[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Friends list would be full of people playing destiny but now only 1 person. HAHAHA I think people are angry but you guys wouldn't know because you don't care about the players just your bank accounts.
Woohoo a whole 2 lvls .no thanks not for £20 .
Edited by aXiom: 10/30/2014 8:25:05 AMOne side note: I like the new Cape. But why isn´t it possible to make a good looking Hunter Helmet? I looked at the new one and liked the upper Part but why there has to be a Gas Container? Really? It could have beed a pretty scary mask with those eyes but that Gas Container destroys it. And my friends and I will get the DLC. We still have fun and that´s what it´s all about. I hope you plan to include Lara Croft as a Character in the Tower cause then I would have no reason to leave. :D
Edited by BlaqueTitan: 10/30/2014 7:45:55 AMI am really digging the concept art and designs for The Dark Below and that Hive design weapons looks so damn good! Reminds me of the Thorn,and the armor visually looks better than the vault of glass vex armor sets....love the gritty look. But Devs please with the amount of new weapons coming and gear coming we [b]NEED EXTRA VAULT SPACE[/b]. And off topic there are so many nice armor styles blue and green I hope you guys are working on a way to customize the look to personalize our guardians it sucks when you have to delete them cause they lower our light level. Lastly Devs,please test this content mostly the raid for exploits,bugs,glitches etc.....dont want another Atheon dejavu type of mess. But damn,that last picture below looks like a army of Hives with one Hive Major with the sword of corta? Thats too OP!
Dear ragers, If you don't like what Bungie is doing with Destiny, then leave. We don't need your negativity. If you don't like having to pay for expansions, then leave. If you hate PvP, then don't play it. Stick to Vanguard items. If you just overall hate the game, then stop playing it and get off it's forums. It's that simple.
Looks cool to me. I like the new weapons, new gear and am certainly looking forward to the new levels, strike and raid. Quick plea - could you expand our vault capacity? I figure we'll want to try our new weapons out and gear out, but not trash our old stuff straight away. Thanks and happy hunting
Well done bungie..... Cant wait for 1 repetitive strike 1 raid that i have to wait and search for ppl to play with! And 3 crucible maps that il never play because crucible is unbalanced and sucks! Oh and 3 story missions that are 5 mins each! Ffs you real idiots AHA so funny! Bring in cod! Destiny is already seeing the light! No pun intended!
Would love to see more story content! Going on from the whole 'cinematic experience' thing. Love the game, just not entirely what was described in the box.
It's bad that the hardest boss in the game is RNG.
Well bungie, it seems that before your game came out, almost no one was bitching about it or the idea of it or what you [u]promised[/u]. The worst you would see is some troll talking about how Destiny is gonna suck and COD rules, are the trolls right? I mean obviously not about COD ( they made seven games with campaigns that take an hour and a half ) but, does Destiny [SomeWhat] suck? A lot of people definitely play it, me included. But listening to almost [b]all[/b] the replies to your topics, (which is more than you by the way) to me it seems that there is at least one comment about something bad about the game that gets ~742 bumps. Are you not listening? Do you not care? The bungie i grew up on was one i wanted to work for. [b][i][u]WORK FOR[/u][/i][/b] i remember telling my teacher that when i grow up, i wanna work for my favowite gaming company, [spoiler]Bungie[/spoiler] I am not a fanboy nor a hater, i am a concerned gamer who loves a good game or two. Thank you Bungie for probably not reading this and crushing my dreams/childhood, Oscar J. Hunter.
Its actually supposed to be 2 new raids and 2 new strikes on the dlc for xbox and PlayStation but bungie is only giving 1 strike/ 1 raid for xbox user wile PlayStation gets 2 strike/2 raids and xbox user's got to wait a year to get the other half
Edited by Arashi Sora: 10/30/2014 7:46:02 AMHell, if no one else will, i'll play Devil's Advocate. Remember Halo 3/Reach when 3 multiplayer maps were $10? Most people didn't complained then. Looking at it that way, 3 new multiplayer maps cover $10, while the other $10 covers a Raid, a Strike (2 for PS players), additional story missions, new gear and armor, plus an increase in the level cap. Looking at it that way, I can see the price being justified, especially considering it's $17.50 for Expansion Pass holders. [i]Disclaimer: This does not entirely represent my personal views on the matter. It's all for the sake of playing the Devil's Advocate role.[/i]
Cool, already paid for... DeeJ the link for more info isn't working?
Need ppl for VoG normal on xb1- message Supagh0st
Thank god, I can't wait. Oh i guess i am going to need to wait, 2...more...months, until a 3 story mission, 3 multiplayer map, 2 strike, and 1 raid mission DLC expansion pack. Don't know how much longer this game is going to keep my attention. "Division"...where are you? Anyone wanna take bets that we are going to need to defend our garage door opener "Dink Bot", against 3 waves of enemies to finish each of the 3 new missions? They screwed this game harder than a 2 cent street whore on payday.
I have it coming already because of the limited edition, but I'm not sure if I'll really play it. Being stuck at level 29 for four weeks because of RNG just isn't fun and I have no reason to log on once the raid is done. I could start another character of the same class just to raid more than once, but I'm not I could take doing all those repetitive missions again. It's very boring.
Edited by Grunkera: 10/30/2014 7:36:08 AMExpansion? I would call it a mini DLC contentwise. Deej it was you who said just 2 months ago "we are expanding it outward in every direction... we will tell you new stories, we will give you new reasons to go in and fight in new spaces... new ways to enjoy cooperative events..." and so on. And yet you add almost nothing for 1/3 of the full games price? It´s straight up disappointing, especially for Xbox Users who pay the same price and get lesser content, i´m a Ps user but this is just bad behaviour, seems like you guys forgot who is paying who in the end. I will vote with my wallet just like you at bungie voted to throw away the dream that destiny once was. Just looked at a 2013 video of destiny and guess what i see places like the reef playable, a forest on earth playable, cutscenes that got cut out entirely, i see a ghost who says and does intersting things.
Have you found a way to randomize this too? Maybe put a few apes in the new DLC to keep people from playing. That will help.
She has 3 eyes........she...is jackolyte
The Dark Blow #corrections #scamdevelopers
It's funny all these hate comments bungie don't care if you noticed because they keep getting money anyways. Maybe they made everyone think destiny would be the best game ever but they just sold us this and now they are cashing out of the business lol
How about you stop taking a massive crap on Xbox players?
Is some of it PlayStation exclusive? Or all of it or what?
It to bad that destiny is slow on releasing dlc. While some of you guys and ladies are play destiny I'll be play cod AW. I can't Wait to rage in cod😊
- colorfull ships! Holy shit someone at Bungie discovered this holy grail of not making all ships diarhea brown! Grats! - Weapons and armor look hands down awesome. - 3 new multiplayer maps. But holy shit... 1 strike... ONE mothafakin strike!!!!!!!!!!!! I shat my pantaloons from the hardcore! All casuals are so happy that you didnt forgot us! 1 strike is all I could ask for! Whoop da dooo!
Why bother I can't even play anymore since your dumb update