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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Bungie you lazy ass. Crota is just an over sized version of a night. You could of at least made crota a new looking monster

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    • Definitely getting it and not going to complain at all. Only half an hours pay.... well worth it!

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      • I have mixed feelings about this new DLC. Destiny was shown as a game of great length and yet so little was delivered. That little given packed a punch and I am still playing it to this day. Bungie listens and sometimes doesn't (referal to the atheon timestream mechanism change which sucks). I am curious to see the fate of Destiny with the new expansion. It all goes down to this. If the expansion is as short and repetitive as the actual game, I doubt anyone will play the rest unless they got the actual season pass like me. Bungie, I have huge hopes for this game and I am putting aot of time in this game and all I get is frustrated and doubting. Is the looting in the new raid going to be the same shit loot system than the actual raid? I mean, this week, with my lvl 29 I have done both the normal and hard raid and have gotten nothing else than shards and energy. Are the strikes going to be as short and repetitive as the others? Is the new campaign going to have any story whatsoever? Those are all questions that I ask myself and all these question will probably not be answered until the DLC release. I keep my hopes up and keep faith in the potential of this game. But if I don't get more. I probably will not buy the other destiny games. Even less end the DLC's. The only reason why I keep playing is because I am apart of a clan that makes it worthwhile.

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      • Ok what you playstation fanboys dont get is that xbox owners arent complaining just because they arent getting the same things as playstation. I play destiny on ps4 but i played halo for years. Bungie is giving the extra content to the same fanboys who go on every halo related post and trash it. All they say is halo is trash and for xbox players to get over the remake. Thats who you reward bungie. You might have something against microsoft or whatever idc, but dont punish ur fans and the ones who support your halo franchise and played the game for years

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        13 Replies
        • Is anyone else upset that there is only one strike?

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          • When your main aim is to maximise profit you are going to disappoint people. Its an expansion not a DLC. Where is the part you explain the story?

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            • Edited by Mikk: 10/30/2014 7:42:18 AM
              Crota's End... more like Destiny's end. The reason why majority of the people stayed and kept playing the same boring strikes and raid over and over again is for the hopes that bungie will redeem themselves with the expansion. But if this is really all there is then this is the most disappointing news yet. There will be a massive player drop after this shit. When they said "10 year plan" did they mean that it will take them 10 years to release the actual full game?

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              8 Replies
              • It's funny how CoD releases a dlc that is only 3 maps and a one mission and everyone is gun hoe yet destiny offers 3 missions a long raid 2 strikes weapons armor and lvl cap increase and everyone complains. Grow up people

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                • After playing Destiny for nearly 300 hours I'm coming to realize that Warframe is actually a better game .... Ironically I expected Destiny to surpass Warframe entirely but my god am I so wrong

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                • Don't put out the dlc yet a lot of ppl have even got the mythoclast yet on 360 and if u put out a dlc then nobody will play Vog anymore. Btw if someone wants to kill Atheon on hard on 360 send me a msg GT is same as name

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                  • Great. Drip fed a full game for shedload of cash. Milk the -blam!- out of that cash cow til its dead boys. Roll on the 18th at least R* give free content and a creator tool.

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                    • The largest budget for a game in history and Bungie can't afford to release this abysmally small content as a free patch as they should. Unacceptable.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Hi YAWN, This game deserves to be forgotten in the dark below. Bungie do we have the same English dictionary?, because your usage of words constantly re-defines what they mean. cheers

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                      • 3 story missions, 1 firestrike and 1 raid. Man, that sure is a lot of content for a $20 dlc pack. I'm sure there'll be noone complaining about how this might be a rip-off. And not to mention the epic story Bungie will be able to create through around 3 story missions per dlc which all play the same anyway. But never forget guys: Bungie's listening to you and sure isn't just trying to take your money and you are what makes this game great and blablabla

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                      • We got all these people posting bitching at bungie when they probably should be bitching at activision. Think about it... They probably heard bungie wanted to make destiny and move on from Microsoft. Then thought "holy shit, were going to have competition for COD. How can we stop this? I know throw money at them! Then just before release.... Will restrict them to fit our DLC mold. Then will make sure the servers break! By the time bungie recovers no one will every want to play a bungie game again and they will all coming crawling back to COD!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!! (Insanely evil laughter) Lol or at least this is what I pictured.

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                        6 Replies
                        • Seriously, you're cutting out on the Microsoft users? Does the term law suit ring a bell?

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                        • How about eventually making the system an auto-quest-generator whilst also keeping it maintained through manual?

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                        • Awesome, kind of sucks how ps4 players get more stuff but the rest of this whinging is insane. Some gamers have a massively entitled attitude

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                          5 Replies
                          • You guys at bungie are stubborn as hell. Yall never cease to amaze me. It literally seems like you are trying to make this game fail. I'm baffled. 1 year delay on content that's already on this disc? You honestly think this game will last that long with this trend? All I'm gonna say is I'm looking forward to other promising games coming out. The better part of bungie stayed with 343. Those guys messed up as well but atleast they admitted it and are making an effort. I'm just disgusted by this. Every patch that comes out, this game gets worse

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                          • What about the little stuff like new game mode? For example capture the flag or bigger team matches? And I'm not sure cause it wasn't stated a harder difficulty for strikes, cause lvl24 ain't cutting it. And maybe like a million people have said before sparrow races. Because when you don't feel like grinding anymore you can do something else

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                          • Bungie keep doing what you doing game is awesome love it and play it everyday people bitch and bitch about crappy Halo and whatever. You guys are doing an awesome job keep it up. Super excited for the new DLC it is definetly worth paying for with all the new content that's how DLC should be done.

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                          • Awesome the first dlc I can't wait to finally change up playing on some maps. Idk why you guys are complaining I think it's going to be epic! New weapons new armour new missions :) hope bungie doesn't disappoint

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                          • New DLC includes limited edition subterranean Sparrow! You'll get all the Strike you ever wanted! The new raid boss will randomly select one of your offline friends, promote them to fireteam leader, then select destination Tower and convert your Strange Coins to Chatterwhite shaders! The new raid-obtainable Hive Nerfaghast weapon has a special ability that only targets party members, leading to unpredictable and thrilling multiplayer excitement! Feeling bored with the lack of content? Frequent disconnects insure you'll get to replay the same missions over and over, endless enjoyment! Available now for only $20 U.S., or 20 pounds British, because exchange rates! Some restrictions may apply. Pluto is not a planet.

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                            29 Replies
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                              You're killin' me here, DeeJ. I want to like y'all, but I'm not gonna subject myself to this particular brand of anal violation and crippling mediocrity for much longer. Certainly not for ten years.

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                            • I don't mind buying DLC but I'm expecting something great and will probably be underwhelmed. From what is being described it already sounds pretty weak.

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                              • Friends list would be full of people playing destiny but now only 1 person. HAHAHA I think people are angry but you guys wouldn't know because you don't care about the players just your bank accounts.

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