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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Look at games like Superman 64, Big Motha Truckers, or E.T. on the NES. All great games, that didn't need DLC. Although, I really want some spacehorse armor...

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  • How dare you bungie... Selling me quality entertainment that I will probably play at the very least 10-15 hours for $20!!!!!! $2 an hour? For one of the best video game's DLC's in recent history? How dare you make something that I both love and is cost efficient. But for real though, would you care to put all of the playstation exclusive content on xbox right quick?

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  • How long do we have to buy the expansion pass, will it be sold seperatly for a greater price

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    • If we have to spend 20 dollars for only one raid and strike each time. Everyone get ready to spend around 500 dollars then just for content that should be free.

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    • anyone reads grimoire cards and notices cards for 2 more planets :)

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      • Edited by normanholsworth: 11/12/2014 7:46:28 AM

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      • Bull crap ps players get more for the same price halo 5 is gonna shut destiny down cause of stuff like this!

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      • Edited by DIGS_T: 10/30/2014 2:31:23 PM

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        • [quote]Dear Bungie, ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Copy and paste if you're pissed off at bungie :-)[/quote]

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        • Looks like an other raid I won't have to time do.

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        • 3 "new" mission maps( who will be played like all other missions yet, on the same planets, same start point, go there, scan this, kill waves, mission complete.) 1"new" strike( which is on earth, same map as patrol elsewere, recycled strike like all others, go there, kill that, place ghost for to open a door again, go there, kill end boss. Am not going to buy the dlc yet right after it come out. I wait like 2-3 days and watch the forum and lets see what people will saying.

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          • Edited by kinobleemeister: 10/30/2014 2:36:29 PM
            I find all of this quite strange. I love destiny when it is at its best, working with teammates to conquer raids, PvP and PvE- Its an awesome feeling. But there are still huge fundamental issues with the game that need sorting without the typical bungie 'introduced soon' response. We as players need dates and times, and yet I keep feeling that although you listen, there is an aura of vagueness in your response which alienates your player base. The gunplay is beautiful, the attention to detail fantastic. But where is the clarification on matchmaking for raids? The exotic tweaks (for my vex which is ludicrously bad for a high tier exotic), the iron banner? Yes I know you have said you are working on it and its coming 'soon' but give us dates, please! Having just played a lot of games with my buddies in PvP and doing good it made me realise how broken the loot system is- in about 3 hours and many matches no one got a legendary or anything, on either team. Just blues and the like for other characters. We had some awesome battles and close fights but their is no reward for good play. This is the same every time we play in skirmish. The strikes are getting seriously tedious now, and this brings me to the main point-pushing DLC when their are many many issues with the base game is just going to wind people up. We get a Halloween head for this week, yet it doesn't work on anyones character I know and renders it completely redundant. Please sort the basics out before dealing with superfluous issues like this, its a nice thought but its not properly implemented and should be the last thing on the to-do-list. And yeah- I still play the game a lot-because with a good team and when the rewards do come it is one of the best experience I have had on any console. Please listen Bungie. Please. B

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          • Have one thing to say f*** you Bungie and Activision.

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          • Im super excited to know what is in the blog. But it is still blank on ipad. Please fix your app.

