[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Edited by BrokenLance: 10/30/2014 4:24:38 AMthat warlock gear looks atrocious, reskinned level 10 stuff.. i sincerely hope bungie will let us break down raid gear to upgrade other gear so we don't all look like clones of each other at some point in the future.
Oh my! A whole strike and raid mission!! Aren't we a lucky player base. Biggest tragedy, I bought the digital copy, so I can't even take pleasure in selling this shit game
Umm... Quick question. Why does only PS4 get the exclusive stuff? What about us PS3 people? :(
Shit game
I've always had PS. 1,2,3...got my first Xbox when XB1 came out and skipped PS4 because of Titanfall...😢😭😠
I think problem with this game is that it tries IMO to be too many things at once. They have a little bit of everything that equals out to not enough. I personally think they would and should bring back queens bounty but make the bounties move along a side story or something. Doesn't have to have video maybe just audio or a story to read but make the queens missions mean something it's cheap and relatively easy content to add bi weekly or something that still keeps people hooked. When I first read about queens stuff that was what I thought was going to be but sadly it wasn't not even the queens strike. Same with the iron banner and any future content. With just a little more effort and creativity you can keep destiny rolling. As for myself the first month and half was great but now it just seems old and a confusing story line I can't get into. I have several exotic weapons and armor but I can only use one of each. Still don't understand that. This game has lots of potential but so far the new content and two events haven't pushed any type of story or added anything to content
All I can say, is Bungie's goal was to bring thousands of players together for a common goal, and they have succeeded. It's just that goal is to get pissed at them for their lies and ineptitude. And blatant disregard of their fan base. And for selling out the thinking of money before its customers. And a lot of other things really, but they succeeded in what they set out to do
Its too late to save your game you let activision get there grasp on you and now they own 80% of the gaming market. They will always be money grubbing bi***es, people bitch about this but they pay the same price for 3 remastered cod maps and 1 new gun.
I hope that everyone knows that the guy who wrote halo and was the project lead for destiny quit after bungie scraped his story that was advertised in 2013 destiny trailers.
Lol! Did I just see a ship that looks like the same -blam!-ing thing as a normal ship but repainted! Hahahahaha!!!! Weak!!!
Teased too soon, if only because December is so far out. But maybe it was necessary due to so many people already achieving so much success too soon. I'm not so much butt hurt about volume of content as I am missing a horde mode. It seems so easy to implement to, even if only a public event. Just take a spawn point cave and crank the output to 11 for a set amount of time.
I'm excited.
I'm not pissed, me and bungie are cool 👍
I have the funniest feeling that the next time DeeJ posts my head is going to explode.
im not sure if i missed it but whats the price, as i'll be getting it either way
I don't know man. I'm excited :)
I had the initial misfortune of seeing the news update and getting excited that perhaps it's being released earlier than originally anticipated! Then reality settled back in, that it wouldn't be till December...
Oh man. Look at all the tears... Here's a crazy thought: if you don't like it, then don't buy it. Gasp!
Destiny itself had way too little content, harder stuff was just taking the stuff you already did and make it a higher level. And now with the new "expansion" you get ONE more strike, a FEW more "story missions," and ONE more raid, which I doubt with contain anything new expect the environment and the boss, which is apparently just a knight with probably different attack.....
Edited by Tight_Fade9: 10/30/2014 4:15:03 AMI agree with you but it's done guys. They obviously don't listen and don't care or this DLC wouldn't be getting released in it's current state. None of our concerns have been addressed although they have been expressed since launch. I like many others bought the version that came with the year season pass. They already got a lot of peoples' money so they couldn't care less if people quit because Bungie refuses to make appropriate changes. Save your time guys and forget posting about it anymore. It's a total waste of time.
This is the kind if stuff I wanted in vanilla Destiny. Oh well. I already traded it in, so what would I care anymore?
cool, but not hyped up for it. the flyer is pretty bad-ass but thats gonna be the only BA thing about it. the weapons all look legit but seeing as how I dont have enough friends to raid with Im probably going to be locked out of that content too. so I see whats there, looks cool, but Ill probably never actually obtain it. Also, if youre gonna keep putting out more and more guns/armor why limit our vault space? I like to collect the 'fun guns' as I call them but there are a lot and I cant hold them all, its disheartening. I have to make characters to just hold items it seems.
Let's be real here for a second. Every Xbox player is going to stop playing this game anyway once The Master Chief Collection hits shelves. It was a great game for a couple of months, but got too old too fast.
Can't wait to do the same thing over and over again. Again.
I hope that everyone knows that the guy who wrote halo and was the project lead for destiny quit after bungie scraped his story that was advertised in 2013 destiny trailers.
I'm sorry Xbox users I do feel your pain and I agree it's jacked up but I will be honest about this. Microsoft got mega greedy and blasted themselves in the foot due to greed. Activision is a smart company and can figure out how to get the most from sales. This being said giving ps extras one keeps there primary interest stronger and slowly pushes others to move to ps. I expect many companies to use this tactic to squeeze more money. The root of the issue is Microsoft's greedy followed by Sony blowing it up and taking 2/3 Microsoft's customers followed up by good economics by the game producers. I'm not being a turd just looking at facts and drawing a logical conclusion.