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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • Ps4 more exclusive content once again? You lost a fan who's been supporting you since the halo days bungie. Go destroy your real fan base not that fake station shit

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    • Edited by Shay: 10/30/2014 1:16:20 PM
      Dear Bungie, This will be a wonderful addition to the game, but sadly it is no where near enough content to be sold for $20. You must back track and listen to your players in order to keep this franchise alive. You must include more than a few missions in this story line, add a new public event that consists with the story line, new creatures, you must surpass the horizon that you have given us. We are not bashing the game, we care about the game and that is why we are pouring out our hearts to you. You must listen to the players! There must be more content and the story line must start evolving!

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    • Is this for play station only because if it isn't I haven't seen anything about it on Xbox yet

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      • Is it just me or does anyone else think Activision is Running the show?

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      • What really makes me upset is how PS3 and PS4 already has 3 raids from what I hear, while only the 2nd raid for Xbox One comes out in another month! Now the two rival consoles are just bashing the players instead of each other from my understanding.

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        8 Replies
        • Edited by wardish: 10/30/2014 1:24:26 PM

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        • The only thing I can hope for is one of two things...either the content is expanded before launch, or the price is dramatically reduced. £20 for a few more missions. A strike, and a raid...It's half the price of the core game for less than half the content!! Who does your pricing structures because they need shooting!!

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        • Nope not buying this and I know my friends will not either after I have seen what kind of "work" is being done post launch ill wait untill the dlc is like 5$ but ill keep the app just to talk to people and laugh when it takes two weeks to create something such as "baby bumpers"

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        • So I am under the impression that there won't be any new content until december dlc... is this accurate? I certainly hope not. Either way, I have suggestions to improve on Destiny's gameplay: 1. I'd like to do something besides defending my ghost while he takes a year opening a f@#%ing door (I'd hate to see him try to open a sliding door, those are tricky) 2. More vehicles? 3. Let me choose what area I spawn in for Patrol. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... 4. For the love of all that is light please update the Guardian Outfitters shader department. And finally 5. It would be soooo cool for bosses to drop loot. Just a few suggestions. Also bungie... If it's not too much trouble... can I get some exposition-spouting NPCs that actually have time to explain why they don't have time to explain? Thanks for the game bungie and keep adding more!

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          • Points to make to all the comments I'm seeing: 1. Most triple A titles have DLC in development before a game releases. Quit hating on Destiny because it's easy and people will agree with you and make you feel important. [i]Plenty of games[/i] are being sold with expansion passes and games are even coming out with [b]day one[/b] DLC (cough Far Cry 4 cough). 2. DeeJ is not our "link to the dev team" (someone said that. It was cute). DeeJ is a voice that says what Bungie tells him to say. He can relay our information but that doesn't mean anything will happen. Even if he cried and rolled on the floor, [i]he's just a PR guy.[/i] 3. While I like the idea of a company listening to its community as much as anyone else, it's not like it's required. You paid for their game. There was no contract or agreement, you just bought their software. Bungie owes you nothing except what was on that disc. 4. (Yay something people will sort of agree with) I do agree that having an exclusive strike for playstation is stupid (I play PS4) especially when both consoles pay the same price, although there isn't really a logical way to argue the price; they could just as well take the exclusive strike away and charge us all the same price lol. But everyone hates the Dust Palace anyway, so odds are you guys on the Xbox side won't miss much. On a side note I poop myself with laughter every time someone says Bungie needs to remember where they came from and give the Xbox guys something. Yea. It's that funny.

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            32 Replies
            • It's so sad knowing you guys had the potential to make the greatest console game of the century and destroyed it. Selling us this joke worth of content that was already on disc and cut back for 20 bucks, this game has noting to do besides the raid which is only once a week because you guys withheld so much content just to try and make more money , even if noting was held back for the xbox players 2 strikes? Are you kidding me that's what you call an expansion 3 story missions to add to the worthless plot and story already in the game? Iv never played a game were I get one somewhat exciting cut scene and think the game gonna pick up from here and in fact It just ends. I had such high hopes for this game, the way you treat us the consumers with no respect just trying to suck up as much money as you can from us and it's revolting because at one point in time you guys took pride in your work and story and mixed it all together to creat an amazing Franchise with addicting multiplayer , I don't understand how you guys had this beautiful game payed out amazing scenery good graphics great shooting , and it turned out like this, if you guys expect this game to last 10 years you are out of your minds, will I play the game? Ya I payed 60 bucks for it but I can't say I will be when all the new games release and of course I'll keep checking in to see if the game improved because I want it to succeed , but we the consumers have done our part we payed , we played we gave our feedback now it's on you guys to fix this game. But for now No Destiny November No Dlc December Bump if you agree Or feel free to troll but make it witty.

