[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
How about making the warlock helm look different. It's like playing a rogue in WoW; we just get dicked when it comes to cool looking gear.
Anyone know if the 3rd subclass will release by the time this dlc comes? I'm thinking the additional planets and 3rd subclass as well as a lot of the new gear will be free with update.
Bungie (destiny), get ready to die as soon as COD advanced warfare comes out. bump if you agree
Will the vault of glass still be open or will it close as the Dark within comes into play
5 new bounty slots, wow, maybe we should pay more than that for it! you promised that in a recent weekly update, not the DLC that's a UI fix anyway, the existing 5 isn't enough, that isn't new content that people should be paying for
Would be awesome if you patched in a firefight mode on the game....seeing how no one plays PvP other than to do bounties.
Edited by Cursed_Echidna: 10/30/2014 10:00:38 AMDamn fagie, we still can't comment on this shitty new update but we can comment on this highway robbery of a dlc? Lol pick your battles, theres trolls for each one
It's funny. So many ppl complaining. Meh, I like the game. I like it so much, I got my gf into it, now we have 2 consoles and 2 tv's. No wonder bungie stopped letting ppl put stuff up, I wouldn't want to see all the complaints either. If u want something changed, send in a feedback post.
-blam!- all you moaners, I'm excited for it. If you don't like it then do one
I already have the stupid season pass, but even I think that it is wrong to charge money for the first DLC since it should have been in the game from the start. Its sad that I even sway friends away from buying it because I know they won't like it (let a few people borrow it and they gave back to me a couple days later). I feel like I have been Colonial Marine'd again, not by bugs and technical issues but by the sad amount of content. Where did all of that 500 mil go? Unless this is still the beta than...right?
Ima go play the new cod and the 4 halo's in 1080 60fps and hopefully for Xmas this game will be fixed :D bye guys lol
It looks pretty interesting. Especially the artwork for it. I'm rather pumped to try this out. The one worrysome thing though: The raid is at level 32. That only is doable if one is at lvl 30 to begin with, and then it'll still be tough as nuts probably (fine with that though). Getting raid armor is plain tough to achieve that. Is there some compensation like better legendaries to be found?
If anyone is down to do the raid on hard hit me up NGAPUHIXiLE 29 warlock
I feel like this expansion should be free to the community. I feel like playing the story line of Destiny and what the story line has to offer, didn't have enough "substance" or "umph" to it. There wasn't much development in the story or to make me feel proud that I've genuinely enjoyed the game and to really keep me to continue playing the game for months ahead. I'm going to compare this game to borderlands, right in this paragraph. Borderlands did it right, where they elaborated more on the story than destiny. Borderlands made their players feel worthy in the game and provided "umph" with meaty campaign story lines while providing adequate rewards which condition players engaged and motivated to keep grinding to increase better gear and leveling. While the rewards system and vast story line kept players engaged, borderlands released DLC's packs that came with more amounts of stories, weapons, events that made players feel useful and engaged. I know some of you are arguing about matchmaking, but I do like the fact that we have to form our own fireteams manually without random matchmaking for weekly strikes and VOG. It helps build friendship bonds, and makes the game more enjoyable on a social aspect. In summary, please Bungie make this expansion free since the primary story line lacks substance, and please provide better rewards system.
