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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • This DLC basically involved Bungie unlocking a few doors to some more playable areas.

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  • Is that eris????

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    • bungie for god sake when are you gonna fix the error code bee for everyone the game has been out for like 2 months and I still cant play a game mode that has more than 6 players ... and yes it does include the tower I get kicked every 10 minutes !

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      • The thing I don't get is: $19.99/£19.99 season pass $34.99/£34.99 Destiny the game £40 Now for a starter the $ [b][u]does not equal[/u][/b] the £ Secondly even with including tax on top the UK market is paying an average of £5.49 more per DLC or £9.34 for the whole season pass. Can someone explain this?

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      • So do you have to be lvl30 for the new story

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        • Lets go on strike until we get 20 dollars worth of content

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        • I think bungie or Activision (whoever is responsible for this pathetic offering) need to learn from square enix with final fantasy xiv. When the game first launched fans weren't happy so what did they do? They put up their hands, admitted that they messed up and rebuilt the game as a realm reborn. Players of the first game were rewarded. Now it's arguably the best mmo out there. They can also learn from a realm reborn when it comes to content too. Yes, you pay £7.50 a month for it but when you consider that destiny expansions are coming every 2 months, destiny costs more on a per month basis. Not to mention, while I have been away for this month I cancelled my sub but will still get the updates when I next log on. The game gets updates ever 3-6 weeks. I dare anybody to read the patch notes for that game without giving up. Even for the minor updates the list goes on forever. And about 90% of that list is actual new content. When I'm on that game and I don't know what to do, it's not for lack of content, it's that there is just so much I don't know where to start. I have put 200+ hours into it and there is still so much to do and I have spent less money on it so far than I have on destiny, even with the sub. So if anybody at bungie is reading this, learn from it. For every person like me who comments hoping the game will improve, at least 4 more people won't complain but won't put another penny into any of your games ever again.

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        • Thanks for shitting on your fans who are trying to keep a little faith in this game giving us something new and fun to do.. Was the $60 I, and supposedly millions paid not enough? Why should we have to pay for this content when the game has NOTHING to do. 5 strikes, repeating bounties, garbage events, crap loot rates, story that's so boring going through a second time is unbearable, connection issues, ect. How about providing us a little more reason to WANT to play before trying to suck more money out of us like a bunch of leeches. Thanks :)

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        • Sorry mate, not excited. This should be coming out this week for $10 ($8 for xbox users since we are getting shafted). Seems like too little, too late. Lmao at your "10 year plan", I'd be surprised if this lasted a year.

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        • Yeah why would I pay for a raid that I don't have enough people to partake in?

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        • For destiny to stay alive will need content every month not every blue moon and cut ur ties with Activision they only know how to reskin games not make decent content

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        • So...........what's this I hear about PlayStation getting an extra strike in the dlc? But yet we on Xbox are expected to pay the same amount of money? I understand the concept of allowing one console earlier access to dlc but what I have read and heard on this dlc is a joke. DeeJ please pass on the points below to your greedy as -blam!- bosses. 1. Pretty sure that once upon a time all you ever made was Xbox games so why the hell is it that difficult to code the same package for both consoles alike? 2. Your game is tiny, I can't believe that this took you 10 years to create, you lazy -blam!-tards! 3. Of all the comments supplied to your company I have never seen you act on any suggestions provided to you....hell I don't even think I've seen you acknowledge the fan base. Oh sorry, you mention ppls gamertags who have most revives etc....yeah I'm sure that keeps the fan boys happy. 4. I thought bungie was one of the rare devs that actually cared about the gamers and their roots that they came from. I mean let's face it, if you got a job at a dev and you aren't or never have had an interested in gaming - how the -blam!- have you got that job?! Well from one gamer to you Bungie- -blam!- you, -blam!- YOU! 5. -blam!- it! -blam!- you again Bungie! If anybody is going to reply on this please feel free to give Bungie the finger, in fact why don't we see how many "-blam!- you Bungie" we can get

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          9 Replies
          • Good stuff....I will be giving this serious consideration..... You no doubt understand this, but complaints for this DLC are more likely continuation of complaints from the original game (content, story...etc..), so adding stuff is great... Though why the UK are getting fkd on the price I do not know....

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          • Why's everyone hating so hard? Yeah the game has some issues like EVERY game. People are so butt-hurt cause they've put 200+ hours and are running out of crap to do..geez play something else.

