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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Edited by Velexia: 10/30/2014 10:23:04 AM
    You're joking right? That's all? I expected three new -blam!-ing planets in this DLC. Not three new story missions. Three entire planets filled with story missions. Considering how little there was to the main game. This amount of content is what I would expect to be released for free. I may have already paid for the first two DLCs when I bought the game, but you can be damned sure I won't be buying anything else from you slimy, greedy, scumbags. A SHAMEFUL DISPLAY! I feel bad for the art team that wasted their talents on this awful game plagued by your disgusting greed. Except for the person who designed the ships, and the shaders... that guy sucks. If nothing has changed by the time the 2nd DLC hits... I am getting my $90 back, because this is bullshit.

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    • Most DLC's are ripoffs. The game is finished. Physics engine. ..done Ai routines........done Animation and moddeling.........done Music and art........done The only thing this (and most other) DLC does is reuse these assets to create some new content which is fine,but for 1/4 of the price I get like 20% more. .....its daylight robbery. Oh and the pricing is Activisions responsibilitu the content is Bungie's. BTW if you live in the EU you can always demand a refund for the season pass from your retailer.

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    • I'm not a member of a guild, but really want to get into the raids (Vault of Glass and this new one). Anyone happy to take on a level 26 hunter? UK PS4 gamer, so GMT. Thanks!

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      • Bungie wanted to create and build your own character and adventure type game. I believe destiny is a wonderful game and just because is does not have everything you guys want in it, like getting things easier? Than be my guest and quit. They wanted to make it harder to get stuff like legendary engrams and exotic stuff so you would keep playing and want to get that stuff more. So this expansion is exciting and I cannot wait for its release because I love bungie and what they are doing. Keep it up guys! ✌️

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      • Cannot wait. BRING. IT. ON

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        • Looks like those third subclasses were the only false part from those reddit posts

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          • Yay, a new raid. I'll never get to see it.

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            • --- off topic --- As most of you core destiny players know, the Mida Multi-Tool is the best gun to use when farming because of the boosted movement speed. I have always thought that the compass looked cool but why not make the 'Exotic' live up to its name and put a use in for the compass? If the compass pointed to the chest area in a certain proximity it would make farming a little less like a drag and make the Multi-Tool fun to use. Cause let's face it.. Everybody knows the routes to farm, so it won't do any harm implementing it? That's just an idea of mine, any thoughts?

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            • Did I mention that in excited for this? The art looks awesome, and I'm excited for the new gear, the new raid (can't wait, seriously) and the new story missions with their new approach to story telling. Bump if you agree.

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              • Edited by SNX007: 10/30/2014 11:54:24 AM
                So when Call of Duty gets 4 maps for $ 20,- (or £ / €) nobody cries and when Destiny releases 3 pvp maps with some additional stuff everybody cries. [spoiler]No, I don't play Call of Duty. Nor do I like it that much. Relax.[/spoiler] I don't see the logic. I'm buying it the DLC, simply because I'm not really a price tag guy and I enjoyed the game for as long as I played it (wouldn't hurt to get some fresh pvp maps!) [spoiler]I admit the price differences in some regions (US -> UK) are quite much[/spoiler]

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                • When's the release date?

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                  • Sorry Bungie, if this is what you consider fixing the problems with destiny then I'll get what's left of my monies worth out of the main game and call it a day. As a UK xbox owner I refuse to pay you more for less content. Maybe if it was half the price I'd consider it. To coin many a parent/teacher "I'm not angry I'm just disappointed with you".

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                    10 Replies
                    • i have never seen such a great community, bringing so much effort to improve the game with such amazing ideas. 10.000 comments in this thread - bungie is not even willing to argue about it. no anwers, no "thank you fellows", no respect.. thats just sad bungie bump it up

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                      • Destiny is a great game, but an unfulfilled one. I loved this game and still do, but I have decided that I will no longer log in to do the daily quests or max out my Vanguard and Crucible marks. This is because after doing this since release i've finally seen what's waiting for me at the end of the journey and to put it simply it's not worth my commitment. Sure Destiny is still going to be a fun game for me to go back to and run an occasional raid or play a match of PvP, but the grind simply isn't worth it. So sorry you Destiny developers out there, but if you're looking for someone who is willing to put hours into this game every day for the next few months you'll have to count me out. For all of you players out there who have given this game your time and also feel unsatisfied. I reccomend that you, like I plan to do so, take a break for a little bit. Play a few other games or simply finally catch some sleep, but don't forget about Destiny entirely. When Advanced Warfare or Borderlands the Presequel starts to bore you, remember Destiny and jump back in to beat down on the low life scum that's trying to wipe humans from the face of the galaxy.

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                      • Anyone notice that before the game came out x-box users and ps users were all arguing about if it was fair or not that ps was getting the dlc first? Now we can all agree that it doesn't matter, because we've all been screwed over by bungie so much that a few new maps and stories aren't going change anything.

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                      • Edited by Tnilc: 10/30/2014 11:44:14 AM
                        Sounds like the new lvl cap cheapens existing raid gear. Does this mean that the raid gear everyone has grinded hours on end for is now 'old hat'?

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                        14 Replies
                        • Dam bungie and activision for wanting to make money so the guys and gals that created this game can eat! Starve fools.

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                          • Edited by Morkavah: 10/30/2014 11:45:10 AM
                            if i hadnt already bought the season pass, i sure as shit wouldnt now dont get me wrong, i love this game, but bungie, you keep f*cking us at every turn and your ruining what could be a great game that you obviously chopped up from the beginning just to make more money off us... get your heads out of activisions ass or you will lose your entire community im done with this rabid monkey circle jerk you call a ten year plan, you have already lost my future buisness, and you will continue to lose buisness as long as you trend in activisions shadow when assassins creed drops, im out

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                              • Switch the pvp map count with the strike count offering three or more new strikes and one or two new pvp maps. Pve is the backbone of this game, treat it that way. Love the game and I completely understand the long term vision with the story however to keep the players interested you will need to give the story some more depth and remove the tediousness of repetition in doing strikes.

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                              • I can.t wait :) it will be on around 9 dec right ?

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                              • I must've missed something I looked at that page in the article but I didn't see where it says xbox players have to wait a year to get half the dlc

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                                3 Replies
                                • I personally won't be "resubbing" this December. I didn't buy the dlc bundle and I can't be more glad for my procrastination. Server stability is nonexistent. Patches are a slap in the player base's face. The DLC itself is a slap in the consumers face. This was my first Bungie title and my last.

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                                • Some of that new raid gear looks ugly as hell to me. But if I want my characters to be max level I have to wear it. And all max level characters will once again look the same. And since current exotic armor can only get you to 30, I'm assuming you can't wear an exotic piece and be 32, is that correct? So much for customization and individuality.

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                                  15 Replies
                                  • Call of duty have been doing this for years and no one complains, unfortunately every game maker does this to make extra money. Fifa has coins and gold packs, nearly every fps has a new dlc. Why not sell the game of you're that unhappy about it and stop bitching

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                                    5 Replies
                                    • Are we supposed to be excited for this? This is just diarrhea on the sht cake, are you seriously thinking that people will shell out £35 for a season pass, which only supplies you with 6 missions 2 strikes, and even exclusive content for certain fkking consoles?! Not only you're lying about the DLC not being "finished", you lied about content being added when all you're doing is re-hashing sht that's already there, lying about iron banner, lying about an epic story, lying about expansions being worth it in general. No wonder why people left this shell of a company. If this game doesn't increase in quality and keep pulling lies out your arse when the second game comes around, I really hope it gets cancelled, this is a joke compared to anything you've done before.

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