[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Will there be matchmaking for the strike and raid?? I for one won't be buying this unless there is...!
When is this available to play?
I've played Indie games with more Depth than this game, Deej. Stop trying to hype anything else, NO ONE is falling for it this time. And if they are... Just what the hell is wrong with you guys as a whole? Do you have any idea what you are doing? Dig your graves deeper boys, eventually you cannot get out.
Edited by Kabr’s Revenge (Adept): 10/30/2014 8:25:58 AMLMMFAO! Is this a joke? You have my money already for "the dark below" and "house of wolves" because I bought the special edition like an idiot, committing to it early! YOU HAVE SCREWED OVER THE GAMERS SO BADLY THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PULL YOURSELVES BACK FROM IT! After I play these expansions that I paid for, you will NEVER get another dollar from me! The sad part is that you don't even realize that you have lost BILLIONS in the process! I don't see any person with good sense paying for these "Micro-Expansions" beyond the Dark Below! You guys have ROYALLY Fukt up! In the coming month you will see that!
Edited by FolkAttorney67: 10/30/2014 8:11:37 AMPlaystation gets more of the same DLC then Xbox players get?! W.T.F, we Xbox players paid the same exact price for the same DLC and yet Playstation gets more because of a "behind the door" exclusivity deal? What a ripoff this game is.
A NOT SO OFFICIAL BUNGIE ANNOUNCEMENT dear Xbox gamers we are selling antiseptic* cream for your butthurt for the low low price of $20.00! *antiseptic for PS users only.
As far as im concerned i feel like ive been falsy advertised a product, not to mention pre paid for it expecting to get the same ammount of content as a ps user, the fact ive paid 20 quid and not getting much means im not getting value for money. I expect more than this from a company bringing in so much hype to this game
Edited by Sazriel: 10/30/2014 8:20:40 AMI just wanted to say that I've been thoroughly enjoying this game and while there are always ways to improve the game, more vault space *cough cough*, I've been pleased with Bungie actually trying to improve on things and make a good game even better. I think there will always be different priorities for different players so it's hard to please everyone all at once. As long as progressive fixes and content keeps churning out, I'll be playing this game for a long time to come. So here's a thanks for the hard work from me! :)
Feels to me like the xbox game has been cut, rather then the ps version being extended.
You legitimately listed "5 New bounty slots" as a feature on the main page of the advertisement... If that's not a red flag, I don't know what is.
To all the ps users saying xbox players are crying an complaning they have evry right too they getting half the content for full price. And to all the xbox users to get your point accros just dont buy dlc the more we buy dlc the more these companies will rip stuff out of games and sell it as dlc just stop buying dlc and maybe they will give us a full game
Edited by Yosilos: 10/30/2014 8:32:46 AMI mean, I love this game. I devote time into other games to keep Destiny fresh. Maybe most of you complaining should try to do the same? Idk, as for the dlc my game came with the season pass so those of you smart like me, paid for this all in advance. It ain't costing me a damn thing except my time. Keep doing your best Bungie, I have faith in you. The Developer. See you starside.
Edited by ScarletSolitaire: 10/30/2014 8:25:12 AMDespite all the recent complaints, personally i'm really looking forward to this. Much needed new content. That being said, I know there's a fallen expansion on the way too BUT I see no sign of a third expansion with the cabal?...why leave them out?
Just think about how much it costs to go to a fast food joint. Now do that like, 3 times. There, you have just payed for the DLC. Oh, and the DLC? Yeah, it won't tear up your insides and ruin your health. ... unless you just spend All your time playing games. But that's a different concern. Also, the DLC? Yeah, it'll last Longer then the cheap fries and soda you got. A lot of people are talking prices like it's 15 years ago. $20 today isn't really that huge of a gamble on something. I can't even begin to list the amount of crap that I have wasted More then that on, and I'm pretty sure, I'm gonna enjoy what I get out of this DLC. Could things have been better organized? Yeah, but they weren't for whatever reason. The world goes on. Either enjoy what the game has to offer, or leave. Nobody is forcing Anybody to either play, or buy the DLC.