Level cap seems to small, needs more strikes, a new planet and multi player needs to become more diverse look at halo for example this is multiplayer done right. Bungie needs to understand that it sold us on an epic space exploration game where loot was unique, the game we got come release date was a really awesome grind game with relativley limited choices when it comes to equipment especially endgame armour. DLC should be concerned with refreshing the players desire to play the game (especially since Destiny is a repetitive grind game) not drip feeding content and dangling a carrot which is what this looks like. I don't know if bungie will turn this game into a great well supported game i hope they do but the price we paid for our 2 expansion packs is slightly less than we paid for the game and this kind of feels like were being ripped off. I will keep playing for now and hope to see some improvements to events since iron banner seems to look like its going to be much better next time but i can't say you've won me over with this one
Conveniently glossed over in this announcement: more Sony favoritism that serves as a middle finger obnoxiously shoved in the face of every Xbox player who has been with Bungie via Halo for well over a decade and telling them that they are not worth a damn compared to a lucrative deal with a former rival. And it's not the first time this blatant favoritism and infantile pandering has reared its ugly head in the realm of Destiny. It started out innocent enough; some exclusive armor that would be made available to the other side at a later time, and it didn't take long before we all realized that by the time we have access to this content, it would be ultimately worthless compared to the gear we've already acquired, thus the only Xbox players who benefit from this content being made available to them are the ones who won't buy the game until said content is available (and if they have their ear to the ground listening to what the community has to say, the vast majority of them will NOT be purchasing Destiny at any time). But then it got worse. We find out that Playstation players also got an exclusive strike, giving them more content, more "story" (if what we have here can be called a story at this point) and more chances to earn gear and with one more strike in the list, they have a slightly less repetitive experience (but only slightly). Now you've got your first DLC expansion lined up and once again Playstation players are getting the executive treatment while the Xbox players (you know, the community that kept your studio in business for over a decade and that you claim to be so grateful for yet immediately chuck aside because somebody waved something green in your face), they get nothing but a vague promise that "sometime" next year it "should" be made available. No. It SHOULD be made available the same time as everyone else, or else why the hell did we buy it in the first place if we can't get the full experience until Sony decides to unclench their collective anuses? Bad form, Bungie. Bad form.
The new weapons look cool, I couldn't care less what the negative players all moan about, I'm getting it and I'm gonna play the shit out of it. Thanks for Destiny, it's a really awesome game. 1 thing to note - please incorporate the story into the game play!
£20 that's the equivalent of $32. Honestly if I hadn't bought the limited edition, I don't think I would be buying the DLC, just not enough content. In the UK we will be paying the same as what you guys in the US pay for an entire game, is there a whole games worth of content? Love the game, but not enough to get ripped off like this in the future.
Is anyone getting massive lag on the raid? This is so -blam!-ed I open a chest and NOTHING. And no. I haven't done it this week either so there's no reason why I get nothing. And the Templar is impossibly hard due to huge amounts of lag on our whole fire team... Am I alone on this or is there others Experiencing this basic crap?
It's time you guys.... It's time to summon ANGRY JOE back to the trenches of destiny with his ANGRY ARMY .... Destiny officially deserves another ANGRY RANT. Bump in an attempt to get his attention!!!!!!!!
£19.99 is a joke, UK players are getting ripped off. Bungie with all the server issues can you really expect us to pay that much for what is very little content compared to the main game price???
DeeJ I've made a post allowing you to hold and motor boat my balls. Lucky you! It's all free of charge but photos will be taken
I think the dlc is underwhelming at best! It feels like this game will not have enough content until the 4th or 5th dlc drop. 5 strikes at launch is nowhere near enough... should be 10 at least and adding 1 more isnt going to breath new life into the game. 9 pvp maps is poor also considering other games ship with more like 15. The maps arent even that big! Adding a measly 3 won't make that much difference. 3 story missions! Thats like half an hours game time then never played again! I think its disappointing but it wouldn't have been so bad if the original game had more content to build on. And 19.99 in the uk is massively over priced!!!! I can't see this game lasting much past Christmas when all we have to look forward to is raiding which is only worth while doing oncw a week and thats if you can get 6 players together to do it!
I am another one that didn't realise that play station users and xbox users didn't get the same content. Does anyone have a link to exactly what each platform gets. Thanks P.S I don't get why Bungie are plugging this already when it is still just over a month away from release
Age of decision? I, along with many others have thoroughly enjoyed and continue to enjoy Destiny. The reason for this is because I made a decision. A choice. One that only I can hold myself accountable for. That decision, that choice is to accept and play the game for what it is. Each and every person here also made that choice. No one twisted your arms, threatened to kick your cat or dog if you didn't/don't buy/play Destiny. Bungie, in the bigger picture is a business. Businesses exist for one reason and that is to make money by SELLING a product or products and in this case, Destiny is that product. No one was forced to buy it. No one was forced to play it. It was a decision made at the individuals level. Period. If you don't like it, don't play it but don't sit in here or anywhere and piss and moan about a decision YOU made.
Bungie, please ban these whining posters. They wouldn't be reading these announcements and posting if they didn't play regularly. Yet they bitch and moan and criticize as if they weren't unemployed man-children with nothing better to do. Why should we all suffer these fools? Their parents were lazy and raised annoying, disingenuous, entitled tumors, but we don't have to indulge them. Cut them off. Let there be consequences for their shitty behavior.