[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
.... And you just lost a sale on both upcoming dlc's. Well played bungie, bold strategy lets see how this works out for you.
I play this game way too much. I'm top 8% at destiny stats, whatever their generic formula is based on, and im top 1% in captured flags, and top 3% in deaths. But I'm only top 32% on win percentage. How is this possible? I'm excited for the DLC, but I don't even have a fire team to play it with. Add me for ps4 for a skirmish/crucible squad.
Ok out of the two expansions I have wanted this one the most the hive are just so awesome I can't wait for the new raid considering how I love the current one I just can't wait for this expansion I want it so flippin bad!
These forms are cancer. I see a whole lot of ungrateful pricks. I am very exited for future content. Keep up the good work Bungie! <3
So what if PlayStation get a bit more than Xbox the company probably paid more so they would... that's why I buy assassin's creed for PlayStation it always has bigger and more content, and looks 200% more prettier and also why I buy EB games exclusive because it's always heavier in content than every other store... Whinging about why people shouldn't buy dlc is a crock of shit! Every mmo contains unreleased content on its discs which is opened via a small patch rather than a massive update that thousands will be trying to download at the same time making the game impossible to play for hours due to server congestion... Do your -blam!-in research with this stuff before whinging! Gripe over now to the positives! The new raid armour looks awesome for all classes and highly authentic to its hive theme =D New gear yes please! Did you see that cool looking ship??! And some more PvP maps thank -blam!-ing Christ! A new strike... I can handle that and New story that you don't know how will flesh out is a definite benefit! The game isn't heavy in dialogue but it's me who is making "my Legend" it's my story! Think like that and you'll likely enjoy it more... Good work guys just keep adding content as you tweak game codes to give us what was envisioned
I can't wait to get the new gear in this upcoming raid and upgrade it with my 182 ascendant shards! Oh wait that's right I can't seem to get raid gear because all I seem to get is ascendant materials.
The Dark Stain On My Underwear. Deej please eat my butthole!!!
Edited by Sigma: 10/30/2014 2:30:27 AMFirst things first: this is a comment from someone who's pissed. If you think I'm a hater, or you just think my opinion is stupid, then good for you. Move on and stop looking at the post. Where to start? Ah, yes. Let's begin with how we're paying 20 dollars for possibly 5 dollars worth of content at most. In reality, most games have patches and updates bigger than this. We get: 3 story missions (which will almost certainly follow one of the following templates: kill unoriginal boss, or use ghost > defend against waves of enemies), 1 strike (2 strikes for PlayStation players, and this is ranted about further down), and 1 raid. Yeah, there's some new items, but there weren't enough to begin this game with anyways. While I have no source, so I won't say this is 100% true, it seems like all of the content was cut. They give us a hollow game with little to start with, and they're giving us tiny little patches to try and cover their failure up. What's next? How about PlayStation's exclusivity deal? Okay. I'm not dumb. Sony claimed this extra deal a while back. If we wanted extra stuff, we buy PlayStation. Fair enough, right? Well, what about us who want other Xbox One exclusives and don't have the money to afford a PS4? I also understand that this extra content is provided with extra funda by PlayStation, but even still, they're not even giving enough content to PlayStation players, let alone Xbox players. What else? Let's touch on the future of this game. First of all, I've got Halo: MCC, Far Cry 4, and Evolve coming up soon, along with a lot more games coming in the future. With overpriced DLC and not enough content as is, this game will never survive 10 years. I doubt it'll survive 1, at this rate. Buy the time their deal ends and I'd finally be willing to buy the DLCs the game will be dead anyways. Hell, I'm not the only pissed one. Look at the community, Bungie. You done goofed. So, that's about it. Comment below if you have something you'd like to say about my opinion (good or bad, I'm open minded), call me a(n) [insert insulting name here], or bump the post. Thanks for reading. TL;DR version: I'm mad at Bungie because we (Xbox players in particular) deserve more content, and if Bungie's Desinty continues this path it will die out quickly.
[quote]No Destiny November[/quote] saw that quote and it has a catchy ring to it.
Edited by AlphaBlaze22: 10/30/2014 5:27:12 AMWHY ARE YOU GUYS SO SURPRISED???? Did you not see the last announcement that congratulated Activision and Bungie executives for graduating from The Peter Moore School of Gaming Business
Not buying this...no way, no how. I STRONGLY encourage others to do the same, even if you're enjoying the gameplay, as I am. We cannot support this horrible business model, and it will only get worse in the future if we do. It is so obvious that this content should have been included in the core game. So sad...:(
Edited by Oxinaru: 10/30/2014 5:21:33 AMI usually hate complaining on this, but... This is -blam!-ing stupid. Unlike everyone here who is bored of Destiny, I am not. I am still playing this game. However, I am not going to anymore due to this. When I heard about the budget and the updates, I got excited, I had hope. I would love to pay for DLC, but I would like to pay for a full new planet, like Saturn or Mercury, with a whole new storyline extension and strikes. But this... This is insane Bungie. I am going to stop playing and sell my game in a month if I have to pay for updates. Strikes should be put in game as updates. Things like new patrols, large amounts of missions, and new planets should be DLC. This is shit. You "budget" is nothing but our money and how much you want out of us. If this isn't changed later, which I hope to God it is, then goodbye Bungie. PS - this is basically a giant micro transaction, paying to continue on with a game is just -blam!-ed up.
