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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • Cant wait this is going to be good. To all the haters just -blam!- off, get off the forums and stop playing.

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    14 Replies
    • Already bought it, thought it would be more, lesson learned. I'll be back in ten years for the destiny "total package" release. Got a group of friends already in on, we'll play it when all the dlc is bundled into a 60 game. So bungie what's next?

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    • well im looking forward to this, but damn these comments lol..

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      • Hello, Are you looking for groups to do the vault of glass and not finding anyone? Well worry no more my friend for we the Outland Guardians have cleared it every week, and has completed Heroic Mode!Ya like crucible? Ya us too! We are constantly going in and getting up to 5 to 10 wins in a row so if you needed a clan look no further join today! Our main clan is on the Xbox one, looking for more people for PS4 🙀😼🙀message🙀😼🙀 😼😼😼OutlandGuardian😼😼😼on Xbox One or on this app if your interested!!! Have a very nice day!

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      • you know, I think you feel like [url=]Wreck it Ralph[/url] some times...but to be honest if you guys would just add the minimum content to make the game worth the effort and look like you guys are at least looking at our comments. We really need the love man.

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        • mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, interesting interesting................................................*sigh* Meh, im going back to ps3........ buuuuuuuut...................gayyyyyyehhhhhhh de graphics on PEE-ESS-THREE tis gay..... Back to Destiny becoz no dont even know

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          • @TheDevTeam Explain this to me --->

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            • Is this also not gonna have a dialogue?

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              • Yeah, all that content. Plus another strike and exotic weapon for Playstation players, right? Fantastic. Love how Bungie further disappoint their fans that still remain from the Halo days. Myself, for example. And I can only assume that many more feel the same way. I had over a month of pure playtime on Halo 3. It was the first game I ever played online and to this day my favorite online experience. After the Beta, I thought "Maybe this is it. Maybe this could be my new favorite experience ever." Not that I'm desperately looking for a new best experience, I was just that hyped about the game. All my hype showed when Destiny finally got released. A friend, also a guy who loved Bungie's Halo games, and myself did a 16-hour grind. Straight to level 20 in our first session. And do you want to know what we noticed about the story? Nothing bad. But what do you expect? We were like kids who were already on a sugar rush, finally being let loose into a candy shop. Destiny did not end up becoming my new favorite experience ever, despite my 300+ hours of game time. The story is lacking, Grimoire Cards may just be one of the laziest attempts of storytelling that I have ever seen. And the timed exclusive content? Really, Bungie? One argument I keep reading is that CoD does it too for Xbox, so it's okay. How about No? What CoD does is release content a month earlier on Xbox. That's it. Only a month, which sucks, but is somewhat reasonable. And a short time compared to a whole year. Bungie, do you really think that come fall 2015, I will still care about a strike that PS players got at the start of the game? No. I don't see how Destiny isn't a Playstation exclusive game. Oh wait, that's right, squeezing money out of fans from the Halo days, and some new people.

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              • People need to stop complaining about this game. It is the most under estimated game ever! People r being stingy with the reviews i mean 6/10 thats dumb personally id give it am 8/10 being pretty good because the multiplayer and all the cool armours and wepons i think it is cool that the drop system is random it makes the game that much more fun and the add ons to come should show fellow players that theyr trying the game isnt done yet and instead of whining lets embrace it and stop complaining about exotic wepons!! Seriously why do u all want? To get your cool exotic guns nerfed no way instead of bitching go for that op gun or watch urself get a cool pocket infinity only to find out it has been nerfed due to whiners thanks alot guys!

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              • Blam

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              • I was like... NEE CONTENT!!! FOR FREEEE!!!?? NOW?!?! Then as i scrolled down.. December ..2014... Oh..damn it. Sad face.

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              • Hey DeeJ, are you going to remove this comment too? Cause the last time, my comment went poof...guess it made too much sense...

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                3 Replies
                • I hope that everyone knows that the guy who wrote halo and was the project lead for destiny quit after bungie scraped his story that was advertised in 2013 destiny trailers.

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                  • Love this. I just hope I don't zap through the blam-in content too fast. But in terms of price, one comment - $10 Id be stoked. $12.50 Is the right price. $15 is still ok. $20 is just that bit too much.

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                    • All the guys I started playing Destiny with at launch have quit, mostly through boredom. The content in the upcoming DLC probably wont entice them to restart playing Destiny. This DLC feels like it should have been included as part of the main game instead it feels like a rip off. I'm really not convinced the development team at Destiny have a clue what their doing - the latest patch to Atheon fight being their biggest blunder to date. Destiny will be in terminal decline after the Christmas season is over. Shame.

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                    • So why am I paying $20 more for content that's already on the disc!?...... Do you really think WE are that stupid, Activision and Bungie!??

