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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • I heard 3 missions yesterday and was really let down. Looking at the official info it definitely just 3? Are quests bounties or something? That terminology hasn't been used in Destiny as of yet as far as i know

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    • If you don't like it don't buy it but don't sit there and write a -blam!-ing book about why cause honestly no one gives a shit. Bungies not going to read it and even if they do they aren't going to tailor their dlc to make you happy like your so damn important. You bought a game, play the game or trade it in. Keep your self entitled spoiled opinions to yourselves. I'm buying the dlc 20 bucks won't break this guy. If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home.

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      • Are ppl actually still playing this grenade?

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        • i cant freakin wait for this ! let is be december allready !

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          • If we are stopping a army from invading earth you guys should make a space fight

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            • A SHOCKING amount of money to charge for 'very little' DLC on a falsely advertised, unfinished game! The UK should not be paying £20 either while the US customers get it for $20. Unfair. The actions of these companies is CRIMINAL. I just HATE the fact that I love to play Destiny :(

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              • Is funny how you guys are quick to discredit this game.. Compared to the past few fps' that have released Destiny is doing a damn good job. Yea there is a lot of stuff we want fixed but that can't be fixed over night, these guys started from scratch so just let them keep growing..

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              • Edited by Snoo: 10/30/2014 12:17:13 PM
                Well guys, that's it. I am part of an older generation of gamers. One that remembers the time that full games were developed. The generation that made your name as a company. Good luck with the new generation of gamers that seems to accept rip offs like Destiny and its "additional content." Just remember it is also my generation that are todays parents. Eventually you will find out what that means.

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              • I'm so laughing at every comment about ps4, getting exclusive content. If memory serves me correctly we knew about exclusive content before the game even came out. No need to bitc# now! You made you're choice life goes on.

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                6 Replies
                • Bungie lost a customer right here. Good job. Hope that the release sales last you because dont expect me to buy any more "new content" or even your next game. I am simply done with your company. Thats what happens when you lie to your fan base, exclude players simply for the console they own and have to pay to unlock things that are already in your game at launch.

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                • Oh goody. Another Playstation exclusive strike. Thanks Bungie.

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                  • I love how people complain before even knowing if they are disclosing everything. "That movie preview only had one joke so im not seeing it"

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                    • "ermahgerhd, erm nert beyin ur DLC burngur!"

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                    • Well well well, its as expected, seems like most people feel the same as me: 'completely underwhelmed', 'not buying', 'totally disappointed'! 1st off, light upgraded to level 32 - so the people who are level 29/30, who have grinded their ass off and done the raid multiple times, dealt with your terrible disconnects (while being told to check our internet connection) while doing so will have to get rid of some hard earned raid gear?! Thanks for that! What an absolute waste of time! And why the hell do we in Europe have to pay more for this DLC than our American counterparts?! We have to pay £20, they pay $20!! If they had to pay what we did it would be about $33 - so whats the -blam!-ing deal with that?! I've read the comments from the bungie president, and I have to say, that guy is so far away from the reality of this game its unbelievable! And to come out and say "we would've love to put more content in" then why didn't you?! FIVE year development cycle, and this is the best you could come up with?! Seriously, that is just not on! And the funniest part of that article is when he goes on about how many hours we have spent playing this game, as if we spent this much time playing out of sheer fun! This guy is totally clueless, and I wonder if he has even played this game for more than 5 minutes. I'll tell you why so many hours have been clocked on this game you arrogant man! The only reason why people have spent so much time on this game is because WE HAVE TO, not because we want to. I play this game for fun like once a week, all other days its about the grind, not about fun! These guys are sitting there looking at the numbers going "wow, so many hours, they must love it!" - what an absolute joke!! I've clocked well over 200 hours on this game, and the vast majority of it is grind grind grind - 2/3rd chars created NOT for the fun and diversity of playing with another character (like it should be) but for more grinding so I can tax them for my main character! Tuesdays: Daily x3, Nightfall x3 not for fun, for shards and others. Did the nightfall this week, guess what I got? 8 strange coins, that's right EIGHT!!! Did the weekly heroic, got 9!! How dafuq is that possible ay?! Seriously, these guys need to stop being so damn arrogant (they have absolutely no reason to be) and learn some humility. How would they feel in our position is what I am saying. Thanks

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                    • Ok i have a question. Is there possibility to invite NON DLC player for a new Raid? This is big problem because not everybody is going to buy this DLC. And without players the new Raid will be useless. Raids are huge part of the game and test ultimate teamplay. This can be easily done by allowing only DLC players inviting non DLC players to a Raid, and without expansion pack players will get only Ascendant Materials and standard loot from Destiny. This would be fair enough and won't divide community in half. Other content like strikes, missions and crucible maps could be available only for DLC buyers. Most people who will buy DLC wont be able to see the new Raid without friends.

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                      6 Replies
                      • I'm done... When 90+ % of your play base is telling you that you -blam!-ed up you -blam!-ed up pretty bad. This is just a theory but I'm at least 99% sure you completed Destiny and just ripped out all the content to stretch it out over your promised 10 years and make more money off of it as DLC. That is a shit thing to do to your fan base. Thanks a lot bungie but I'm not falling for it.

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                        • im just simply not going to buy any more Destiny related content because of the crap treatment we are getting, how does that work out? Pay the same amount but get less......... ok, treat us like sh.t we wont buy your sh.t

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                        • So. Excited.

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                        • Be careful Bungie.... This is what Capcom did with SFXT, cut content from the game, which they later released as overpriced dlc!!! The backlash they felt from the FGC was massive, so much so that the game flopped!! You guys are on the same road as them. It's simple look after us, the fans and we will be with you for the whole 10 years!!!

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                          • Halo collection is goin be more popular then destiny

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                            • I bought the dlc only because of the raids.

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                              3 Replies
                              • Haaah not buying dlc..fu bungie..u dont deserve my money no longer!

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                              • Thanks for tricking me into pre ordering DLC content bungie. Now my friends that did not pre order DLC are looking at what it has to offer and refusing to purchase it. I can't blame them. It's okay...I'll just wave/point/dance with people till I make new friends...that hopefully have the expansion. Wait no raid match making? How the hell am I going to make new friends in new content? Run your one strike with people I can't talk to and friend then based on how well they rinse and repeat? I'm so excited........ You're just going to shrink the universe, not expand it.

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                              • FREAKIN' PSYCHED!!!

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                                • Edited by Uuv: 10/30/2014 12:11:28 PM
                                  "We know the story was bad, but hey, if you pay $20, you can have THREE new missions, that offer next to nothing to improve the story....but they're cool and stuff, so, you know. Buy them." - Bungie [spoiler]"Become Legend-ish."[/spoiler]

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                                  • Edited by Velexia: 10/30/2014 10:23:04 AM
                                    You're joking right? That's all? I expected three new -blam!-ing planets in this DLC. Not three new story missions. Three entire planets filled with story missions. Considering how little there was to the main game. This amount of content is what I would expect to be released for free. I may have already paid for the first two DLCs when I bought the game, but you can be damned sure I won't be buying anything else from you slimy, greedy, scumbags. A SHAMEFUL DISPLAY! I feel bad for the art team that wasted their talents on this awful game plagued by your disgusting greed. Except for the person who designed the ships, and the shaders... that guy sucks. If nothing has changed by the time the 2nd DLC hits... I am getting my $90 back, because this is bullshit.

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