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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Sigh... Then all the events after this will be these missions over and over once again

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  • I can't wait, this abundance of content sounds quite exciting. New items to acquire and different ways to do it too, kinda want something other than Venus raid gear. :3 All you need is a little bit of faith, right?

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    • -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- YES!

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    • Cant wait to see how big the file is!

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      • So... Xbox owners will be getting a discount on the expansion, right? Since most of us are getting about 75% of the expansion. 3 New missions, that I might play once. 3 crucible maps that I'll never play. 1 strike, because I can't have the other one because I bet on the wrong horse this generation. 1 raid, which is the only thing I care about even a little. Not sure if I can justify the expense this time...

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        • Not buying it. (Xbox 360) Not worth the $20 on top of $60 for the same missions and strikes we already have in a slightly different setting gonna take more then that to sway me. Game is already missing a lot.

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          • All the people bitching about the game on the forms right now, are currently play Destiny and will keep playing Destiny because of all the future content that will be coming out... [b]AM I RIGHT, or am I right?[/b]

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          • People you do know this is the first part or a epic story. All beginnings are slow build ups to the story line. Halo had a shit fest story at first if you dont remember. So what's the difference. The game just came out. Bungie will get this game rolling but in time. You will see all you complaining will be loving it and once its done because you dont know how to put down a controller and do something else in life will bitch about it some more. It never ends and it never will. On the plus side. I like this game i will admit it really grinding the same stuff but any MMO is like this. WoW the world biggest MMO out there and longest running has been doing this for 10yrs and its still going strong. Give it time. It will get better. MMO = A grind fest for the best gear over and over again. Get use to it or don't play it. This isn't Call of Duty or Battlefield nor Halo. It's a Halo feel game that's a sandbox so you and your friends can do whatever you want when you want.

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            • I'm so excited :D

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            • I think Bungie should pick a few dozen random gamers from the UK and US (since they're local) and bring them to the studio so that the public can tell Bungie what they want. I have SO many ideas that I think would make this game great and more enjoyable and I've seen many ideas as well. This game just hasn't been up to par with Halo which saddens me, but I see HUGE potential if Bungie would stop "fixing" things that aren't really problems and would focus on what their community really WANTS from this game. That's just my view.

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            • All I see is bitching....

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              • This is crap!!! why am I paying the same price as a ps4 user for less !!!!!!

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                4 Replies
                • OH HELL YEA ... Give me more! So pumped about this, hit 30 last week and am pretty specced up with all types of nice weapons that I am having a ball with. Looking forward to getting into the new raid with my team and the gear that comes with it! Please for the love of Crota though ... at least give us a hint as to what the portal in the middle of the jumping puzzle does in the Vault!!! Spent like 2 hours in there the other day looking for different paths or buttons or something. I can see there is a pillar above it but cant get to that, made it all the way to the left side and on the big block but nothing there either. If the portal is just to add to the atmosphere well I can say I have had some bloody good adventures chasing ghosts! Really looking forward to exploring the new raid as well.

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                • As an xbox owner I can't even get excited about this. Just feel like I'm getting screwed.

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                  8 Replies
                  • To every single person who is complaining about the dlc content: Shut the -blam!- up. If you didn't know what you were getting into you shouldn't have preordered the dlc. Let's remember this is a game, not life. Stop being pussies and bitching about every single -blam!-ing thing. Don't want to sound like an asshole, but seriously c'mon, without even receiving the content yet you have made up your minds, give it a chance.

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                  • This game's starting to feel like a really short rollercoaster ride. It's fun, but the fun of the ride only lasts a very short while. I'd rather wait longer and get a much more substantial expansion. This feels more like the size of something one could throw into a big update. I was hoping to finally have a bigger, longer lasting journey to go on, but it seems like the games way of lasting 10 years is to give it to us one very small $20 crumb at a time. The content I bet is good, it's just that there is not enough of it. I really hate to complain on a forum where it's already so prevalent, but I felt I should say it anyway.

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                  • Looking for a group to raid with Xbox one GT: Christonthe2nd

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                  • Expansion? Go check that word in the dictionary Bungie!

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                    • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote] Well i think its pretty clear. Ya screwed up bungie. Fix it.

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                    • I'm somewhat excited, but I'm just curious how many missions there will be. Hopefully this isn't a letdown. So far I've been hooked on destiny, until I put some more hours into shadow of mordor tonight. Looking at far cry and dragon age coming out. I'm wondering how many more strikes, I can do and how long it takes to make a raid team to find a last piece of raid gear, before I'm totally bored. Been pretty firm at supporting bungie and destiny and all the halos made by bungie, plus marathon back in junior high lol. But I'm starting to feel the boredom I hear so many complaining about. I have put a ton of hours in, but I've slowly been separating hoping that not playing a few days at a time will make it fresh. Just hoping that this DLC adds some good stuff. Hoping this game gets geared more towards PvE and it's RPG elements, like making Faction gear accessible to people who don't play pvp.

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                      • Sounds cool to me. I have X1, I would like to play those strikes , but meh, whatever, I will more excited when the MCC comes out. "Xbox, play Master Chief Collection" Something you can't , and never will be able to do on a Playstation console. Xbox FTW, Bungie FTW.

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                        • Anyone want to do the weekly strike with me? Xbox one GT: zGalaxyUnkown

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                        • Smh just sad

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                        • When does the DLC come out for Xbox

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                        • With this dlc they treat us like retardet braindamaged.vegetables.... So almost 0 new models, 2 new models for weapons, no new lovation to explore freely. corta.will lool like hive knight but with different textures, lame multiplayer maps, and still the reef is not used. U suck so hard. This game dont deserve a sequel. And donr deserve a 10y lifespan for what activision done to it. Its realy sad that bungie.made pact with a devil and now they are paying the price. So this notrst in patch notes about additional bountie slots that supposed to be out soon in reality were just stuff from dlc. You mother-blam!-ers how could you... For this game i go bankrupt, right now ure just a shade of.ur former self so if this would.happen noone gona cry... Maybe activision.will buy you out ...

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                        • .... And you just lost a sale on both upcoming dlc's. Well played bungie, bold strategy lets see how this works out for you.

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