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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Lol I can't believe all you people are falling for this haha!.... it's a troll! Must be, has to be! Isn't it?.......... omfg it's not......

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  • There have been so many people who have commented about different reasons why the game is bad. Well, honestly bungie, the game isn't terrible. It's good for what it is, but the way you have executed it is atrocious. I used to love playing halo, I will be getting the master chief collection, don't you doubt. BUT.. I will not be that person that just makes a correlation between Destiny and halo as wholes, because they're different games. Similar feels, similar bones, but yes, different meat. What i will do is make correlations to them as pieces of where you lost your edge. What's lacking is the driving force behind the entire game. Grimoire is not enough, my friends. If you wanted us to read all of the lore, then you should have sold the game at Barnes and Nobles. The stories that you have made in the past (not the stories as a whole but by piece) have been outstanding. When the cryo tube opened up and I saw Master Chief for the first time I knew that my gaming life had changed. When the ghost revived me at the beginning of destiny, I felt like I was just another scrap of metal in that car junkyard, but I had hope as I went through the first couple missions. Master chief was about as engaging as dinklebot, but we loved him because of his contrast to cortana. We loved that humanity's greatest hope was almost void of humanity and was more machine soldier than man. From there cortana was more human than machine. In Destiny, I want to punch my ghost as much as I did guilty spark for unleashing the flood on me. Asshole. Anyway continuing on. When playing Destiny I do not feel the same weight of "I'm fighting for the safety of the universe" as I should. And it's not just halo that contradicts your game design. Mass effect trumps Destiny in more than a few ways. There are games out there that have been out for years that people love and love to hate less than Destiny. Don't get me wrong, I love Destiny, but reciprocation is key in a loving relationship. There's not even good dialogue, if any! It's mostly one sided conversations about facts we don't care about. To be truthful, you're not giving us enough in return, content wise or story wise. Where is the fight? Lone guardians are not enough to stop planetary invasions. The vanguard should be taking hold where we have spearheaded. Start phasing in per mission for the planets. If I kill crota himself, I want commander Zavala to oversee a strategic implementation of force through the planet. That is story. And not just story. It it's content that makes your world come alive. Have xur become a double agent and kidnap the speaker. We will save him, but with great sacrifice! As others have said, cause the darkness to break against our walls and allow us to show our true dedication! Not just the walls on earth. Zavalas new garrison on the moon? It's being overrun and a emergency bounty signal is placed as a public event. The more public players in the event, the harder it is but the greater the reward. Your ideas are so small for minds that came up with worlds, galaxies, and content that paved the way for many in the industry. Do not lose sight of that. I'm not qq-ing. I'm just suggesting. Please listen to us, because right now playing Destiny is like having sex with a chick whose a dead fish and has Peter Dinklage's face. Sorry I'm not sorry. Finally put my 2 cents in.

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    • While I had fun trolling the communty yesterday... i'm a bit underwhelmed by this. I mean I can't even do the raid because I can't get into groups due to time constraints. And I can never finish strikes due to constant disconnecting and kick to orbits for no reason. so I have 3 missions... oh well AC dragon age and CoD should tide me over till the Division is out and ubisoft of all people show you how's it done 😆

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      16 Replies
      • Lol your -blam!-ing shit game, where you update everything and mange to make it worst then when game came out, going to be a -blam!-ing ghost town when real multiplayer games like gta 5 and rainbow six come out

