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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#Destiny #News

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  • Once again, seems bad ass. But why wasn't this included? This is gonna be fricken sweet, but it better be challenging and worth it. But still, Destiny is so fricken fun, but it has a casual weeks worth of game play. (Story wise)

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    • Edited by Tim Damage: 10/30/2014 7:06:40 AM
      You release something, they complain... you don't release something, they complain... damned if you do, Damned if you don't...

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      • I'm not sure what to say. I am a huge fan of Bungie and enjoy Destiny quite a bit, but it isn't all that I expected it to be. Most notably, I'm disappointed at DLC coming out this soon. In my mind, if the add on comes out within six months of the game, it should have been included in the original. I'm not mad at Bungie, and I will buy Destiny's sequel (I know it will be better), but I'm a tad bit disappointed.

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      • What is the different between quests and missions? The banner specifically makes mention of both... Please tell me what quests are?

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        • For so little content, I find it hard to imagine that I would buy this dlc if I hadn't purchased a digital guardian edition. But foolishly,I placed my faith in Bungie to deliver a quality product. Maybe Bungie placed too much faith in themselves and thought that their existing goodwill would carry them through this. Destiny really isn't bad, but it's definitely not great. It's definitely not the 10 year epic we were sold on. A real storyline would have been nice, with meaningful dialogue for the quality voice talent to read. Some semblance of structured PvP multiplayer would have been better than the chaos that the crucible. This game is fun but not qualitatively good. My great hope is that the poor quality of this game is an indicator that the best people from the Bungie we knew and loved ("the creators of Halo") stayed behind at 343, and will deliver on their promises for the Master Chief Collection and Halo 5.

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          • When will they allow cross platform play? Even if it's a more expensive version it would be worth it, I know we have the technology. I think first an indie game has to link ps4/xbox with computer, and the rest will follow. Are we really expected to have multiple of the same platforms in the same house to play with our family?

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          • Well, as it stands, I am a bit miffed by this. Xbox players are again punished by having content removed from their version of the game. To put icing on the cake, you make the only possible level 30 gear impossible to obtain. Had there been vending options of obtaining max level gear by other means, there would have been no need to "cheese" any boss in the vault. Same with making the Mythoclast the "best" weapon in the game when some of the other exotic bounties are harder still, especially when not every player is great in PvP. Yet you force us to play it time and again to gain Marks to buy gear that is sub-par compared to grinding out the Vault. So the 7-10 hours we grind to get just one weapon amounts to nothing when comparing it to a 3-4 hour raid. I am actually glad Dragon Age is coming out in a week or two,because I am honestly furious in the manner we, the buyers/players of this game, have been treated. You tease us saying things will be better, yet criticize us when we find means to achieve our goal of maxing out gear. It doesn't work both ways, and as true AAA titles roll out, this game will fall to ashes due to Bungie not giving the consumers what they want.

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            6 Replies
            • 1
              [spoiler]bungie sucks[/spoiler]

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            • Haters gonna hate, haters gonna hate.. But I'll be killing Crota while you sit and masturbate! [i]-Borgore[/i]

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            • Lol I read this thinking it was a free expansion coming out soon like next week soon

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              • Wow. 1 strike? Really? No hold on...really? Just 1?? We are supposed to hold off until december with this already stale content and all for 1 strike? Ok i know there is also 1 raid and a small handful of missions/pvp maps. As a pve player I am honestly feeling like this is a joke. Whats the point? I will say that you made a good game even a great game that has fallen sooooo short of its potential. Its only been a couple months and already the 6 strikes that are available are so BAM old. They are great but seriously the amount that this game requires you to spam them back to back just wore them out. If you create a game type like this than you need to keep up with fresh content. I would be ok with waiting until the dlc with no complaints if there was a good fresh selection. ONE STRIKE?? Really?