What a -blam!-ing joke.
This is nothing more than an assassination! and bungie has picked a side! Bungie you should be ashamed of yourselves for what you have done, its your fans that have been screwed over not microsoft! and you still have the indecency to charge us the same price as well as forgetting to mention the exclusive is for almost a year! at least when xbox did it it was for a month tops! outraged!
Well bungie Ive been waiting so long for this expansion to come out but yet you guys love farking your old xbox1 360 fans over! With so much exclusive content for play station I don't know why I bother ! I'm a level 30 and loved the experience of getting there you need to respect the people who brought this game because of there love of your Fps halo 123 and so I can see how you are going to make this game last ten years ! So I'm glad I'll be going back to halo 3 when the master chief collection and then the next halo beta ! I hope love that Japanese wang !!!!
I'm not sure I'm buying the expansion pack. Only 1 new strike & Raid. I have been to the vault 9 times with 2 characters and not one single piece of raid gear. I now have 70 Ascendant energy's and only got 8 shards out of the vault no weapons. I'm already starting to burn out on this, its wasting my time. Bungie quit putting all your effort into PVP. I'm not really looking to buy a an expensive expansion pack for one raid and one strike.
A NOT SO OFFICIAL BUNGIE ANNOUNCEMENT To all Xbox players. we are selling antiseptic* cream for your butthurt for the low low price of $20 per tube! *antiseptic only available for PS users.
Majority of comments in here are all negative towards bungie and towards destiny... If you dont like the game -- dont play it! If you dont like the look of the dlc -- dont buy it Me personally i like the game and i also be getting the dlc... Thats my choice. You are complaining about wasting $20.00 on a dlc when you dont like the game ether. Guys if you ask me you have completely wasted your time with your comment in this post, everybody has there own reviews of the game. If you dont like the game why the hell are you complaining about it.. Stop your ranting and go cry to people that actually give a shit... Or go to the forums express your ideas and thoughts about destiny in a reasonable way... Instead of ranting on here like some 12 year old kid that isn't getting his/her own way. Bungie just dont need this kind of headache - nether do other people
Bet this will be f@cking awesome. Bet if I could play for more than 5 minutes at a time without losing connection I'd really dig it. Thanks for nothing, Bungie.
Simply bungie for you not listening to the people who actually play game faithfully. you're a big -blam!-ing piece of shit. You don't listen to the most loyalist of the fans and you think fixing a bug is going to help your game. harder you make it the worst it is going to get and the more players you're going to lose.. So what it's a bug how many times do I have to play the raid for two months , and get not one piece a raid gear until this week I should've been had all my raid gear so I could have upgraded . long ago.. The more u weaken the guns the more you loose loyal players... Destiny I guarantee you I can run your buissness better then you.
This looks [u]great[/u]! ...gonna order the SeasonPass, as it'd be cool to explore more locations, learn more about the unfolding story, and tackle a new [b]Raid[/b]! Who else on PS3 will join me? :) [spoiler]You know you want to![/spoiler]
Hate seeing the "I'm Xbox" "I'm ps" bullmess. If you're a true gamer you would realize that Xbox has had way more exclusiveness than ps has ever had. Yes bungie made a game franchise that was only in Xbox/Microsoft. But that doesn't give yall the right to get mad when yall don't get the exclusive for this game. Yall got titanfall halo viva mother -blam!-in piñata! Great game. But what does ps have. Kill zone?? Cause it definitely isn't FF anymore. Xbox fans are just like Alabama fans. Stuck up assholes that think they are the gods of the world and ain't nothing better than them. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!! 😜😝
Can we please have increased bank space I have a 29 a 28 and another 28 and my vault is full of spare exotic armor and weapons. I have three spots left and am still missing a descent amount of exotics. This fix is a must! And I'm sure everyone agrees on it.
Bungie you lazy ass. Crota is just an over sized version of a night. You could of at least made crota a new looking monster