[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Hey Deej, Xbox exclusive stuff isn't fair, I think it should be nerfed. It's time to put all the power into the Playstation so that PS players can hang onto exclusivities of the past in defense of the same game we're all currently playing in the present. Thanks for letting us all become legend, even if it's years late. *sniffles with tears of joy*
Simply not enough content to warrant a purchase.
Will Xbox one have any exclusive content or guns this go around? Seems like ps4 getting all the love Xbox made u bungie :P
Is this out today??? Can we play it now or do we have to wait??
I can't wait for this ! New light lvl 32, new gear and weapons ! Can't wait ! All who don't like this and wanna complain all day like little girls, stop playing the game and get off of this app ! Posers
DeeJ first off QUIT CALLING IT AN EXPANSION, it's nothing more than on disc DLC. Second, perhaps y'all should fix what you guy -blam!-ed up in the past patches before you can talk about the future. Third, enough w/ the spin on this damn crap, its still well over a month away. Are you guys seriously THAT hard up for cash you need to market pre-orders now? Desperation is a smelly cologne there DeeJ
Man the new halo looks sick
Yay only a month and a week more of the same repetitive stuff everyday til something new.. Yay..
It's a very short video, definitely watch if you want some insight on how corrupt Bungie is. http://youtu.be/ybSm_wJ8slg
Deej, this is underwhelming at the least. We peorder a DLC that was already in the game but not activated then learn that no new planets open up for our money. Mercury? ??? Why not??? Because of greed. Greed which will turn what could be a ten year love fest into the all time one hit wonder of games. You are also short sighted because in the long term you leave hundreds of millions on the table. Loyal players would continue buying DLC packages ad infinitum but not the way you are going. Not to open Mercury for our already paid money to give us just more of the same is disgusting. This is coming from a player who has spoken about this game to nearly everyone I have met. I am a salesman who sells luxury goods. While not exactly luxury, games are not cheap for families today and to rob us like this is terrible to say the least. You OWE us more and at least an explanation.
when is it coming out
Is she(Eris) wearing the Lucky Raspberry exotic chest piece? If so could that mean she may be or have been a guardian?
All you who are QQing quit or go away. Don't play then. But don't post a manifesto omg its a game. Maybe you don't know how a MMO works or how MMO starts out with limited content. No one cares your gun got nerfed or your helm has 2 less light. We don't like it but it's part of balance in a game. With that flame on you bunch of whiners
But bungie you guys need to fix the raid I was on atheon last night for hours an couldn't beat him becuase of glitches. Big glitches
Can't wait (=
People who are hating on Destiny don't even realize that only 20% of the whole game is out right now and your bored?? With a huge project like Destiny its no surprise there is only 20% of the game out currently. Give Bungie some credit for even getting some of this game out to us instead of rushing through making this game and making it shitty. Just have some patience with Bungie and once 100% of the game is out we the players will then have more options on what to do and can experience this game in full once the full game is actually out. I also have learned by setting goals for myself while playing Destiny is a good idea such as: farming 200 of each materials, beating the nightfall strike, obtain each exotic weapon and armor for my character type. By setting goals i have opened up a way to not be bored with this game. The only issue i find myself having with Destiny is all there error codes when my internet connection is perfectly fine on other games and hope Bungie fixes these issues. Otherwise I am finding myself enjoying Destiny.
We need specific story related missions for factions. Don't you anyone dare say that's what patrol is for...lol. I like each faction and have 3 characters in each faction. From my understanding: Fwc is preparing for a perpetual war. New monarchy is trying to reestablish a government to rule all. Dead orbit does not believe the current and main supported path of resistance from the darkness. Dead orbit wishes to turn survivors into a migrating populous through space. Give us missions to further their agenda and make it so our actions change this dead, repetitive world. Oan yall should def do a better job of explaining through great story telling who crota is and why we should care. I know it was mentioned throughout the lackluster story play through...but I would assume you turning Crota's lore into another repetitive strike mission, or no to low reward story missions, or into a raid that takes 45 mins to find a team or whatever would not sit well with the millions still trying to give this game a chance. All you will do with this new content is give us more checklist material that we will have to either upgrade through farming, playing the same missions over and over, or crossing our fingers and hoping we get great loot on raids. Here is some advice. Most other great games with added rpg elements, they have enough content to play through that will level your character or their armor/weapons while playing the story unfolding content. The case with destiny is the opposite. Destiny does not have enough content to effectively level it characters and gear, therefore it's players must do repetitive tasks to get a leveled character. The added story missions for factions is just one idea to add content that will further level up characters and gear.
Edited by WR JoE x: 10/30/2014 12:37:19 PMQ: So bungie, how'd you manage to create all this DLC content from scratch, a month or so after release of the title, aswell as keeping on top of updates and hotfixes? You must be working so hard... A: We didn't! Imagine the final product as a loaf of bread. we baked that loaf a while ago, and now we are selling it to you in slices, buttered with a bit of filling. We all know a sandwich will sell for almost as much as a loaf ! Enjoy >:) Ps. We see you all complaining but it's too late bitches, title sales and preordered dlc already made us rich!
I agree with most of the comments. Although, hearing people complain about the "pushing" technic on the Atheon fight makes me laugh. That isn't really a "strat". It's a bug in the game lol. If you guys can't do the fight otherwise, then I have bad news for you guys....you suck at this game.
Thank you!!
i think the whole thing has been handled in the wrong way,funny how bungie made all their money through xbox with the halo series,now thinks it's that big it doesn't need us anymore,the amount of destiny copies being traded in at my local game store (i'm sure it's the same all over the uk) shows that the gamers have given up,if they want to make back the money they reportedly spent on this game they need to re-think the policy on dlc and content,so this time it's only a raid,and we may get it in autumn 2015 but by this time there may not be anyone playing on xbox and if the budget is running short are we going to get stiffed yet again and end up re-paying for something we have already paid for,after all 12 months is a long time and not all will remember they paid already,bungie has let down all of it's loyal fans on xbox and that will be hard to regain,this is definately a case of biting the hand that feeds you,hang your heads in shame because you have disappointed a lot of people
The last us remastered sounds fun right about now nothing better than sneaking behind someone and stabbing their throats. severing the jugular and making them shit themselves
I've spent the last two hours reading these comments ( not on purpose) and I feel both sides of the argument are valid while I think destiny is lacking in a lot of ways it's still semi-new and like all new games it takes time to get them right I won't be getting the dlc for the time being until I see what the game becomes later down the road
I'm looking forward to a DLC to freshen up the content of Destiny :D
Not even going to play this BS when GTA V and cod advanced warfare came out
Look at games like Superman 64, Big Motha Truckers, or E.T. on the NES. All great games, that didn't need DLC. Although, I really want some spacehorse armor...