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              • I believe that Bungie is being held hostage by Isis and Ebola is really the darkness.

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              • To Dee j Since you have become the face for bungie explain to me why I was not informed on how you would determine exclusives when I so graciously bought the dlc for xbox when I purchased the game . (I dont favor one console over the other i have 12 different consoles ) I paid the same amount as everyone who have trusted in your company to give in equal value for all . I believe what ever quarrel you have with Microsoft should have been left as that with them not your consumers , I believe Sony has lined your pockets for now but I also believe your greatest accomplishment is also going to be your demise. And since this is the way your going to proceed against all of you loyal fans from the halo series I as one voice will petition against your negligent and see that this could be your last game that will be bought . And as history has proven it's self time and time again all it takes is one voice to start a mutiny Note that we as the consumers didn't choose Microsoft in the beginning you folks did

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                7 Replies
                • We are the consumer, Activision and Bungie need us to stay happy and buy their content or they won't have money to live and buy their expensive cars and houses... WE ARE THEIR BOSS ACT LIKE IT!!!! WE OWN THEM!! WE ARE LEGION!!! WE CAN MAKE THEM DO WHAT WE WANT!!! THEY WORK FOR US!!

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                  • Let me guess, the missions are going to be running from A to B, and at one point we're going to have to fight off 3 waves of enemies while dinklebot opens a door, or collects data?

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                    6 Replies
                    • Can i ask. I just bought your expansion pass ready for the DLC and i dont even have it... the DLC has gone live and yet i dont have it from the expasion pass so have i just wasted my money??

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                      • No thanks... it's just an access key so i keep my money and i transmet the message

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                      • This one time at band camp...

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                      • Dear Titan players! ]....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...

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                      • Edited by Fawkzi: 10/30/2014 1:17:50 PM
                        So let me get this straight. US Price: $19.99 UK Price: £19.99 Dollars to pounds - $19.99 = £12.51. Pounds to Dollars - £19.99 = $31.95 So the US market is essentially getting the Content £7.48 cheaper? well then....# 3 story missions will equate to about just over an hour gameplay, three multiplayer maps on already unbalanced multiplayer, a raid that people will no doubt find a way to knock down to around an hour via exploits and a strike that will most likely take half hour like all the rest (that's pushing it) so all together it's under 4 hours of base gameplay for £20? i can get 2-3 Indie games on steam to occupy me for 30+ hours for cheaper than that, what kind of shit are you trying to pull, Bungie? Take Activision's Dick from your throats please.

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                        • Edited by Rana: 10/30/2014 1:12:25 PM
                          - a vendor - three pvp maps - one raid - one strike - slightly raised level-cap Nothing to fix the hollow shell of a story. Nothing about bringing back content cut during development. Just more grinding... "Expansion" my arse! More like an over-glorified DLC.

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                          • New atheon hard mode cheese

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                            11 Replies
                            • Edited by Injustice o: 10/30/2014 1:16:57 PM
                              Oh and one more thing, Activision have killed your game. Congrats on becoming "independent". Get your game back and cut the strings and stop dancing for Sony and Activision because something tells me that a company I truly believed cared about their community back in the halo days, wouldn't turn their backs on so many LOYAL fans who care enough about what you do to actually say something about it. I'm quite quickly loosing respect for you guys.

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                            • Everyone seems to only hate on the game. I, on the other hand, enjoy playing Destiny with my friends! I'm excited to see what Bungie has to offer in the dlc. I especially can't wait to play the raid. I hope it's as fun as the vault is. Sure. Destiny can lack in story. But, I think the dlc will help add to the story of the Destiny universe. Only time will tell!

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                              • Dear Bungie, ]....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Copy and paste if you're pissed off at bungie. :-)

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                                • Happy days for the PS4/PS3 owners been in touch with PlayStation and they have informed me that if you have an active PS3 & PS4 system they are going to give you this expansion pack for half price. Well done Bungie and well done Sony :-)

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