[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Bungie left Microsoft to get away from a shitty publisher then they go to Activision, another shitty publisher... They need to just find another one that is actually good like Bethesda or something
What do you know, more content for PvP!
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url][/quote]Hello. Unlike many xbox users who simply will cry and scream about things, I would just like to state my personal opinion. I believe that, no matter the money a company has paid you, your past with a company, or your favoritism, the players should not be cheated out because of this. This is simple selfish. Because of things that a few people have done, all of us must pay the price for it? A developing company with the legacy like bungee carries should be loyal to its fans, players, guardians, Spartans, convenant, not the companies who directly pay them. Sure the companies pay you, but in reality that would not happen if we didn't pay them. Their greed should not effect what content we receive, whether it be a strike on a dlc or an entire game. The fact that you do not see half of your players as "equal" to the others is what insults me. I could care less that I'm missing one strike, the fact is if you would do this, whose to say you won't just ban xbox players from playing destiny or releasing a whole other game just for play station. My message is not only to you Bungie, but to the companies of Microsoft and Sony, think about your players before your bank account. I'm sure any of them already have enough money to last them a lifetime, so why do you continue? You make it seem because of greed, instead of what your aim was, entertainment.
So you guys are gonna finally give us some missing pieces of the game as long as we pay... feeling hustled right about now...
Why hasn't anybody sued for false advertising
Wait, so Xbone doesn't even get a single strike mission then?
Only thing i have a problem with though is were paying 20 dollars for so little, bump if agree with me, because i mean its 1/3 price of the actual game for 1/20 of the game
So im guessing my post getting deleted is the answer to my statement thats cool
"Spend 8 hours in an almost impossible raid with 6 of your friends to unlock the new exotic weapon that we'll render completely useless after 15 days." -Bungie
Edited by Hunter: 10/30/2014 4:03:53 AMI don't want to buy a gaystation 4 to play a shitty unfinished -blam!-ing game.... I think I will probably just return Destiny and get advanced warfare :)) on my XBONE... :))))
I was wondering do you have 2 be lvl 30 to get armor that can make make you lvl 32???because why should we be waisting our time gettin armor from the vault of glass if there will lvl 32 armor???obviously I'm not sure if that's true but if it was thats kindve garbage.
Edited by UbaDankNasty: 10/30/2014 2:37:22 AMI'm a faithful destiny player and I have kept my mouth shut of groaning in hopes you would fix your ways, but the patience i have is wearing thin. Like really, please explain what was with that, was it you devs being but hurt and the inability to handle criticism, or laziness to fix problems? That's really dumb, if people are criticizing, then your doing something wrong. Destiny has so many missing or bad elements that are simply being ignored, even though we tell you over and over. You guys just dont listen, and if you do then you arent showing us you are. Here's a good idea, before you update things, have a poll to see what us destiny players want and don't want. If you plan to make this game last ten years you better listen or you won't see is survive for one. We're not criticizing this game to be dicks, oh hell no, were doing it because we love a game we only want to improve. If we hated this game, we wouldn't bothet telling you why Also you claim destiny to be an mmo rpg shooter, which you did great on the shooter aspects, but mmo and rpg are different. I nevet felt part of a massive server besides the tower, because i see 5 people max during patrol. For the rpg elements, i never felt the character as mine, the character creation was pretty but limited and the maps were pretty small No one can deny destiny was fun, but that's all it was, fun. The missions were short and the same to varieties over and over,go here, scan this and defend,or go here kill him, and the back story was virtually non existent But I am looking forward to the dlc, with hearing all your adding it really has restored my faith in your listening to us, baby steps and im glad its slowly coming together Destiny will be consumed by darkness if you dont stop being hard headed and listen to us, here are a list of things we want to see by next September. Better veriety of character creation. ..... (BEARDS! !!!) Space combat, you proved you could and reach, and the possibilities are endless for missons and events. More story. Do i need to explain More veriety in mission objectives and make them more in depth and longer More missions anyway Bigger maps for free roam or new ones More crucible maps and game types Definitely more armot variations, they all look the same in classes. More ships and ship building (custom ships you build) More gun looks besides re paints More events and more numerous events (spawn more frequently) Trading, and I know if you can you'll level up your light to fast, so keep armor trade for same levels only, guns any level 6 man teams for missons and strikes, and if you say thats to easy, easy fix, more fireteam members, more numerous and harder foes Polls for update votes Game chat More factions, I would like to see Osiris and 7 seraphs come back, also if you are in a clan you should be able to custom make guns and armor for your clan mates Possibly some mini games you can gamble for gear Thanks guys for reading and if you liked it, bump it so devs might see and comment your, ideas, id love to read them, and if you didnt like it, dont. Thanks again guys. Also if you have destiny for xbox 360 to me if want to do crucible or raids together :D
Am I the only one that isn't completely pissed off at Bungie? I'm having lots of fun with the game and in some way I'm glad that they divided the game up like this. You don't just complete the game in 2 weeks and never play it again, Bungie is always adding something new and something to look forward to. I'm getting really sick of all the whiners on this forum that seem to hate everything Bungie has worked hard to make for us
[b]Bungie secret unravled[/b] [b] what Ever it is in the long run,I feel really bad for bungie. They signed a contract with the devil and didn't define their terms. Now activation is going to kill bungie over the next ten years until you never hear the word bungie again. Mean while activition is going to release the most impressive game of all time and sell it for 30 dollars with free dlc to everyone ,because they put the 500 million In an interest account and saved it till that game and everyone is going to think activition is a hero and the most generous company of all time[/b]
Deej can't wait to laugh at you when Bungie tanks and you're in the unemployment line.