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          • Has anyone here given thought as to why we are only allow one exotic armor and weapon? Simple because you will pass the already limited level cap of 30. So this is what Bungie is going to do. " They are going to allow you to equip more than one at the same time to each slot armor and weapons, but knowing bunging track record. This isn't going to not come with some sort of catch. The game simply doesn't have enough content in every aspect and area of the game period. Weapons and Armor not going to be far off from each other but a simple power boost. Same shape, handling, upgrade talent trees and version (1.2 - 2.3 etc). We will keep on getting green engrams drops even after you reach lvl 50 much less 30 & 32. Enemies at way lower levels will cause damage to you even when you are at those high levels, but you couldn't cause any damage to them when you were a lower level than them. And I am speaking mainly for PVE because we all know the Crucible is a waste of time and PVP will keep on getting better while the PVE will be left behind. How many more years of the same PVP type games do we have to keep on getting. No matter the super ability or what ever PVP will and shall always be one thing only and nothing more. They release this DLC and yet none of the classes has the same amount of armor gear sets. "I guess thats an over sight on their part." But great give the gamers something else to complain and be pissed about. Right now Bungie you guys are on a tin tin thread. Any thing you missed to please gamers will be pointed out. Your game will go through the finest thin tooth comb ever!! Why? Because of your lack of attention towards the gamers, but more on your pockets and what you want to do. Granted some changes you all made made sense, but others had no reason to be done. I have yet to see the reason why the hunter class became so weak. Why did the upgrade talent tree for that class had to change so much. Example: 1) A perk to cause enemies to explode from Golden gun shot. (nothing more than a visual perk) 2) A perk to cause penetration from the Golden Gun. (The gun should penetrate its a DAM SUPER!) 3) A perk to give me more range. (Range that was taken away from the gun which was there from the get go. Now even with the perk there is not enough range. A DAM SUPER doesn't need a range perk to give it back what it once had.) My regular hand canons has more range than my Golden Gun Super, what a big Joke.The power of the gun has dropped and the range so much the super is weak weak weak!!!. Now i need perks to gain back power that still does nothing right now. I won't bring up the blade dancer because you all know that this is the most awkward handing class when you have reached the third level up in the talent tree for the blade dance. The aiming is off, the waves are so small and useless it's a big JOKE! The Cabal has a better wave blast than the blade dancer, and with greater range and its harder to avoid. Yet you upgrade the titan class to near invincible as well as the Warlock. The Void shield has no reason to hold up against the Golden gun. The power of the SUN in your hands but a bubble shield cannot be penetrated. Bungie wake up! You guys like you lost what brought you guys here. What made you all great. [b]You guys were once true gamers who loved really good games and game play, before you became rich, and money became your GOD. Now you all are simply a business and company. You are no longer a brand that represent true love for games and gamers.[/b] You are a cooperation nothing more. To be continued;

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            9 Replies
            • Edited by Bad suka: 10/30/2014 2:42:10 PM
              Forgot to mention the vast amount of npc's you'll be adding. That vast number is 1, that's an absolute joke. Here's a suggestion for the direction of destiny: rotate mote of light gear Bring in the dark below public events such as Ib/qw equivalent. Get rid of xur (after much debate about this it seems that players want xur so scrap that, keep xur so you can offer shortcut through the natural progression) Increase light cap to 35 Don't add one new set of gear as everyone will be the same. Bring out the freakin tournaments game mode. More npc's for some backstory. Stop encouraging the console war by punishing players for not picking 'x' console. Don't just add content to new sections of the game! revisit old locations such as Vog and chuck a new boss in there aswell so your content doesn't get rinsed straight away and adds to the replay value of Vog. Player chat (I know your working on it but it needs to hurry up) A big team battle playlist. Bigger multiplayer maps only one or two. More variety in vehicles. Ghost skins. Raid marks. Horde/survival mode. Then you will truly have an amazing game.

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              51 Replies
              • I'm kinda disappointed that the level cap was only increased by 2 levels people will probably be level 32 by December the 10

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              • Dear Bungie, ]....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

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                16 Replies
                • Add some higher level strike playlists. Make legendary gear rewards. This will make people happy, and I'm sure it wouldn't take too much effort to add in.

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                  • Really wish I would not have bought the legendary edition... looking back, no way I would have bought these expansions. Fool me once bungie, never again.

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                    • Cmon call of duty ....destiny going down the drain..

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                    • Hey there Bungie, Thanks for making me feel like i've been scammed after I bought your season pass only be to burned a month later with removed content that was promised to us at E3, no story, a terrible PvP, and "fixes" to the best thing that this game had, the Raid, that took away the very thing you told us to do...teamwork. My greatest wish right now for Destiny is to be able to return the DLC and get the $35 I wasted on a game we never received. No wonder Joe left and Marty sued, you guys really do deserve it. I used to be a die hard fan and gave all of you the benefit of the doubt all the way up to launch and beyond. You've gone completely and shown us all that you don't really care about your community and you've gone and shown that you can't even make a good game without your previous Halo team. So in the end, thanks for Halo, 343i has got it from here. Hope you all enjoyed the 7 years you wasted making this game. Let Activision know they made the largest mistake of their history. ;)

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                      • This one time at band camp Master Rahool touched my loot cave.

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                        • This should be free considering I paid 60$ for a half assed game .

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                        • wheres third subclass -_-

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                        • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Thanks for like hit me up up if u want to play this awesome game psn Zombie_mayo

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