

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                  • So does that mean the raid gear at the moment is going to be useless??

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                    12 Replies
                    • Seriously. Second comment now. And I haven't seen a single person mention how unfair those new levels are. If it was taking your guardian level from 20 to 22. That'd be fine. Atleast my vault raid gear would still matter. But no. In order to be level 32 I'm just gonna have to get rid of all this raid armor I earnt and upgraded. It's useless now. So is the vault of glass. Why play it when you have as much chance at exotics in this raid and then the chance at level 32. Way to make the vault pointless. Way to make your game pointless. Literally every thing every guardian on here has done in their game, Just became useless. They just can't see that yet.

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                      49 Replies
                      • Damn quit bitching. It seems like that's all people do on here. Every time I open this app all I see is people whining about something. If you don't like the game then stop playing it trade it for another game that won't meet your expectations. I'm mean shit they are trying to please everyone but bitching about it isn't going to help. Try making suggestions instead of snide comments. Bungie keep up the good work I appreciate this game it's been fun. It's a great way to spend my time and get my wife pissed at me because I play it for hours at times and it keeps the -blam!-ing kardasians off my tv haha. For that I am thankful. Forget the haters keep up the good work.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Can't wait for this update

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                        • Hey Deej, Xbox exclusive stuff isn't fair, I think it should be nerfed. It's time to put all the power into the Playstation so that PS players can hang onto exclusivities of the past in defense of the same game we're all currently playing in the present. Thanks for letting us all become legend, even if it's years late. *sniffles with tears of joy*

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