[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Why is everyone bitching? I'm sure it's gonna be amazing and we are all going to play the shit out of it, just chill out, 20 dollars isn't bad compared to some other games dlc. This game is a blast, even though it's repetitive I haven't gotten bored of running through the first raid at, I love the search for new and better loot, this game just never gets old for me
Exclusives on release is one thing and had been ok for time being but to make dlc exclusives is complete bs... And on top of that not let anyone know till now?! Bungie/Activision I get that Sony pays up the ass for this (if not then I guess u really want the game to fail) but there are some things u don't cross or mess with and exclusive dlc is not a smart idea on ur part... When a game is soo big on release and doesn't live up to its name and u didn't bother letting anyone know or delaying the release to fix the game, then u put ur self as the ones at fault for every little thing in the game... But u guys didn't see that as enough and decided that money talk more than the gaming community (and if u think destiny was going to make people switch consoles, well think again because the game didn't live up to what it looked to be). Well Bungie/Activision, here is a FACT... THE COMMUNITY DECIDES IF THE GAME YOU MADE LIVES, OR DIES! SO IF U SPEND 500 million to make the game and sold enough copies to make 500 million. And the game flops well great for u, u made ur money back, but if u spend 500 million and and u make back 250 million and ur game lives, well u continues to rapidly make ur money back, because word spreads and people talk...
The only main things that needs fixing is patrol mode. Too easy! The deeper sections of each planet should be packed with bosses and almost infinate enemies to blow away. Matchmaking for raids is not needed. I used this app to get into a raid crew it took only about 2 minutes so its pointless to add matchmaking. Every patch has been like a mosquito bite to me, dont realy care about the nerfs and buffs. I have never played a game that has satisfied me in ways of content so this hasnt let me down
Before I continue, I will say this, I am not bitching in any way. I am simply asking opinions. I have done the highest level weekly and nightfall and the raid on all my characters. What is there to do? Besides farm spin metal etc and or crucible (which I don't quite enjoy).
One strike..... Really?? That's what pisses me off the most. I'm a religious PVE player and the repetition of strikes is becoming quite annoying. Add another set of strikes at least to keep mine and others' interest. I'm looking forward to the new Raid though, seems like a challenge.
Was getting a huge paycheck from Sony really worth pissing off nearly half of the game's players?
I have a question: will the new gear be raid exclusive or will we find them in drops in the new content? If its raid exclusive, that's a shame since that's unlikely to be something I can get into, but if its available in strikes and I can gear up with friends, that makes it a more valuable DLC. Make it easier to gain legendaries outside of factions, and this would increase even more.
I continue to be amazed by the art and style of this game. Those screenshots look beautiful.
I love this game first off, I have lots of fun, but its waning. After doing the raid's on both characters, doing the nightfalls on both characters and getting shards and energies....on both characters ( i got an exotic helm for my warlock that I dismantled for energies ) I get a little frustrated at the rng but I understand that its random. At the same time though why am I doing all this? even if I get lvl 30; I assume my raid gear will be obselete and I'll have to get the new crota's end raid gear right? Whats the point? When I heard people talking about how little the dlc was going to have the past couple weeks I kept saying " Guys this is all speculation, i bet its going to be really good, lets wait and see" well i've been proven wrong, and my attempt at having faith in bungie has proven to be useless. How can I stick up for them next time someone says something bad when it's likely to be true? I just don't know what to think anymore. I might start only getting on on tuesdays.
Keep it up bungie! I couldn't make a game like this and honestly even if Activision is tying your hands on things because they wanna make money than oh well! I'm still not 30 yet and there is plenty to do!! If your not where I am you either play too much ( I have +200 hours ) or don't give the harder part ( raids ) a chance!! I love the game and I can see the long term potential!! Don't give up and never surrender, pooterscooter22 will be here for you from the day we started and forever on. Thanks again for your hard work and don't let these haters get you down!!
I feel shafted as an XB1 owner and very active player of this game since it dropped. Disappointed that for so many years I played Halo from Bungie and now I feel like there is a knife in my back.
I hope that everyone knows that the guy who wrote halo and was the project lead for destiny quit after bungie scraped his story that was advertised in 2013 destiny trailers.
So this is only for ps3 and ps3, but what about the people who paided $35 at gamestop for the first 2 DLC's?, wow bungie, thanks for being crappy, I love destiny, but I wasted money if I have to wait a whole year to get DLC that I was expecting to get this year, as playing the game alone or same missions over and over is getting really lame and boring, you guys are doing what rockstar is doing, they said heists would come for online, still haven't released heists, don't screw things up.
Edited by The Testaclops: 10/30/2014 4:40:11 AMThis is sad and I'm pretty disappointed in myself for falling into your 500mil dollar advertisement. If I hadn't bought the digital delux I would have quit when the dlc dropped. But I'm going to ride it out till both. I'm not saying I didn't have fun, I had loads of it. However this empty she'll of reskined copy and pasted everything is lazy. And the lack of content in your dlc is even worse. I really hope things turn around by the second dlc. Ps. The warlock armor in the dark below looks atrocious.
Sooooooo, are the servers fixed? Or are ppl still getting kicked. .. jw
Edited by Black: 10/30/2014 9:08:39 AMIt's funny how some of you want Bungie to listen to you. Then you write a -blam!-ing book for them to read.... suggestions not novels. And i say again if you not happy and going to keep complaining about the game .STOP PLAYING IT AND GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. AND SHUT THE -blam!- UP!. Can wait for all the hatas to bounce. ...
To all those people whining that Bungie is a greed monster forced on wrecking havoc upon xBox players, please direct your anger in an orderly fashion towards the console companies, for they are the ones that started this ancient war. The gaming companies are simply being dragged by the tide. Also, I'm personally very excited about this new raid. I loved the last one, and I hope nothing but the best!
Will VOG armor be unable to achieve 32??? This is concerning because now I should just stop trying to get VOG armor. Do you have to be level 30 to even attempt Crota's End? I know this will add hours of grinding the raid which I do enjoy, but why should one raid armor be better than another one?
All these butthurt Xbox ppl lol
Edited by Jimmy Rustlerrr: 10/30/2014 4:38:52 AMWow. I remember the days when we all used to come on here and curse The Cryptarch for stealing our legendary engrams, giving us stuff from the garbage bin and giving our real loot to Xur. Things really seem to be getting out of hand with nerfs, KTO issues, etc. Almost wish I could go back to Cryptarch being the biggest pain in my butt with this game.
Sadly this is not worth $20... The game cost $60 and now we are to pay 1/3 of that price for 1/20 the content. I really don't know if I can do that without feeling like a complete sucker.
Greedy -blam!-ing cock-blam!-ers 1 new strike 1 raid 3 story missions revamped lvl 10 gear as new raid gear , you guys at bungie are god dam thief's how can you call this shit a ( expansion ) I wouldn't even call it a dlc this amount if content should be a dam patch update ,
Edited by Kush K0: 11/2/2014 4:56:15 AM
Once again, seems bad ass. But why wasn't this included? This is gonna be fricken sweet, but it better be challenging and worth it. But still, Destiny is so fricken fun, but it has a casual weeks worth of game play. (Story wise)