So basically I am paying the exact same amount for the expansion on xbox as people on Playstation but they get extra stuff?? Haha oh I can not wait for MCC. What a joke.
They really should have made Destiny PS exclusive because of all the content they are getting
I think it's insane that gamers pit themselves against each other based on their choice of consoles. So what if the PS gamers get access to a strike for a year? If you care that much go buy a Playstation, too. PS gamers should stop boasting that the PS4 is some godlike console, because, quite frankly, the ONE/PS4 are both pretty similar. The bottom line is mutual respect, we're all here to talk about Destiny, not rip on eachother, right?
Ok. Why on god’s green earth would you even buy Destiny on XBONE when it has been common knowledge that exclusive content would only be available on PS4? Furthermore the entire marketing campaign has geared towards PS4, so much so that before release I had several friends under the impression that Destiny was a PS4 exclusive title. People need to stop this console war / loyalty garbage. I have PS4, XBONE and I plan on picking up a Wii U this holiday, you know why? Because I don’t want to miss out on any titles this generation. Limiting your choices to just one console ultimately means that you are going to miss out on console exclusive titles and in Destiny’s case content. Don’t limit your choices this generation! You are really doing yourself a disservice. Don’t get me wrong XBONE Destiny players are absolutely getting the shaft this time. You are playing the same price and you’re not getting all the content. I get that. But don’t act like you didn’t see this swift kick to the nuts coming. In the end you’re missing out on a few strikes and a handful of weapons, it’s not that deep. Come December 9th if you are still raw about it speak with your wallet and don’t buy the DLC. XBONE players take a deep breath and remember you have a ton of great exclusives (Halo: MCC, Forza Horizon 2, and COD: AW DLC content a month B4 PS4) that are just around the corner.
Probably get this a lot but no more exclusives for ps4 I get that it was timed but you gotta look at it our way on xbox you can't play favouritism between platforms whatever deal you made with Sony end it destiny is multi platform game not a ps4 exclusive then again probably won't read this and this typing was a waste oh well do what ever do I'll still be playing.
Just thought I would share the audio glitch that happened once when I went back to the tower. A female voice said: " the vex have returned to Mercury" she then mentioned that we need scans of Mercury and we must stop them. (The female voice I heard isn't in the game yet) I would love for Bungie to confirm that new world's and locations are coming before people lose faith in a game with so much potential. I have been loving my experience with the game and will get the dlc but I hate the fact that in the UK the cost is greatly inflated when compared with the US price, $20 does not equal £20.
Holy Crap I'm so excited. Never been excited for DLC before.
Okay let me put it this way people. A ton of Halo fans decided when it was announced to by the expansion pass with the game. We "thought" we would be playing a full game a fleshed out story that could be learned in game. We got none of that and we get shorted a strike for a game that is already hurting for content. If it had not been for halo I wouldn't have bought the dlc before playing the game. I would have rented it like I do almost every game I play. If I like it I buy it. Bungie used its reputation to sell a shell. A shell that gets more and more hollow with each patch. The community is not being heard the devs are continuing their knee jerk hotfixes a huge portion of the community is getting sick of it. Especially those of us who have been with Bungie since halo and before. So much that was learned during Halo's life was forgotten here. It's like they just started. I can't help but feel that Activision is behind all this bullshit.
I think a ghost shell for buying the DLC pack would be cool and it could be available from the postmaster or something
Honestly, I don't want to be hated on or anything, but since it's a small expansion I say this lasts two weeks for the hardcore players and maybe a month for the casuals, just my opinion.
Just a thought, why not treat raids to a lobby instead of using this app to pull together a group? Make a raid lobby and options for private match or public. Also a lobby for nightfall with the same options would be nice. I do not understand why these 2 arenas/modes are treated like a country club.