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                • if you're keeping track, by the second week of December, PlayStation owners will have eight strikes while Xbox players only have six. Of course, it's been clear for months now that Bungie has firmly sided with Sony in the battle for your living room, but that hasn't stopped Xbox fans from feeling ripped off. How can you blame them? They're paying the same amount of money as PlayStation players, yet getting less stuff. It's yet another example of video game console warfare having a negative effect on the people who actually play games. Forum soldiers and fanboys might enjoy this sort of exclusivity nonsense, and it might help Sony's bottom line, but for Xbox owners who have been playing and enjoying Destiny, this is really shitty. (Similarly, Microsoft's timed exclusive deal for next year's Rise of the Tomb Raider has justifiably annoyed PlayStation fans who want to check out Lara Croft's next adventure.) This all might not be as bad if The Dark Below was packed full o' things to do, but even with the PlayStation-exclusive strike, Destiny's first expansion isn't really all that meaty. Unless the new story missions add some variety to Destiny's vanilla "deploy ghost -> fight waves of enemies" structure, you're essentially paying $20 for a raid and two strikes, which makes it particularly aggravating that some people won't get one of those strikes (for at least a year) simply because they chose to play the game on the platform Bungie likes least.

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                • Xbox One owners who think they are getting shafted, play Sunset Overdrive! Worth every cent! My Destiny disc live in the Sunset case now. Im sure this dlc will be the greatest digital acheivment ever created though, at least until the weekend ends and the content becomes as mundane as the current content. But just think how great daily, weekly, and strike lists will be with some new varriety. It will be so refreshing and not at all depressing.

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                • .... old info... nothing I didnt know

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                • Edited by XxRougeShadowzZ: 10/30/2014 4:28:07 AM

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                • Nice, some info regarding Decembers dlc. Thank you Deej.

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                • DeeJ please pay for my medicine I have Destinybetes from eating too many Taco Bell Destiny promotions

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                • Haters, please stop hating. If you want to hate go make a "What's wrong with Destiny forum or something because srsly, this is my first fps and I'm loving it. I get that it it might not be as good as you thought it was going to be, but I saved for 2 months for this game and I am NOT going to read this hating on Destiny and Bungie. #StopHatersOnBungie

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                  7 Replies
                  • >halo 3's DLC were $20 a piece and contained MUCH less content than this. >no one questioned halo 3's DLC >people still pissed at this >toppest of keks. Cry more.

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                  • -blam!- you Bungie. -blam!- you and your DLC bullshit. I wouldnt have thought EA capable of this. You are worse than EA right now. No one should be capable of attaining that.

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                  • I bought the limited edition, and I'm still going up to trade this in towards MCC tomorrow, season pass and all. Four games, Halo 5 beta, and 100+ maps, all in one disc for $60? Now THAT'S worth the price tag. Get demolished by the ghost of your past, Bungie.

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                    • Out of curiosity, why hasn't Activision thrown someone to the wolves? I get AW is coming out real soon and all but holy shit, is it that hard for them to care enough (for their pockets) to at least throw us a "representative"? I applaud Bungie for actually even saying anything, even though a decent portion if it makes me frown. Any time now Acrivision, you can give an actual -blam!- and throw us someone that'll probably be ripped apart.

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                    • It would seem the general consensus of most of the replies is dissatisfied. I just expected more from the game and way more from any DLCs we got. I don't know, are we wrong for wanting more? Im just so sick of having to buy the rest of my game after i brought it home from the store. When i heard dlc for destiny I was thinking one new planet and other areas getting opened up. Not one strike and 3 story missions. Im just not happy. I don't think Im going to get this dlc and I think that's the best thing we can do to show how we feel. I really do hope the best for this game but its lacking. All well. I hope it turns around.

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                      • Why don't you guys stop talking bad about the game if you don't like it don't play it? Majority of the destiny community play the game for enjoyment and you guys ruin the game by hating on it. Stop complaining and go play whatever games you want to play. You're wasting your time and everyone elses

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                      • So I'm on the same page as 90% of this community; changes need to be made, PVE needs expanding, stop patching what doesn't need to be patched, yadayadayada. But what I don't think people need to realize is that this is JUST THE BEGINNING to an MMORPG, it WILL get better, it WILL expand, but you can't expect them to give you everything right at the start because then they wouldn't have enough time to do all the expanding, then we'd all be here doing the same thing except now we would have to wait 6 months to a year for something that could get done in half the time in between expansions and updates. Have some faith, realize that it takes much more then ideas to make them happen and just play the game, because you if you give up now you won't get to see how great destiny will be.

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                      • Edited by BrokenLance: 10/30/2014 4:24:38 AM
                        that warlock gear looks atrocious, reskinned level 10 stuff.. i sincerely hope bungie will let us break down raid gear to upgrade other gear so we don't all look like clones of each other at some point in the future.

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