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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Just a thought, why not treat raids to a lobby instead of using this app to pull together a group? Make a raid lobby and options for private match or public. Also a lobby for nightfall with the same options would be nice. I do not understand why these 2 arenas/modes are treated like a country club.

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    • So I've played the raid several times. And even today on normal and hard mode.. But no Raid Gear? Why?! All I need is gaunlets to reach level 30 but it's not giving me no type of gear!!! I'm starting to lose faith in this game. So many hrs wasted hoping to get my full raid set but all I get is ascendant shards and energy-.- I don't like this random get lucky drop shit

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      8 Replies
      • Edited by Eclipse: 10/30/2014 3:57:39 AM
        Pretty crappy about giving Sony extra content when Xbox users are paying the same price. I understand exclusive downloads for the original release, but when it comes to DLC no platform should be limited. If I would've know that the exclusivity was going to expand through DLC as well I would have not prepaid for my season pass. Anyways, on the plus side the only thing Xbox is missing out on is 1 or 2 strikes...which honestly, who really cares about strikes? All the good shit is earned in the Raid. Strike missions just give me crap I don't need.

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        • Who blames Activision not bungie

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          • I am so excited about my 20 dollar extra bounty slots

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            • I'm honestly pissed at Bungie right now. I was mad at first when they gave up halo but now I look back and thank god you did cause you would've f***ed that up too. Stop siding with Sony you jerks and be fair!

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              • Bungie gave us the whole game in the download but, sells the playable parts later on for profit. Well played but a sleezy way of making money.

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              • Edited by Sagster2014: 12/12/2014 2:45:55 AM

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              • Are weapons from the dlc higher than 300dmg? Please to say no, higher dmg weapons would made all my shiny exotics that I am still working hard to lvl obsolete...

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              • Dear BUNGIE, this is my last post for this game as I have recently quit. Destiny was fun but too small to begin with. And with every "update" you added maybe 1 thing while at the same time ruining half the guns in the game. As a fan and a former player, you guys HAVE to get your asses in gear and start putting out FREE content very fast if you want this game to last. Because you have some enormous competition on the way for both consoles. If destiny does not improve soon many players will move on to: halo collection, halo 5, final fantasy 15, kingdom hearts 3, little big planet 3, evolve, just to name a few. Good luck and goodbye BUNGIE and destiny.

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              • Can anyone tell me what the Jackolytes do?

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                • Ugh, that will teach me to pre-buy "expansion pass". Burn me once Bungie. Thanks for the lesson.

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                  • When will Osiris' Tasks be out?

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                    • This really isn't much content for the price, or given that lack of content is one of the biggest issues people have with the game. Also, I feel bad for Xbox players. Those guys helped to build Bungie with their loyalty to the Halo series. At this point, they've got a much smaller game than PS players to show for it. Disappointing. I do wish I hadn't purchased the season pass already.

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                      • The only thing that bugs me(well I can't say only because honestly a lot of this bugs me) is there was no announcement that Xbox players would be locked out of so much. If I had known that we would be losing so much content for merely owning this console I wouldn't have bought the game,a couple things exclusive to the ps4 is fine but they ALREADY have 3 armor sets,1 strike,2 exotics, and 3 ships and now they get more from this dlc? I haven't come across something like this in any game before,timed exclusives or even a few permanents are one thing,but they are just chopping off huge chunks of the game and even more so for Xbox owners. The fact that they had 2 docs already announced before the game a release tells me it was stuff that was already meant to be added to the final product,I'm not going to rage at bungie because it's business but I'm extremely disappointed all the same.

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                        14 Replies
                        • Meh. Was hoping the rumors and leaks were false. Apparently I was wrong. Looks like it's time to find something new.

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                        • "Build your legend on a wealth of weapons and armor." Lol shit I thought it was a April fools joke.

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                        • DeeJ, I love the art and content presentation for the Dark Below that you guys have at this link: Cool stuff. I was equally impressed with the Queen's Wrath flier. Give whoever is in charge of creating that art and the corresponding layout a pat on the back. I'm looking forward to the expansion pack. I still need to get my RL friends' levels up so we can do VoG. I still haven't done it yet. :/

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                          2 Replies
                          • *The Ripoff Below (for Xbox players, the ones who gave Bungie their money for 10+ years)

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                            6 Replies
                            • im excited idk why you guys are bitching about the price go find a better job and stop being cheap

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                              • Edited by Tacticus: 10/30/2014 1:12:03 AM
                                It is nice to see that you guys are still hard at work, crafting experiences for us to enjoy. It is always important to realize that most people appreciate all of your hard work, despite whatever a small, vocal minority may proclaim.

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                                • This video says it all. Sorry if double post, but this forum likes to hide things sometimes.

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                                • If u don't wanna pay $20 for the patch then don't buy it and don't complain!! No one is forcing u to buy it.

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                                  • Bungie have said all along we will all be unique "Snow Flakes" but yet we all look the same?! Now with lvl 32 does that mean I can't use the gear I have now? Or can I upgrade it past light 30? The reason I ask is I love my Warlock raid helmet & would like to continue using it and not be forced to stop just to get to 32.

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                                    • This looks like it's going to be friggin epic , can't wait!

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                                    • I'm excited. Ooo rah!

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