Really Bungie? Cmon guys that's a dick move. Here buy our game! Now that you've bought it, buy this this this this this this this aaaaaand this and you'll finally be able to enjoy the game. You made the game, a lot of people bought it, I'm 110% sure you made a profit on the game, and now I'm done. I guess what I'm trying to say is well.... I may be a consumer, you may be making something I enjoy and want more than the green cotton paper and want even more of, but the ceo or president or both... You're an asshole. So -blam!- you and your game. I feel sorry for the people who worked so hard on this game just to see it turn into a money pot. The game is for entertainment not for swindling us out of our money by giving us very small one-part DLCs. So I'm not buying your stupid shit and you can go fall into the Hellmouth for all I care.
Buy this DLC. Then you will be satisfied with the game. Lol Really? Keep chasing that rabbit on a wire while Bungie and Activision keep stealing from us. Never mind that you will never cacth the rabbit. Every DLC will continue to offer somthing to fill the emptiness inside and the diassapointment. On and on this will go, them throwing us a few bread crumbs (in the form of a DLC), us chasing after them. Every new DLC will make you feel left out if you don't by it too. But don't buy it. This very game is fabricated on the idea of denied gratification. That is why we have played so much - searching for what will never come. I have NEVER played a game with a worse effort-to-satisfaction ratio.
You know, a lot of people like to say that 343 dropped the ball with Halo 4, but they actually managed to make a pretty entertaining game. While the main story wasn't amazing, it was at least a whole story, and the episodic crimson campaign was brilliantly done in my opinion. Bungie, did all of your competent staff leave when 343 Studios was created to keep making Halo games? Is that why Destiny is this empty shell of a game?
Not to flare up an argument but almost every xbox player is disappointed while every PSN player says stop whining. I have played both and it did suck waiting a week or even a month for the extra content to be released on PS3 while xbox got the exclusive. But now xbox has to wait and everyone isn't used to that, well I understand that it sucks to wait a year for a strike. I say this gently its only a strike on this DLC, I do not know what is to come but as of now to get the latest things I would see to buying the DLC if you don't have a season pass. PSN can't understand that xbox has to wait an entire YEAR almost for content. So they shouldn't tell xbox gamers to shut up. And xbox gamers need to learn bungie releases what they want to who they want or have a contract with. Its not in their control to change a deal probably worth millions and millions! And if your going to say something, say something intelligent please!
Edited by Smack Monkey: 10/30/2014 5:24:33 AMBungie, I have an Xbox. I bought every Halo game you ever made. I really liked you as a company. I bought Destiny for my Xbox. Now you have treated me, literally, like a second class customer. I won't be buying your DLC or anything else you make. Ever. F**k you very much.
Ass cheeks for days BUNGIE ITS ALL OGER NOW!!!
Post launch PS4 exclusive strike mission is criminal. Launch extras I understand but post launch!? As an Xbox One owner who paid full price for Season pass I feel swindled. There's already too little content as is for PVE. One less strike is huge! The xbox one strike playlist is incredibly meager. Come on Bungie, throw us a bone or you'll find your community support (as in people who keep buying Destiny DLC and expansions) over the next decade miss its mark. Who agrees?
We'll -blam!- y'all becuz I luv this yea I expected more but -blam!- it it's still an amazing game
my god guys get over it. if u want the dlc then buy it. stop -blam!-ing complaining. finally play station get exclusive content because it was always xbox who got things first. i am very happy with the way bungie are taking thins. they are basically giving u an brand new story mod and new things to explore. so stop being son ungrateful and get over it.
I hope that everyone knows that the guy who wrote halo and was the project lead for destiny quit after bungie scraped his story that was advertised in 2013 destiny trailers.
Hey DeeJ, how flexible are the developers? Because with all due respect, they can go -blam!- themselves.
That hunter maskkkk I want it 😘😘😘😘
Edited by Y So Salty: 10/30/2014 4:40:40 AMATTENTION! don't download this app just to hate on the game! If you want to hate go to reddit or something but this app was made to allow destiny players to recieve destiny news and for players to meet up and cooperate... Don't ruin it for the people that ACTUALLY want to play the game and use the app for what it was made for.
This can't be true...I bought the -blam!-ing expansion pack with HIGH hopes for this "expansion". WHAT THE -blam!- BUNGIE!? What the -blam!- happened to this company!? Are you telling me these -blam!-tards made halo!? This is by far the BIGGEST RIP OFF OF THIS YEAR. 1 -blam!-ing strike and raid!? A HUGEEEEEE SLAP IN THE FACE TOWARDS PVE PLAYERS. BUNGIE -blam!- YOU I'M DONE WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!!!!