[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I've read all your stuff, Deej. I listened to your community outreach on the Guardians is Destiny podcast (you sound like a cool guy btw) and you say that the team is working on it, that there's still work to be done, that you're going to fix things. This is not fixing things. 5 new PvE levels and 3 crucible maps for $20 is a joke. I understand content creation is tough. I understand you guys need to charge for DLC to pay the bills. Cool, I get it. But releasing this little content for such a ridiculous price is absolutely crazy. Let's pretend you guys didn't completely botch up the launch. We will pretend destiny got perfect scores and the forums aren't filled everyday with quitters and disappointed fans. This DLC STILL wouldn't be doing the game or the players justice. You expect 5 pve level to keep me occupied for 3 months while I wait for another expansion you're going to charge me $20 for? You must be out of your freaking mind. I get a free game on Playstation plus every month. What makes you think I'm going to Pay $20 for that little content? You say you have been listening. You say that you have heard our complaints. Obviously you haven't. If you had, you wouldn't even be pulling a stunt like this. I seriously hope you guys get your act together. Otherwise you're going to be losing a lot of players over the holidays, including this guy.
Edited by SpaceCadet798: 10/30/2014 12:51:01 PMIt says December 9th but my pre order on Playstation Network says December 31st. What the heck? Help?
10 years of grimore cards :/ Better off making books I'll read those.
I thought they were building bridges? Whats this 1/3 the price of the original game for 1 raid and some change stuff? Please tell me the crayon lady has been drawing more shaders to add also!
I want Dragon Age!!!
Aww that's true! I forgot about how Xbox doesn't get that extra strike for the same dlc... Dammit, now I'm all pissed off again! Seriously I would pay $1000 to know what bungie actually regrets about destiny. If they regret having a limited story,or having such a limited pvp or limiting your ability to connect with people in the game (matchmaking, voice chat, clan options in game). Which are the all the things bungie became famous for being the best at in halo! But most of all I would love to know if they regret the exclusive deal with playstation... $1000! Now that I think about it, they pretty much have purposely turn their back on halo fans. Think about it, halo was great shooting, a ton of multiplayer modes (ctf), connecting and making new friends, it was Xbox, an amazing story with cut scenes! Destiny has great shooting and is missing a lot of the trademark halo features... Maybe I just thought I was a bungie fan but turns out I'm a halo fan. I bet 343 is dancing down the isles at the opportunity they are going to have with halo 5 to build the game I thought destiny was going to be. It's still a good game! It just could have been so much more.
Edited by FoodStamp: 10/30/2014 12:41:04 PMLawl, Borderlands Devs are better then Destiny Devs. Borderlands dlc, and lvl cap has more balls then Destiny DLC.haha Take notes Bungie. 10 years of DLC, and stuff....yeah no, bungie you can't be like WoW, because Blizzard knows their stuff even if they mess up at times.
Bungie, thank you for once again segregating the Xbox community with this DLC. I get the whole exclusive crap but Destiny is already lacking content and waiting an entire year for strike missions is just absurd, items and gear I can understand the wait. Bungie are you trying your best to make the community hate this game? I've never seen a Team like yours turn it's back to a community by not answering our questions and then turn it's back on the Console that made you who you are because without Xbox you would be nothing. You have strayed so far away from the greatness that was Halo and have turned into Activison's puppet.
Please please please have new environments! I would really like to see something new and different.
Would be nice to see proper trailer video for this expansion
I'm buying this shit. I love this game. Cod players everywhere!!
Eris looks fantastic by the way. The eye of the third man look with black blood running underneath the bandage looks bad-ass.
Does anybody know what the new crucible maps will be on the DLC?
Become a legend! That wears the same armor as everyone else if RNG will let you obtain it. And yes I know iron banner is about to have "raid" armor. So I get to look like 1 of 2 groups. <slow clap>
So the Strike they're releasing is only for PSN players?
I think u should call the makers of defiance and beg them to tell u how to make an mmorpg cause u need help bad
So looking forward to this!
Doesn't really tell us... anything new. At all. Even the new 32 level limit was basically figured out already. Someone already datamined the lvl 28 and lvl 32 relationship to the new raids. I assume that to be the highest level of mobs or something. If anything, it's dissapointing that they're sticking to this model of max lvl requirement needed for hardmode raid. I mean, sure you might go in under leveled but it's a total pain. I suspect it won't work that well anyways for most players. VoG is already so hard that randoms can't complete it with 29's on hard, esp with atheon like this. I assume the next raid will naturally be harder on a structural level. What.... just what's the point in doing hard mode if you're already max lvl.... what's the point, really. You should be able to go to lvl 33 with hardmode gear then. I mean, there's no real advantage since we don't get over level bonus and the highest content would be lvl 32, but it would be a symbol, and an excuse. Really what's the point? Even right now in VoG. There's just no reason to do hardmode! You can get the helmet, but so what? 3 raid + exotic helm is fine. Light is so overridingly important that if you don't increase light then who cares? You know picking a different exotic peice is just not that important. You know it. You can get the gun but so what? It's literally one gun, and it's trash. Waiting on only two drops in a raid, in a game that doesn't allow trading? That's a trash dicision. There's no piont to do it. I only ever did it for fun, and it was fun, but it does feel pointless. I'd be more interested to hear about an Iron Banner update, exotic balancing update... almost any update.
So disapointed..
We should boycott this dlc. £20 for this amount of content? I don't think so. You could buy a full game pre owned for that price..it's such a shame rly I had hoped for the dlc to bring life to the game but 3 missons a strike and a single raid for £20? Nah think I'll pass on that.
ok so you pay 20 bucks for a strike raid gear and much other stuff. But my question as a pve player as this dlc is on the moon (at least thats what i know). Will this dlc increase the map size off the moon. Because now only 1/10 of the map is playable. so will this be increased to lets say for instance 2/10? Community do you have answers?
So it appears brat the general consensus is that the "expansion pack" isn't worth the price of admission and most customers are unhappy about it ... at least until Bungie deletes posts. Oh boy. Where is that ex-CoD boss who thinks its 1984?
I'm fine with playstation exclusives, but I'm not paying the same price as playstation and getting less.
All of these people saying Bungie is "lazy" because it took them so long to make a "tiny" game. Kids if only you knew how much work and time goes into a game like this being created, designed, tested, and produced. It's not like CoD where they slap the same game together with different maps, a different type of the same story, and a different design for the same guns and call it new. It actually takes effort. They did this from scratch. It took them this long to make this so I'm actually pretty hyped to see just what they come out with in future expansions and shit when they have had even more time and the opinions of the people playing the game.
All these people on here complaining about paying twenty dollars for new content. Shut up and don't buy it then, nobody cares. Me personally, I'm beyond excited for this to drop.
I wonder if the new Story being told in this dlc will be half made and we are left making assumptions like we did in the main story. I'm an xbox player and I feel cheated, knowing me I will still buy the DLC and by a year from now I will forget about the two exclusive raids and have this game gathering dust. Sorry bungie but you're upsetting a lot of gamers this week. I hope with all the updates you do make this a game worth playing over and over for months on end. Btw fix the mythoclast already, took you days to downgrade it now it sits in my pile of guns that I never use.