[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Why bother I can't even play anymore since your dumb update
So if ur like me and foolishly bought the collectors edition, well good news the dlc u payed for. that was cut from the game and put on ur disk will be given back to at no cost. For the rest of u my question is how many of u will by it and waste ur money?
Wow.... Thats pretty rough on us xbox users... Lvl 30 titan with a team that had been preparing for the next raid and now unfortunately we will probably never get the dlc... Not cause we are whiners but because we are not going to pay full price for half content #majorfailbungie
Im not saying one thing or another i enjoy the game and i just come on this forum for a good laugh, anyone agree? (And i laugh at the people not the game)
I'm surprised bungie hasn't adjusted their prices based on the amount of criticisms they've gotten over the game. I, and i think many others, are hoping the dlc will solve issues with the original game (poor story, lack of and repetitive content, etc). The higher the cost, the higher the expectation customers will have. For me, the dlc Better go a long way toward building a more cohesive story or they get no more of my money. Others will expect something else, and it's hard to think most of us will be satisfied. It seems like a big risk to future profits for short term gains, unless the dlc is bomb.
After playing Destiny, I'm pretty excited for when I get MCC and see 343i's logo instead of bungies. :D
Yay content I haven't bought, nor will ever buy. So sick of looking at the same weapon skins everywhere. Same small caves. Same story areas. I don't understand how anyone at bungie thought this game was ready for release. 10 year game or not....dragon age inquisition has 200+ hours of game play....oh and with diversity *gasp* it's sad to see the fall of such a great (lol "great", halo is WAY overhyped) company. Oh well more games in the future to drain my life away.
Who's ready for a new raid yay ya. P.S reply if can.
DO NOT BUY THIS DLC! This dlc was supposed to be in the base game! All the dlcs that are coming out is supposed to be in the base game! Think about it! It's only been a month and they have already announced as dlc! DO NOT BUY IT
Wait, wait, WAIT. Apart from the exclusive strike on the ps4 at launch now they get another exclusive strike on the dlc?! I paid $150 and because Bungie feels some type of way towards Microsoft I get punished for it? To top it off you give exclusive content to the fan base that bashed your beloved halo every chance they got. The only reason I haven't traded this game in is because I have the season pass.
I'd pay 20 bucks for matchmaking... How about that? I shouldn't have to pan-handle to play a video game. I think at this point, Destiny should pay us to play the game. We payed $60 for something that really should have been about $35-40. The longevity of this game is pretty much based on people who can manufacture fun in their own heads instead of the game presenting it. Those people who can play the same strike 76 times and just pretend they are doing something different. I don't think it's for hardcore gamers as people think it is. Destiny is a really easy game, you just have to trick yourself into thinking its expansive. People could argue that I'm not "hardcore" enough to spam invites to random players, but that's what matchmaking is for. If I get on kind of late, I don't want to spend an hour finding people to Raid, just put me in a group via matchmaking and we'll work it out I promise. I try to play once a night but... Phew... I just don't have it in me anymore. I actually went through all the trouble of completing a exotic bounty and that Thorn is not even half the fun of a purple I have. Not even 1/3 of the gun. That was kind of the last straw. I just can't keep convincing myself the game is fun anymore. The game should be called Destiny: The Hunt for Ascended Shards. It was fun, sadly I've made the mistake of buying the season pass because I didn't think a game COULD be this limited in content, so I have to try it all... But Bungie... Bless your hearts. I don't know what you guys think you've created but it's not what you are obviously thinking it is. If you are just adding more Raids that no one can hardly wrangle people to do on their own, or just weapons that end up weaker than lower level guns, you may want to charge about 10 dollars are DLC and try to get back all the players you are going to lose in 2 weeks with new games releasing (Which is funny because you are about to lose gamers to an old remastered game that's better than your current one :/ ) I commend all of you gamers who are level 30s that can keep doing this stuff over and over and who have loads of friends that have lots of time to play Raids on your time... I don't have any of that and I have around 15 possible people playing Destiny - schedules never work