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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • PRIVATE MATCHES??? Bump if you agree Bungie please, all the half of your community is waiting for is private matches. You will lose all those ppl if you do not implement such a minor thing in the game (should've been standard). So please bungie DO IMPLEMENT PRIVATE MATCHES, it's otherwise more than boring for all the hardcore gamers. Or doesn't we count to your community?! Because apparently you're not listening.. Bump if you agree.

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    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Why only 2 light lvls.... I always was under the impression that an expansion or "Dlc" would normally raise the max lvl by 20 lvls or at least every other game I played did it that way

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      • I won't be buying any DLC this games story was weak as shit, I was expecting a great story and instead I got a few cut scenes that left me with a wondering "wtf that's it?"

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      • Edited by Vinc3Charming: 10/30/2014 7:57:56 AM
        "Bungie needs to actually put humanity on the brink" TwoBeersMears I think he is onto something. Every video game I've ever played since I was 5, I've always thought "how awesome would it be if the enemy actually advanced when I lose this level" It's never happened, maybe it's too much to ask. Then again I thought "what if the good guys actually lost here?" About books, movies and TV and then Game of Thrones happened. So maybe someday. It's true also that as simplistic as the halo story is, setting foot on a new Halo ring, or going back to the streets of earth to beat back the covenant had a urgency or thrill to it that doesn't really happen in destiny, don't get me wrong, the game is fun, the bosses are cool and the strikes and raid are enjoyable even a few times over - the raid has a sense of thrill due to the mystery I guess but it other than that destiny doesn't quite hit thrilling does it? The lack of story is just one aspect of the lack of 'engagement' required to make this game the best ever. Repetitive strikes is another - especially so, what says 'your actions are worthless' more than - hey phogorth is magically alive again, can you kill him again?' I've always thought the strikes shouldn't be on random but be on rotation like bf4 multiplayer maps. You get the strikes in order and a sense of continuity and don't have to do the same strike 4 times in a row due to randomness sucking ass (at least make it more like. apples ITunes shuffle which solved this problem. Bungie should've learned from Apple. - if you don't know this story : shuffle is not random, people hated random and didn't believe random was random, heavily critiscizing apple, so they made it non-random - if the songs are on repeat less chance of getting the same one twice - and for music to distinguish shuffle from non-shuffle - less chance of getting your songs in album order - here though, in Destiny, I want them in order tbh). Maybe add in some motivation to re-do strikes with some kind of mini story tying it all together. Just a basic little thing emphasising the players pivotal role even though we know it isn't really. Might just give us that "yeah let's do it" tingle in the spine every now and then. Being able to talk to others, matchmaking these are all aspects of delivering that engagement with the game too. I pass straight through non playable and non fire team tower people, I can't hijack a pike, I get turn back countdowns - less interaction = less engaging. When a mini archon priest that I'd never seen before turned up on earth as a VIP mission in some back room on patrol = exciting and engaging. The shank targets, not so much. The strikes and levels themselves (not crucible) are beautiful, fun and well designed, the music is cool, Tyrion is a great choice but the oomph never truly hits the bullseye, at least not after first play through. Returning to the quote at the top of this rant - Destiny never tells us in any convincing way wtf a traveller is, how and why we come back from the dead or if we are even the good guys. If it engaged us a little then created a mystery that would be great. If it drew us in then put a cliff hanger at the end to question whether we are the good guys or whether we are winning, that would be great, if it gave us some idea who the hell the stranger is, enough of their story to want more - then threw the stranger into danger - or something - we'd be engaged enough to want to spend £20 for the 3 chapters that tell us what happened to them. Reach was full of this making it the best Halo campaign ever. In GoT you end one chapter and think "I should be sleeping an hour ago, I know I have to read 7 more chapters to find out and then it'll be 5am but I have to find Tyrion dead?" We don't get that here. Destiny needs a 'red wedding', a Ned's or Tyrion's trial or at least a "hey, recognise this crumbling city from real earth?" Moment. Yeah destiny needed this kind of thing to lure people into caring about the dlc but also to get them excited and engaged - at a higher level - with the game in hand. That's what I'd want anyway. Actually that awesome music when you go to fight the kell, starting as you get to the ship - that's the one point of the story missions that hit the bullseye. The level made sense, I knew almost just enough to actually want to kick the Kells ass (unlike the archon priest, the vex, the fallen) ... But what made it good was swarms of enemies in my way, that huge ship looking awesome, pumping music. Do more of that Bungie. Crucible on the other hand lacks the layers and centre battles of haven or line of sight of pretty much any Halo map. Why is everything so boxed off? The large moon and mars maps suck so hard, they are ragnorok with no centre open space but instead corridors making the already lame vehicles useless. Crucible is fun in small doses, the small mars and earth maps are alright despite so much boxing, Venus might be the best designed and most fun actually. Maybe throw in some capture the flag or oddball? I'm brainstorming. Crucible is going to be so hard to fix.

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        6 Replies
        • There's no way I'm paying a third more for this than the US. Do you even currency convert, bro?

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        • Is it just me or with every update that comes out this game gets worse and worse what the -blam!- are you people doing? Do you care about what the fan have to say or is it just about our money that your worried about...

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        • Build on your "legend" it says. A legend of everyone looking exactly like you...with one out of 5 possibly having a different shader? #destinylogic

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          • And here is how Xbox players should come at all of this. "Huh... Oh well, shit happens. I'll just have fun with what I got." WHHHOOOAAA!!! No complaining? $20 out of my budget for hours of getting from 30 to 32, going through new story, i'm sure Trials of Osiris will be coming out soon if not around the same time. Playing randomly to attempt to get new lengdary's and Exotics. I mean, it is worth in my own opinion. COD does it all the time and one even complains. A better post would be; "Can we get some hotfixes on glitches and such, Bungie? Can we get a reward screen for after the raid? Can we fix enemy health popping back to about 1/6 health when they should die? Can we fix the constant Weasel, Baboon, Monkey, Chicken, etc. errors from constantly happening?"

