[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Thanks for like hit me up up if u want to play this awesome game psn Zombie_mayo
we better be getting a lot of free content around these expansions, and the expansions themselves better be worth $20.
Edited by Wrath Project: 10/30/2014 1:56:41 PMI read that parts of the expansion aren't coming out for xbox for until 2015. This is utter bullshit. I bought the Legendary edition, payed more than a hundred dollars for this game, got the expansion pass, yet I won't be able to get the expansion until a year later than everybody? Bungie, we already feel like you're treating us like shit and that Activision is -blam!-ing us. Nothing like this has ever happened with any of your games, Bungie. I'm extremely disappointed, and I'm eager to tell everyone to not buy Destiny until all of the expansions are released. You guys have kept your fans on a string, and turned off new, incoming fans. The hype you built for this game is disingenuous at best, and a downright lie at worst. I feel like I've been ripped off, forced to buy expansion packs because of an incomplete game YOU put on the shelves. I bought this game thinking "I won't need to buy another game because of how "big" the game world is", yet two days later, I beat the story, played through all the strikes and saw that the crucible maps are immensely limited and a joke. You kept consumers on the edge of their seats and instead of listening to the MAJORITY of gamers, you stick to those who don't complain and don't pay attention and keep -blam!-ing those who want to see changes that will not only make the game better, but that should have already been implemented in the game. I've recently stopped playing Destiny all around due to the massive disappointment it has become, and I'm sure I won't buy any other game with Activision's dumbass name on it.
I am a huge fan of bungie and i absolutely I love destiny, I play it almost everyday. I agree with majority of the ranting going on about content, nerfing, pve problems, etc. You all know what I'm referring to. I have put well over 100+ hours into this game and have only recieved one exotic weapon. Thats a little bit frustrating. Especially when a friend and I were in skirmish, some garbage random player as our 3rd squad mate gets an exotic weapon and a legendary engram when he got last place and went with a k/d of .3? We however rocked it with 3.2 and higher k/d and we do this regularly and never get anything. Majority of the matches we play we dont even get rewards! Lol. I keep hearing from people how the have gotten all these exotic drops, looted from the raid, and just randomly get it. I've gotten one exotic from a raid which ive done like 10 times. All i could ask for is a better loot system. Rewards to those who actually have skill in this game. I will continue to play due to the hopes that i will one day obtain something awesome. I Look forward to the dlc, I just hope that maybe my luck with exotics and good gear change for the better soon. It would be nice to obtain something I could actually lvl up to use to my advantage in the raids/strikes etc. Other than that, keep gaming my friends! Hope to play online with all of you!
20 bucks for one strike and one raid, maybe 2 recycled pvp maps? No thank you.
Unless numerous changes occur, fixing your empty shell of a game, I'll be reliving my halo glory days with the master chief collection. And this game will collect dust, void of all DLC.
But.. Crota is just a larger Knight..?!
Hey Bungie GO -blam!- YOURSELF
You suck
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] U losers need to get a life bitchin about a video what a bunch of grown babies tell ur mommy to put ur bottle back in ur mouth so u stop bitchin
Why is there still no match making for raids?!? I don't have six friends that play this game together all at once. I need people to raid with!!!
Edited by Hope : 10/30/2014 1:59:30 PMDLC for Final Fantasy: New class, with a complete storyline for it New raids. With an S. New Primal fight. New Hard Mode dungeons(with a new storyline and bosses for each) New crafting recipes. New main story questlines. Multiple new side questlines. I understand that is a subscription game, but it also shows how utterly lazy bungie has become in every way. Their game, DLC, and effort has been so shady, and 2 faced, and lies upon lies. Recap: -Morrowind, 15 years old, beats this game in depth, story, map, characters and every other thing, except graphics.... -Destiny takes about 6 hours, to level from 0-26 (excluding the raid, thats the ENTIRE game beat) 6 hours, for the "new thing in gaming" -You could add other games DLC, and their size would beat all of Destinys size, for the actual GAME. By the time we pay, for 4 DLC's, it will have cost more than the game itself, and after 4 DLC, it MIGHT be a full game....a year away, when its dead already.
Are we ever going to get the strikes that ps has, if not why so they are no different from us if it wasn't for you loyal Xbox fans you guys wouldn't even be who you are today
Very disappointed
You call this an expansion pack? at 20 euro's even. 35 for 2. Have a look at real expansion packs and come back and tell me again that this is an expansion pack. Expansionpacks are content rich, this is not what we expected. Barren game, barren DLC to follow up. Go on milk the cow and destroy all respect and the userbase you gained from previous games while doing so.
Edited by MasterChiefBomb: 10/30/2014 2:18:48 PMAwesome! Can't wait! Makes the current raid gear somewhat obsolete though which sucks! Play station guys getting extras sucks a bit but then again we xbox one guys will get Master Chief Collection! Woot!
The saddest thing is, no matter how many excellent messages are written in this post, nobody at Bungie will care. We have put many suggestions and ideas and the only answers we have gotten from the devs is one negative after another. The only updates I look up to in the future are "Hotfix x.x - how are we nerfing _insert next favorite thing here_"
Edited by RedlessShikarii: 10/30/2014 2:00:26 PMPlayStation already had two exclusive weapons and a strike. Now they're getting another strike? I know you guys are most likely bound by contract to do that, but I don't feel you care very much for the other half of your player base. Paying the same price, but they get more? I'm not diggin' it.
Edited by OFISHAL-FISH_YT: 10/30/2014 7:50:10 AMCan't wait for this DLC !!! Looks great,for all the people goin on about how lil this DLC HAS OR IS U ARE ALL CRAP!! COD DOES IT EVERY YEAR MAP OACK AFTER MAP PACK 20 bucks a pop & u dnt have a cry but destiny does it & u do when destiny DLC has loads more for your buck n more to come !!!YES DESTINY HAS IT PROBLEMS BUT WORLD OF WARCRAFT WASNT THE GAME IT IS OR WAS BECOZ IT WAS NOT BUILD ALL AT ONCE,it was updated ,changed,FIXED, expanded over 10years!!!! Destiny will be & CAN BE AS GREAT BUT ONLY OVER TIME & input from fans n gamers n bungie!!!but this changes ,fixs,updates & DLC TAKE TIME SO GET OF THE BITCH WAGON N GROW UP!!! Bring on THE DARK BELOW!!! New raid ganna be great!!!
Is Crota a knight or wizard?
No one cares your game blows.
Deej, Curious what is coming out between now and then as far as content?
I just want to thank bungie for the jackolyte's we received the other day that DON'T even -blam!-ing work!!! That's like getting a pair of socks for Christmas.
Why does the warlock not have exotic boots?..
I just think it's messed up that we pay the same as Playstation and they get more content.
Build your own legend.* *Disclaimer: may look like everyone else's.