[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
What a complete disappointment...
Did you know Activision and Bungie executives got their degrees from The Peter Moore School of Gaming Business?
The warlock helmet looks exactly the same as the normal ones. It's sunbreakers all over again :(
That awesome feeling when content your being charged the same amount for, isn't fully released for almost a full year. Kinda like finding content in game release i can't access. So promising.
Can't wait.
Soooo where are the new subclasses? Not til the next expansion? Good luck keeping the game fresh for that long. I would have liked to see them this expansion and then perfect the game with the last expansion, but ya know... Hope it's worth it
How about expanding our inventory space, by double.
I'm an xbox player and i'm upset that i have to wait an entire year to get content, but honestly, that new armor looks sweet, i'll stick around to try it out, looks exciting.
Man that titan armor look epic. Now I'm gonna have to make one
Wait what are ps4 people getting that Xbox one aren't?
If that is Crota, Im afraid...
Why are we being charged the same price to get less content than Playstation? I'm just not going to get the DLC until I can have the whole thing. I hope everyone else on Xbox does the same.
Edited by AlphaBlaze22: 10/30/2014 4:57:33 AMActivision and Bungie executives must have got their degrees from The Peter Moore School of Gaming Business.
F**k you only to light lvls f**k your light lvls
Think i'm gonna trade in my copy due to lack of content. Xbox is just getting shafted more and more with this game.
Bungie hates Microsoft .Read Kotaku article on this DLC its a total waste of money. Xbox players will now lose out on 25% of all the strikes .
This is not a [i]DLC[/i] this should be an UPDATE I'm not paying for that shit, I can get a decent game for that prixe FULL game F-that. I didn't think Bungie would fall this low, why the F did you bend over for Activision they just ruined Bungies reputation for people who hasn't play Halos. Activision and many other publishers are the real reason gaming industry is going to shit, I'll end my rant here but I'm just really disappointed Bungie.
So they damn near starve me to death now there gonna show up slap me in the mouth and give me a fu%%ing cracker. Ridiculous.
I have been growing to dislike this game more and more fever since completing the TERRIBLE story, but this had set me over the edge. Paying the same price as ps4 people, yet getting less content. To make things worse, there was NO indication when getting the pass that some of the content was only for ps4. My God I cannot wait for the master chief collection to come out. I don't even know if I'm gonna play the dlc even though I've already paid for it, simply for the fact that I can't support a game that robbed me blind anymore. Also, you IDIOTIC ps4 people saying we need to "stop bitching" would be doing the same damn thing if you guys were robbed blind like us. How is it not straight up illegal for them to have on the season pass "SOME CONTENT IS EXCLUSIVE". Never thought I would see the day I grow to absolutely be disgusted with destiny and bungie.
Why do people who so passionately hate this game post on the forum? Go play a game you DO like, it's so much easier to love than to hate. Good life lesson this day in age.
Edited by Gun: 10/30/2014 4:05:02 AM-blam!- you bungie don't add anything to your original game. You've done nothing to this game. Bug update after bug update. Fixing guns and equipment that does not need -blam!-in fixing. Give us what we -blam!-ing want you dipshit mother -blam!-ing company. Do you really expect me to pay 20$ for another peice of shit. Jesus Christ every game this year is the same. Spend all your money on commercials and hyping the -blam!-ing shit out of your game. Don't spend any time listening to your community that wasted 60$ on this shit. Don't update your games -blam!- you bungie. So sick and tired of shitty as games, an the dumbasses that love there games. Whoever supports bungie and destiny is a complete moron. This is not an mmo there is little to no community aspect to this game. -blam!-ing horrible. Sincerely pissed off customer. With love go -blam!- yourself.
And here comes the class actions for theft... gg bungie, we can all hope you burn down for this ;))))
Man what the hell. Bunch of entitled little first world ers arnt you. Don't like it. Don't play it. But you feel entitled to rant and rave like your opinion is of any note. WhT have YOU have done for the gaming community. For those who think there's a principle involved. You people more than any other should get your head out of your ass and remember that this rigid doctrine of "I paid $60 blah blah blah gimme gimme" is WHY you were beat up at school and why your work colleagues hate you. Go -blam!- yourself sooks 👊👊👊
So is there gonna be any new content for clans? Like it would be awesome if we could make specialized armor to match a clans colors/accessories. Or even a special event just for clans to compete in. Not tournaments btw
You will all pay...