[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I came to see all the whiny lil girl commenting. Go play wizard 101 and stfu.
Can the raid be easier and match made please i haven't even done VOG and crotas end sounds really fun
Will light go to 34 in house of wolves???
Une honte, Nous proposer un dlc 20 euro pour pratiquement rien. Je respecte le travail de bungie, mais là, c'est quand même abusé. Nous proposer un contenu du jeu assez pauvre à sa sortie,il y a un gros problème. Ce dlc ne vaut même pas 5 euro. Vous voulez faire durer le jeu de cette façon. Je serais à votre place, je réfléchie avant de prendre une décision. Ce que vous allez gagner, c'est de perdre des joueurs et le jeu risque d'être dans les oubliettes. Merci à ceux qui ont inventé les dlc
Only ps4 exclusive? Shit that's ok halo 2 anniversary -blam!- you Bungie hahha!!!!!
£20 seriously??? I got the whole game for double that at launch. This seems like a ridiculously small amount of content. All those people saying there wasn't much content on the disc look pretty stupid now. You showed them, well done Bungie.
Can we get an number for "wealth" of guns? We were told about the gigantic "wealth" of guns in the beginning and the only guns that are unique in anyway are the handful of exotics, that are a grind to get unless you were lucky.
Edited by Chucckn: 10/30/2014 11:09:54 AMSo are there any plans to release PlayStation only content to Xbox after a set time? Or will Xbox players always get less for the same amount of money? I can understand content access to PlayStation only for a set time, but why not give Xbox access to the strikes and other zones after a month or two. But not having access at all to strikes, weapons, and other things, when paying the same amount, will probably get on peoples nerves. If you do keep it this way, i can only hope that Xbox sales on DLCs are low.
Exclusive dlc is bull. It's just a dlc which Xbox users have to wait almost 6-12 months for the same content. That is the bad part. Unfair for all dedicated gamers out there on one platform and not another. The price variation has always sucked for certain countries. Only now are people making a fuss about it. Australia has always paid more for certain goods. Gta V and titanfall have lost many players due to the way the game developers handle fan comments. It is to be hoped that even though destiny is upsetting now, it will take comments into account and thrive from it. : more content for EVERYONE : less changes to the current content : changes to the drop to orbit bugs : more raids and strikes : more options to join random people for weekly nightfall and raid.
Make sure the raid can be a match made party because I still have yet to get into the vault of glass because I never have six friends online
Even with a lack of content this games replay value triumphs other games on the market. I'm sure everyone on this thread has endless hours poured into the game. I have two characters at level 30 and just started on my third. Unless you have leveled up all character types and subclasses and unlocked all weapons and upgrades the game hasn't been beaten yet. I will agree this dlc should have been included in the game at launch but as for the price to play time value well worth the money. 70 bucks in my truck lasts about a week, this game has lasted months, well worth the price!
3 new missions? Gosh, I hope my hard drive has room.
The titan armor looks awesome though
So when dose the dlc come out on the 360
You Know... I love Destiny. I really didn't know about it till someone told me about the beta. I never even owned a halo game. All of this disappointing talk of how the dlc didn't come with the game doesn't affect me as much as some of you I've been playin this game since it released and all I have to say is Bring in the dark below. I just wanna kill Crota with my Hunter subclass
I think the only good thing about this new DLC is the new subclasses and the new raid, nobody cares about 3 new story missions and a couple of new strikes, after awhile the strikes will get boring like the other ones and then bungie will release a new DLC similar to this one. Rinse and Repeat
So we have to buy $20 DLC to get more bounty slots?!? This game is becoming such a joke. So much wasted potential.
I bet there are no new areas and missions just different bullet sponges her is an idea doing something productive that will Make people want to play your game if not 90% of us will stick to call of duty and 343's Halo. Right now your game is going down hill and you should really consider your options use the dlc money to give something back to us for the fact that you did not entertain most if us.
Crota's End? More like... umm... no actually that works. Can't wait til December 9th! As for the $15 or $20? I bought a pizza the other day and scarfed that damn thing down in like 10 minutes tops. The lesson with that is, this damn DLC better have pepperoni. To be honest it should have bacon too, but I won't get ridiculous. I just hope Bungie feels bad about stealing a hard earn pizza away from my face just so I can spend 72+ hours having a blast with the next content while my pizza money keeps all the hard working game developers in expensive furs and those giant hoopy gold earring thingys. I protest! I might of went a bit over the top with this one. Screw it, I think we need a laugh.
Level 28 strike playlist with legendary engram rewards. Do it, do it now... Everybody will keep playing...
You guys know that the $ and the £ are completely different right? If you think you're being ripped off in the states just let this sink in... $20.00 = £12.50 - $20.00 = E15.87 £20.00 = $32.00 - E20.00 = $25.20 So wtf are we expected to pay so much more for this content? I get that there is different taxation here in the UK but thats no more than 40% and thats not based on what you fancy selling it for stateside! I have no problem with how you have valued this DLC (based upon your $ value) but I am disgusted and offended at how you value your consumers outside of the states. That you have the audacity to adjust the value of your product so much and so conveniently for a different currency (not even a different region, format, console generation) shows nothing but greed and disrespect. What is it even worth to you? To have such a variance in your costing indicates that you haven't got the slightest clue.
Can't wait
Why would Bungie engage in this 'pay for exclusives'? Why not turning the offer of Sony (or MS) down. Do they really need the money that bad? They always say "we love our community" blablabla, apparently the love is not equally spread across platforms...
Destiny is a new genre, that's why they don't know what to do. Same thing that happened with titanfall Not enough for the players, huge drop in players This could've been a much worse game Name the genre bungie created in the comments below