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      • I am so glad I held off on buying dlc. Now the 440 + hours I played will come to a end. I'll probably come back if destiny is still around in a year or two or sooner if they add more content to the dlc packs. You can only repeat the same bounties, strikes , missions for so long until your completely bored out of your mind. Well tonight I finally hit that point, I was going to delete my second Titan and recreate a warlock but I was really not wanting to redo the boring story all over again. Well tonight after seeing the dlc, I have decided I will wait until Destiny has expanded and all the bugs are worked out and out of beta testing. Hopefully by then dlc will be much cheaper and include more items with them if not there are plenty of other good games to be coming out. Just a side note I loved destiny, loved it so much I played day and night with repetition hoping they will add to pve. Hoping dlc will have more strikes and missions. The dlc is not enough to keep me interested and that makes me sad. I enjoyed exploring and shooting everything in the beautiful world. There is a lot of good but also much to be improved on. Vault space., player chat. Bugs and glitches that are all over destiny. In closing I'm sad to end my journey although I'll probably get on for nightfall and raid once a week here and there. I wanted so much for destiny to expand but at this pace, no thanks. Thanks for the hours I did enjoy.

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        5 Replies
        • Damn you Activision!

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          • Damn, you guys at Bungie are lazier than me!

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          • Edited by UD NIGHTEMARE: 10/30/2014 8:52:44 AM
            Bungie is screwed up they dont care about any of there fans or anyones comments they amped up this game so everyone would buy it they've collected their money and now they really dont care thanks bungie not like your gonna read this comment anyways

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            • 20 dollars? For shitty content...pass. CoD is right around the corner

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              4 Replies
              • I bought the Guardian Edition for xbone, not knowing the distain you have for Microsoft now. I had no idea how much content was missing from my version, but when I found out I was pissed off (this game is already woefully short on content). But hey, I figured, it would be fine once DLC started coming out. Nope. DLC is exclusive and minimal. Wow, a whole raid and a whole strike? I can't even play your last raid because of the lack of matchmaking. The exclusivity though - you mean you've charged me, a loyal fan of your previous work going all the way back to Marathon the same but given me less, not just once but three times!? Message received. Well played Activision/Bungie, you took my money and gave me something disappointing and inferior. You guys suck. I'm off to play something else. Something fun.

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                14 Replies
                • Hahaha is this a -blam!-ing joke?

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                  • Disabled the comment section on the update, gee I wonder why they would go and do a thing like that. Lol

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                    14 Replies
                    • Make some cooler gear for warlocks

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                    • Bungievision are you listening? $500 Million to produce this? Your DLC is already a yawnfest...

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                      • Third test post. If any of my recent or this post have been moderated please reply or PM me.

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                      • The Shit Below you mean Although it should be "The Shit Inside" since its on the disc already

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                      • Cant wait to not learn anything

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                      • Really wish they would fix the exotics being shit problem hell I got uncommons that are way better. I mean as hard as they are to get you would think they were worth a damn

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                      • Maybe if bungie goes and makes 2 more strikes to add to the one then I might be happy

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                      • who is the person in the picture you might ask, well with the simple purchase of 12 more DLCs and 5 years. You might just might have a chance at a drawing of a vote of a raffle of a opportunity to find out or not. Let's be honest you will play this dlc and call this person stranger 2. By the way thanks for making me hate Peter Dirklage's voice.

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                        6 Replies
                        • Edited by Kyuss1980: 10/30/2014 8:54:00 AM
                          -blam!- u bungie+activision! ,,i,_ i´m an xbox-gamer,a gamer 2.class....

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                          • So sad 3 story missions and couple other things.How can you call that DLC normaly you get that amount of stuff in just a patch but no we need 2 pay 20 .

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                          • To little, too late.

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                          • There's no new planet are you serious? Light level 32? You'd be better off just saying nothing from a PR standpoint. Seriously, every time Deej speaks people just get more upset.

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                          • Almost 1/2 the price of the full game with less than a 1/4 of the content! That doc is worth! £10-£12 not £20 rip off!

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                            9 Replies
                            • PRIVATE MATCHES??? Bump if you agree Bungie please, all the half of your community is waiting for is private matches. You will lose all those ppl if you do not implement such a minor thing in the game (should've been standard). So please bungie DO IMPLEMENT PRIVATE MATCHES, it's otherwise more than boring for all the hardcore gamers. Or doesn't we count to your community?! Because apparently you're not listening.. Bump if you agree.

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