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              I honestly think that bungie could have gone a different way with all this. i enjoy the game and play daily but only in pve. although more work if there had been 2 expansion options: 1 Pvp based with more crucible 1 story/Pve based with a reasonable amount of story to keep players interested for longer with more strikes and raids it would be a winner for me. As i dont play crucible the expansion doesnt really offer me much. i dont care what extra the ps gets as thats life and i knew it would happen due to previous ps exclusives. i will keep playing but it will be hard to justify buying the small amount of pve content offered in this dlc.

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            • I would be interested to know if these new story missions are going to further elaborate on the main story of destiny or are they going to be the side missions trying to pathetically tie in the strikes and raid somehow. I mean I love this game but have given up playing until the dlc. But is the dlc actually worth the money?? Maybe worth just waiting until the PlayStation store has it 20% off or something!!

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            • How about you cut it back in the game and have a re release party?! Win win!

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            • I see over 140 pages of comments on this post but page 72+ are all blank. Are you seriously censoring half the comments to your own news post?

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              • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] If you use 500 hundreds million to make this game , how come it's not great and why release it if you know it is not ready cause there is a lot missing especially since you using that money to make it

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                • Wish they had delegated some of that Dinklage money into actual content..sigh....

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                • i -blam!-ing swear if there is not movie part or the missions is the same as the last protect the -blam!-ing stupid ghost! im done with this game!

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                • I'm sorry Bungie.... I'm sorry for all the people who complained about wanting new content (myself included) who are now saying it should be free! You'll never win I'm afraid. I'm looking forward to the new DLC, you've delivered on one of the many things I'd like to see and I appreciate it. I can only assume all these folks complaining about this DLC never brought a lousy DLC for COD ever in their life. -blam!- they give you 2 new maps and a big -blam!- you to the face an people lap it up! So from those of us still enjoying the PvE I say thanks....

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                • Edited by PROCK7: 10/30/2014 7:55:18 AM
                  This game reminds me of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace." The movie looked gorgeous (graphics are beautiful), they had some great scenes (raid/some strikes), music was great. BUT the story was a damn mess, things were strongly missing (good dialogue, likeable characters, and cohesiveness). You wanted to love it but even though you watched it 2, 3 or whatever many times, you couldn't do more than like it at best and loathe some aspects (jar jar binks which in Destiny terms are the freaking zoo of connectivity issues). Like George Lucas, Bungie has satisfied quite a few fans and also extremely disappointed quite a few others which is to be expected of anything that is hyperd. However, I think a big issue for Bungie is the players between those two points who I suspect will now feel "once bitten twice shy" effect and will not rush to buy DLC or their next full release until reviews are out or a lot of word-of-mouth from peers that say the game is good to great. I think Bungie bought their own hype and in the end went conservative with a solid game but far from perfect. I think Bungie is now trying to do two things at the same time. One is try to keep satisfying people with the current game via DLC and events. Two is trying to regroup and refocus to make another attempt to truly bring their vision of Destiny to the players via its next full release. Unfortunately these two goals work against each other. I feel in order to work on their next release they are saving any real improvements or innovative novelty such as horde mode, space battles, sparrow races, new character class/subclass, more in depth story. Bottom Line: I hoped to love this game but only like it. Though it has potential it will not change with its current release regardless of DLC. Those on this forum begging, pleading, cajoling, insulting or threatening Bungie are most likely not going to be happy until the next full release and IF Bungie learns from what worked well and what didn't, stop being as conservative and go out with everything.

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                  • Edited by TheMightyAlexV: 10/30/2014 7:55:50 AM
                    3 story missions!!!Really?It took me 2 days(playing couple of hours each day) to complete all story missions on all planets...How long would it take us to complete DLC 3 story missions?1 hour?And 1 more hour for raid...for 20$!!!Awesome(sarcasm)! And then wait some months until more DLC with more 3 missions will come. Its not the way to keep us playing this game more!!! P.s.:From Russia with anger.

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                  • I want to share a video with the community posted by another member earlier today.

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                    • Ill show you my dark below ;)...

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                      • Give PS4 the bribe back that they offered and don't sell out XBOX.

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                      • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Pay more for an incomplete storyline when we were promised a full storyline.... no thanks. P.s. We are not 5 we like diversity in missions and cut sence that explain the premise of the game better. Also in game trading... asap And storage on spaceship and more spaceship related in game and in orbit fun.

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                      • Edited by BroImBatman: 10/30/2014 8:47:55 AM
                        Wow that's bullshit you guys give all the special treatment to PS where the love for the xbox guys???

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                        • I don't like busting my butt doing the raid on hard just too get the same gear I've already received on previous runs through the raid. I'm fine with Atheon getting patched. Conpletely understandable. But when you make him your focus and not the "going through the teleporter to end up in the same dimension", or, "walking into atheon". Or having the health on minatours randomly regenerate after they've almost been killed. Or, something as simple as making everyone actually go to a rewards screen instead of having us backout to orbit. Like the little things COME ON. It would make us less pissed off. And for the love of god. If i have raid greaves. Don't give me another set of greaves. Why would i need that? I wouldn't.

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                          • I will give bungie that destiny is a awesome game and has had me addicted since the first day i played the beta but seriously bungie you are giving Sony more then you are giving Microsoft and its not just this dlc i really loved this game but after hearing this im definitely taking this game back to gamestop to get me a different game

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                            • Will there be matchmaking for the strike and raid?? I for one won't be buying this unless there is...!

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