out. I'm actually jealous that you enjoy such a sampler plate of a game. I'll admit, if I could get some Nightfall and Raid action in, Id probably enjoy the game 25% more, but without matchmaking, it just isn't going to work. So Bungie, hopefully you'll get on the ball and not spend so much time writing 42 page essays about what patches you're doing and will start filling this game out. Maybe start doing ascended shard fragments that can be rewarded throughout the game so even smaller missions can keep you moving forward? I get that Raids should be ways to get major goodies, but why can't their be other ways? Why is Raids the endgame? Why not take those multiplayer maps and drop in some AI and make it a horde mode? The higher the wave the better the rewards. Horde modes are 200x times more fun than the Raids... That's why they keep popping up in games. And maybe LEAVE THE DAMN CRUCIBLE GAMETYPES IN!!! I like skirmish... I don't want to play it one day a week. Make a list and leave it alone. Why not a type with no supers? Supers are boring in crucible. You got 3 kills because you pushed two buttons together... Weeee zzzzzz. Why not a swat? Capture the flag? King of the hill? Races? If you think you're some new game breaker of ideals, you're not. You're 6 games packed into one in a weaker form. So if you're holding out on these "old game types and ideas" - stop. Add them in, accept you're just another game and give us some varying content that isn't Raids and rehashed story missions. It would take you MORE work to build a new Raid than it would to slap some AI in a crucible map and make a horde mode. Aaaaaand break!
So we are paying 20 bucks for new weapons and a raid? No one will care about the strikes and no one will care about the quest. Oh well I already bought the two expansion passes. I won't buy anymore though! People there is no need in complaining. Seriously. It will do ZERO good. Speak with your wallets. Don't buy anymore DLC. Actually lets make a pledge. Comment below if you will boycott all future purchases from Bungie regarding Destiny. Then our voices will be heard.
Edited by Bajka: 10/30/2014 5:32:58 AMNot again. U-Uh! not buying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ5BpeHVTWY#t=92
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]bump
How could I possibly "Build on to my Legend" when my so called legend is generally going to look exactly the same as another charctwr or have the same exact weapons because they're sold at Xur for fat too cheap .... The lack of customization kills the happiness a lot more than anything for me all I'm saying is all 30s look alike when it comes to glass and so will all 32's there will be nothing impressive about it just a show of how much time you've invested or how lucky you are. I just feel sad that the cone is so minimal that I'll be anticipating other games more than even being reminded that Destiny exists. I was such a huge fan and supporter the more I see how you treat your community with such a closed door I'm losing faith, which makes me think Halo really may have been lighting in a bottle. I already am finding myself doing the raid and nightfall then not playing the rest of the week because noth I ng else is worth doing once you've done the exotic bounties, so much potential....but now it's Sunset Overdrive, CoD, Dragon Age, and The Division I'm waiting for, simply because you didn't deliver what was promised :(... Does anyone else remember the original ViDoc wuth the out here in the wild cutscene? Where the awoken says out here in the wild this is how we talk? Or when one of the deva said We'd be able to go to Saturn? I dare you to go watch it, and you'll even more armor variants that are be I ng worked on that never made it into the final product. I've been a fan since halo 1, but I'm hanging on by less than a thread right now...
Very decent game, and ill play untill dlc drops i suppose.But if you think this near beta game lacking content is going to be saved by a few multiplayer maps 1 single strike, and 1 other raid you are mistaken.Hope the game gets better but is simply just not worth my money to continue when other games come out.
When the hell does it come out? It says 29/09/ 2014 but we now on 30/10/2014. So when do we get to see it?
I can't see a reason to buy this. I have no access to the current 6 player raid, so another one is no use to me. 3 new PVP maps...no thanks. 1 new strike mission. Okay, but i'm going to take a wild guess that this involves going to point A, trigger ghost, fight hordes of critters...rinse and repeat until you encounter a bullet sponge boss. And more gear that will only unlock if I complete the raid or strike on Hard setting. Meh! All in all rather disappointing.
DEEJ!!!! My boner deflated.... Bungie's news has caused this :(.......... Can I get a free handy?
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] But how do we push him off the map????