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          • Pay $34.99 for both expansion or pay $19.99 each. Do the math! If it's too expensive just don't buy it. Probably you'll buy CoD and what will happen: DLC $$$ Add On $$$ More Add On $$$ But wait no forum for whining like children's choir. Since Destiny is gonna last 10 years with one game already out and 3 more Destiny games to come I would say go to your bank account and make sure you have at least $1000 bucks safe for the 10 year program. Bungie spent roughly $500,000,000 (they said less than that) in the game. There are over 4,000,000 players (probably will loose the CoD whiner psychopaths wanna be killers in the upcoming CoD Adv War release) for a while (I know they'll be back for sure), and let's say Bungie will sell games, DLC and add on and all the sum is roughly $1000 bucks multiply by 4,000,000 players = $4,000,000,000 in the bank. I would say if I was in business with em [b][i][u]I'M IN BIG TIME[/u][/i][/b] I don't have 1,000 bucks to invest right now but will come along the way! Anyways stop crying and screaming like crazy brats and deal with it. It's a game business you buy it or you don't either way someone will buy it (including me) [spoiler]Get that selfish and spoiled child away from me[/spoiler]

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          • Wow. Bungie, you've failed. Time to look for other games. Thanks for the letdown.

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            2 Replies
            • They did not listen to us.. And here,now the community starts to break down. We couldn't stress enough about the content being too poor , we asked begged for a tad bit more but now here is the slap in the face...

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            • Are you going to sort your LAG out in raids? Are you going to sort disconnects and saying monkey,zebra or any other animal? Are you going to make the looting system better because I have 4 player in my clan done the raid 30 time and still not 30? Will you bring in a trade system to help with this? Will you reply to this? Lot of my clan members have left and stopped raiding due to lag. We like the game but hating the way you are looking after us. If any one want to add to this please do

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            • Everything, every last thing that is in this DLC... should've been already in the game or at the very least quietly injected into the game patch after patch without Bungie even mentioning it. There are free-to-play MMO's out there that make better progress with their content [b]and[/b] gameplay without securing $500,000,000 at launch and without having 3,200,000 players at any period of their life-span! Bungie thinks it's building something that people would be interested in for 10 years? I doubt Destiny would be unique and compelling for the next 10 months! But... but... what's most insulting is that the things that could and would have made Destiny a wonderful game to get lost in were already out there before Bungie released the 1st Destiny trailer! Imagine how great Destiny could've been as a Mass Effect clone that did ME3 multiplayer better than ME3 because it'd focus on an entire campaign that could be played together with friends and not just a bunch of maps to go through with disjointed and disembodied voiceovers introducing the stages. Imagine what could be if we were allowed to customize individual maps and make our own "adventures" through modding and UGC tools? Tower-Defense with Fallen and Hive anyone? Heck... you want to go PvP all the way? Imagine a game where all players from every console on the planet (PS4 and XB1 alike) could play together and take part in Humanity's last fight as agents of Light [b]or[/b] Dark? Bungie talks about them wanting us playing [b]their[/b] game the way [b]they[/b] want us to play it... well, in my opinion that's the first and most critical mistake! If your imagination and vision is so severely limited, as you've proven it to be, and if you're not making the game so we're able to make it into an experience that feels Ours as much as it feels Yours, Bungie... then you're simply building us a prison for our imagination and hard earned dollars. Sorry Bungie, you're not the Developer I hoped you could convince me you were. I even thought that perhaps Destiny would be compelling enough to merit buying Halo MCC for the XB1 I'm buying this Sunday but I must bitterly congratulate you on saving me the money. Thanks, a disappointed Guardian.

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              6 Replies
              • Did nobody SEE OR HEAR about the expansion pack that was being sold with the release of this game. And who else is NOT doing it nowadays??? Yes it should be there but gaming market has changed.

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              • Idgaf I bought oblivion horse armor for like a quarter of that price I'm gonna buy this I love destiny

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                • If the light level is going to be 32 does that mean pretty much all other armour in the game bar raid gear will be obsolete.? And what about weapons will 300 damage be increased?

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                  • Edited by GeistMDX: 10/30/2014 11:07:40 AM
                    Why should I pay 20$ for this on my Xbox when for their 20$ Sony players get more from the DLC? Why would I pay you to rip me off?

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                    12 Replies
                    • This is all bullśhit why can you people just release the full game. ...this is why people have already hacked your game (I know you saw that guy with the mod menu, he was unstoppable) .....if you treat us like we dont matter; we will treat your game the same way (just like we did with GTA5)

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                      • I think that a new planet should be added in this dlc too because there was concept art a while back in the summer or before then of a giant hive ship orbiting Saturn in saturns rings so it believe that we sould be able to go to that ship. Also I think that new ghost shells for your ghost should be added and you get a free cool ghost shell for buying the dlc. Finally a trading system should be added to the game in the dlc so players may trade ships,sparrows,ghost shells,items,weapons and gear that would make this game perfect.

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                        • I came to see all the whiny lil girl commenting. Go play wizard 101 and stfu.

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