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                    • If you guys never heard what Bungie made by selling Destiny then I don't think you would be complaining as much. Who cares if they made 500 million. Who cares that they may have saved future parts of the game for expansions. You all think they are being cheap asses by not throwing it all in at once but really they are just just being business men which it should be for any game really comming out on any new console here in the future. We are spoiled with these new crazy games that look so real and that we get so lost in. Bungie has a huge name with the halo franchise in their back pocket and I think "fans" are doubting there ability to re create what brought a large majority of the destiny player base to this game. Quit judging them so early. Halo 3 was my favorite game ever. If I had quit at halo 1 because I didn't like it I would have never had the fun experiences with Halo 3 that I will remember for ever. Let them work their kinks out and produce a quality game without harassing them about things you read on forums. I would be suprised if half of the people on the forums really feel as strongly as they portray through their comments.

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                      • Get ready to read hahah. funny people

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                      • I'm guessing that the content we are all looking for is in the future DLC, and that the DLC needs it to make them worth buying?

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                      • I hope that everyone knows that the guy who wrote halo and was the project lead for destiny quit after bungie scraped his story that was advertised in 2013 destiny trailers.

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                        2 Replies
                        • Activision and Bungie= the "Titanic" of the video game industry... Frankly, I'm glad their intentions became so plain and obvious from the start.. perhaps I will be able to get a refund for the DLC that will not exist for another year, and accept the 25%-50% of the value of the game in the refund when I am done with the pointless grind, waiting for a more intentional and competent development crew to create a game like this, and succeed where Bungie failed...

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                        • @Dukallor..........How'd you go from Destiny to child abuse? I mean..... WTF dude? You remind me of one of those idiots who shot up a school. And to those who are complaining about the game, need too stop and think about what you may not know. we all know that BUNGIE can make a game that is 100% perfect. A game so EPIC it had books, novels, and a movie made from it. Halo isn't a story line.... It's a Universe. to the people who are bitching so much, maybe there are different factors to why this game is the way it is. When you have a great idea and some one limits that idea, and doesn't let you put 100% of yourself in that idea, then how can it be 100% perfect? There could be many different reasons for the short comings of the game. That's just one example. Maybe Bungie couldn't focus on Destiny because ACTIVISION was limiting there ideas.

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                        • Edited by Xalon: 10/30/2014 5:45:15 AM
                          I've been mostly trying to see the games issues from a neutral position. Pointing out both sides or keeping my moral light hearted, but after grinding through the pitiful strike list, patrols of the same...everything, and very little reward, I am starting to wane on my approach to all of this... In a year, Xbox gamers who actually will still play won't care about a lvl 20something strike. Basically after that time, WHO is going to care? A month makes sense for competitiveness of a few maps that add nothing but battlegrounds for pvp, but a year for PvE content? That's ridiculous. The content won't be relevant. The exotics will only gather dust at that point. The strike will be a forgotten addition. Its a waste to even bother adding it at that point. Might as well just say its a console exclusive. Don't waste your time coding it for Xbox. If that's the game, I won't bother worrying about it. I'll just play my 3/4 of a total game or walk away. Next year, Halo 5 will be out. And you guys have been on the other side, so you know how hard it will be for Destiny to compete by bringing outdated strikes and exotics to the table. Something has to be done, because this boat is gaining water, and losing steam. Forget 10 years, you don't have that long, show some good PR. Not in promises and Bad patches and updates. Not in correcting network issues, but by adding new content that isn't exclusive to the highest bidder. I can't imagine ANYONE staying with a single IP with the current rep, unless they pick it back up from a bargain bin, that's just fact, not an insult. You have plenty of feedback and sometimes the updates seem like someone with a bad attention problem is pulling the strings. Deej, your not to blame. Your a messenger. But the people you report to, well, they aren't getting the point. I don't want you guys to bomb. Shoot, I have played every game y'all have made in the last 13 years, so I hate to see this happen. But this is exactly what happened with the titanic. It cost a fortune, was "unsinkable" and then they got careless.

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                        • Edited by Teddek80: 10/30/2014 6:21:08 AM
                          Looks awesome! Can't wait for the [b][i]"BIG"[/i][/b] patch though. Were in neeeeeeeeeeeed of it.

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                        • Bungie you have a great here and everyone wants to enjoy and love your game.. But the continue of screwing over your fans in the Xbox version will just lose everyone interest of this game. My thoughts about what you are doing is why?? Why your game for the Xbox one/360 and not give everyone the chance of new content that should be equal threw out both consoles ... Why even make the game for the Xbox 1/360 if your not going to give everyone the same content that's just wrong in so many levels your basically spitting on everyone's face that plays Xbox. You guys(bungie) should give everyone the same content on both consoles or make different ones for each but I don't see that happening... Thank you for reading I hope we can all get on the same level.

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