Dear Bungie; As someone who has been in love with your work since the release of Halo: Combat Evolved, I would just like to thank you for all the work you put into this game. You continue to put out quality content despite all the vitriolic filth spewed at you by the lesser-minded rabble. Please pay no mind to those that do not understand how to enjoy something. While I did not anticipate myself getting the game until just before launch, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself and easily gotten $60 worth of fun and enjoyment out of it. To all the haters; You're all entitled to your own opinions, but I think that you should learn a little about it before stating it as a "fact" 1. Just because something is partially "on-disc" does not mean it was cut or finished. It's a similar idea to Lego; You can have all the pieces ready, but putting it together is the hard part. 2. Exclusives are not a right. Just because Bungie was an xbox-exclusive company until recently does not mean that Xbox players deserve exclusive content. 3. Every one of you are still playing this game. If you really did not like the game or have an issue with Bungie, then trade in your game and go eat some pretzels in a corner. The fact that you are still playing it means that you enjoy it, even if you don't want to admit it. Honestly I see $34.99 as extremely cheap for the season pass as both expansions have so much content compared to other AAA games that release 2 or 3 maps for the same price *cough*COD*cough*
So many crying children here lol you bought the game you can also sell it and delete this app bunch of nagging immature people that claim they're a "hardcore gamer" and knows everything about how to develop a game. Go on go make yourself a game I'll be waiting here to see how it plays :-)))
This DLC expansion will not last for 360 and one users come on bungie support your birth place
**Please don't skip over this if you think it's some long a rant. I quote from an article that's why it's long.** Just my two cents, but I noticed that all the people who are exited about the dlc and such seem to be higher levels. It probably goes to say that they realize the game is actually entertaining and is why they are higher levels. Wait a second... Isn't that what video games are for? I quote a few questions from a Eurogamer article with Bungie president Harold Ryan written 10/29/14: [quote][b]One of the things people criticised Destiny for was the lack of story in terms of how it played out within the missions. For example, there was a general lack of characters, exposition, cutscenes and dialogue - the kind of stuff we've seen a lot of in the Halo series. Is that something you will address with the story missions in the DLC?[/b] Harold Ryan: What you'll see in this expansion, it's going to be a very different approach to telling a new story to players than the thematically-driven story from the original launch of the game. It's going to feel much more loot driven and story driven in that it's going to feel faster-paced with more action as you go through it, and with exposition. The important thing about Eris is, this story is going to be her story, and she's going to send you on a mission that's a lot of fun. [b]I'm sure you sure the recent leaks with players able to see a lot of this planned content already in the game. Based on what you've told me, a lot of that doesn't seem to be in The Dark Below.[/b] Harold Ryan: There's a bunch of shared-world content we've shipped on the disc specifically to limit download sizes for people. Both inside the US and all over the world, how much you download on your local home internet connection can be a problem, and even how much storage space it takes up on your console. So we share a lot of assets across all the activities in the game. When people get into areas that aren't unlocked right now, they're seeing pieces we built and shipped ahead of time, but they're by no means the finished experiences or even the finished content. [b]But when we can get into these areas already and see this content, there's a feeling at the content is finished, cut and saved for DLC.[/b] Harold Ryan: No. Eris and her story were built over the last three months, long after the game was done. For example for The Dark Below, that included the activities and the bosses and all of the polish of it.[/quote] Hope that clears some things up. I agree the story sucks, but I think they will redeem themselves with the new style of storytelling. I personally love this game for its graphics and the world. I also play more pvp then pve so the crappy story didn't affect me much. To end things off, I wanted to make a comment about the Destiny community. You guys, every time Bungie comes out with a patch or an update, that answers much needed fixes, it seems that the community changes to criticize the update in any way possible. Making a game is hard work, especially if it's new. Halo 1 was not the best game and not as polished as Reach was, so please just give Bungie an opportunity to make fixes without their community ranting in the background. Constructive comments are good, that's all I ask. Thanks for reading.
This is by far the best post I've read
Should of fixed the servers before trying to sell me more shit I won't be able to play. Seriously -blam!- off bungie use my 60 dollars well that's all you will be getting from me.