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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Is it true that I paid for my whole game and I receive the other half a YEAR AFTER Sony users get theirs? That is not fair and I really hope this isn't true.

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    • All of the complaining is annoying If you like a game enough then buy the dlc. If not then don't buy the dlc. I'm not happy that there's not alot of content in the dlc, but I enjoy the game and will enjoy what the dlc has to offer.

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    • I like how Bungie doesn't mention the other strike. Hey guys maybe if we don't say anything, the Xbox owners won't know about it! How shady can you be?

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    • Honestly did you think this would make anyone happy?? After months of people complaining about lack of content and most importantly story.. You give us three missions? THREE?? Why would you release this information? Just to piss people off? Bungie is obviously trying to hoodwink us, so might as well just blindside us with the bull snot..

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      • I wish that "BUNGIE" notices most of these comments are disappointed fans. Obviously some people aren't, but hey they probably aren't going through all the crap most of us are. Come on BUNGIE Like seriously give these people a reason to stop bashing and restore their hope for the game. Cause by patching the wrong "shit" (sorry) will not make anyone happy. Fix the monkey caterpillar connection crap. The only other pvp game I have is COD. And I seriously! Don't want to play it.

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      • *clears throat* Ah hem!! About those patch notes, Bungie... DLC...Cute. Anyways, about those notes...

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      • Personally i think they should release this as a free dlc, get back to the drawing board and come up with content worthy of an expansion. And if they really listen to feedback from the players they better make the other "expansion" worth the price. Still its better then no content at all but bungie please stop with console exclusive stuff.. That is some serious BS..

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        • Yay! I look here for info about how Iron Banner is coming back with discussed changes, or about how there will be some -blam!-ing content in the game, but -blam!- all that bullshit! DLC is coming that we already know about (because the game bugged out)! And it's coming in over a month! YAY!

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        • I was really hoping for a new area to explore, not just a couple boring story missions in the same ares we've already been too. What happened to old Chicago or Mercury? Really starting to lose interest in this game.

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        • The issue is not the delayed content, it's paying the same price for less! There is no comparison for what is being done here because it had never been done. DLC for any multi console game has never excluded content from one console and charge the same price! Plus when they were pushing the dlc pass there was no mention of less content for Xbox. That is just wrong. (I know it says a year later, but anyone who says that it will be relevant by then is just lying ) Bungie doesn't hurt Microsoft by this, they hurt all the fans they made from Halo who loved their game. The same fans that felt bad for what happened between them and Microsoft. The same fans who were so excited to here many years ago that they were back with a new project. Bungie, Xbox players made you pretty successful and now our loyalty to you through all these years is repayed by this digital slap in the face! Thanks. I wish I could get my money back for the dlc pass. It would make more sense to just delay the ENTIRE dlc a few months for Xbox users instead of robbing us of some content for a year. I just hope this doesn't set a new trend in the already exhausting console war. :(

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        • Edited by Fether4: 10/30/2014 5:50:27 AM

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        • Woooo another extension to the already bad idea of a game. How long will it take me to get to 32? Because I've done the raid with 3 warlock files 3 times a week for about 4 or so weeks. And I'm still at 29 because the god awful idea of a random loot system being 2 d 20s has me still sitting with 1 piece of raid gear. Sooo no... I'm good.. I'll just wait for halo or gta and spend my money more wisely. I thank you for your time.

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        • Half the peeps on this forum are saying that the DLC isn't worth it and that they won't be buying it. Trust me, they will eventually buy it.

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        • Shouldn't this be illegal or something? I want $10 of my season pass refunded if I'm not going to get all of the content. Pretty sure something in this is illegal, if not very shady. At any rate, I have to poop. Where is Deej's desk?

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          • Bungie... Who the hell do you think you are? Do you think as a company you can treat the fans who built you with their hard dollars so callously? I understand your company holds a grudge with Microsoft over the halo fiasco, but seriously... What kind of company tries to manipulate their customer base to play on a different system, to get revenge on their previous employer, by charging them the same price, but giving them less. Why even build the game for xbox if you were going to do this? I thought you as a company were better than this. I was wrong. I am not even going to criticize this game, because I am simply not going to play it anymore. I furthermore will spend no further of my hard money on Bungie as a gaming company. I no longer believe in your future. You wanted to retain your halo fanbase, but yet don't care how you treat us. This is unethical business practice. Your even going to try to spin this as activision fault, but they are a publisher... why would they promote such a practice? The only company that benefits from this is Bungie. You seen dollar bills, you rushed your game out, and than treated your fans like garbage, because you truly think your fans are so under your control that they will play the game anyway... Time will tell. I however wont be paying attention, because honestly... this was the final straw for me. #BoycottBUNGIE

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            • I still won't be able to play it if no one accepts my fricken invites to play. I still haven't gotten more then one person to play vog and it takes at least three. Come on bungie at least give people like me the option for some kind of matchmaking system. I honestly don't care if I am able to beat it or not. I just want the opportunity to play it. I like the game so far and I really would like to play all this game has to offer. Sadly I won't be able to unless I get randoms from the tower to quit joining and leavening my fire team. I like the game and plan to keep playing it, all I ask is you please implement a system so we can join each other like regular raids.

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              • I really think that most of the dlc content should have already been on the disc at release. Otherwise how do you explain people being able to glitch into the dlc areas other than saying it's so we don't have to download as much when it's released. I'm still going to buy it cuz I, as a player, deserve it. I just don't agree that we should have to pay as much as they're charging. Half the content is already purchased!

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              • Edited by zUKJames: 10/30/2014 4:58:13 AM
                Anyone interested in a Season Pass? cos im out of here... not enough content... Scammed, $35 does not equal £35... most of the PvE areas already exist in the game anyway... and falsely advertised, where is jupiter and saturn (/their moons)? instead of moaning now, i'm going to go silent... the only reason people moan is because they are Passionate. No hope can become of destiny now so... its a lost cause even attempting to be heared. Here's hoping Destiny 2 re-writes the mistakes... and the entire story.

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                • This game cost me $130 in my country for the limited edition... NEVER AGAIN!

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                • So wait, says release is the 9th... but psn says 31st??

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                • Hold on while i....oh wait...obligatory "wah wah wah wan wah wah WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH........wah" (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

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                • Edited by ToneBone: 10/30/2014 4:44:24 AM
                  [b][i]It's funny when for once there's a great game with exclusive content for Sony's systems, the Microsoft system owners go crazy. They, for the most part have always had the exclusives or DLC's a month before, or even some of the best games like Halo exclusive to their system. Now they are crying, acting like a toddler who just got their toy taken away. Calm down people.[/i][/b]

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                  • Sounds like enough content to keep me busy for about 3 hours. Yay. How much is it? 20$ or something? Can't wait...for the master chief collection that is.

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                  • If I already bought the expansion pack in the Xbox one store does that mean that when its released it will start to download?

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                    • My advice would be to throw those bones a little more often Bungie. By this, I mean give new content a little more often. Creating buildup for something over months like this just kinda pisses people off when you don't do much to stimulate anything new currently. Some bounties are repeated day after day, and you are just stuck in this static point. Maybe, release smaller amounts of new stuff, but with less time between the DLC. Give us more things to do while we maintain a hype for new raids/updates/and whatever else. I love Destiny, but I would like to see a bit more in the form of a story and just add in a little content in smaller intervals.

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                    • Sigh... Then all the events after this will be these missions over and over once again

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