[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I'm excited. Ooo rah!
This looks absolutely AMAZING. So excited to play it! :)
Instead of working on the update/expansion all of you greedy people want, Bungie should really release an app called "Destiny Hate Mail" and it'll feature all the things you guys complain about. Legend of the week? No. Whiner of the week? Yes.
Lol at all these long winded complaints! DLC looks great can't wait! The game is great and the progress you guys are trying to make looks promising. I for one along with all the rest of these ppl (who you kidding you ain't trading in sheeeeet!?) will be there in December.
Pre ordered on ps store . I've logged he'll a hours in this game . I made a few suggestions about new multilayer maps . Certain areas that could be cut and pasted and bamm. There they are . All my character s are ready. Obsession had its benefits. I3igl3alls420 ps3
I have some constructive criticism for balancing. Please take heed! Ward of dawn "buff" Ward of dawn is great in PVE but it is THE ABSOLUTE WORST in pvp. The only reason it's bad is its extreme vulnerability to other supers. Please change the following. - Nova bomb and fist of havoc CANCEL OUT with the ward of dawn. Nobody in the shield takes damage but the shield is destroyed. After damage effects still do damage. - Make blade dancer less effective against ward of dawn-ers. A blade dancer can decimate everyone in the shield without too much problem. I suggest a 2 hit to kill to at least slow it down. Gunslinger is not nearly as broken. However getting your ward shot through is extremely annoying. WEAPONS! Suros is still broken... PLEASE NERF, range, headshot damage, base damage, SOMETHING. Or, buff other exotics! Please buff the Thorn to be up to par with the best legendary hand cannon in the game. This isn't much to ask considering that it's a -blam!-ing exotic. Same for bad juju!!! Pulse rifles are becoming more and more popular...but bad juju is not one of them. Make them awesome! That is what they deserve! Also. Snipers are annoying. There's nothing you should do but I must express my deep hatred for control on the moon when no one plays the objective and its a big snipe fest. - coming from a shotgunner at heart. My dreams are crushed when my head is crushed by the hand of a no good sissy yellow belly hide and seek loser. (AKA snipers) I love your game so much and I hope you make these improvements. My friends juju sucks and my thorn is underwhelming when the suros drops us first EVERY TIME. PLS END THE SUFFERING.
Earn more gear or just a lot of shards and energy.
I never post online this is all I have to say I went on here to learn some more information about the game cuz I'm really enjoying it and I want to get the most out of it and I have to suffer through hearing all this BS from people that don't like it you don't like it don't play it already wasted your 60 bucks go do something else
I wish you guys had polls instead of forums. Digital hate mail is a fun read but it is kind of repetitive like destiny
Edited by br0idgaf: 10/30/2014 3:47:26 AM
All of these huge complaints and all I'm looking for is more people around and more frequent public events. I feel like I'm drinking for the first time with a bunch of wine snobs.
Is there a way to get a refund on the expansion pass?
So excited for this to drop.
Can't wait for this dlc
I'm pretty sure DEEJ/Bungie made a post telling us that all this crap was PLACEHOLDER for the actual dlc coming...more lies. Fudge you little lying liar. Take your 3 story missions and shove them right back into the hole you'll ex them from. 20$ for some BS that should be in the game. You know what would be good dlc? A -blam!-ing survival mode... you know like the one you added into halo reach after someone else made it a fun way to make your game better. Rant over
Edited by JmoTheOneOfLight: 10/30/2014 3:24:54 AMOh. My. Goodness. I cannot WAIT!!! This expansion is going to be amazing. Thank you Bungie. I've loved this game from the start!!!! Can't wait. The new gear and guns look incredible. I can't wait to lead a team of Guardians in the new raid. It looks incredible
All these people talking about finished strikes on the disk that are locked for dlc, I have been in them and I gotta say there seems to be something missing in mist of them. Unless you want to invade empty rooms and get loot... I personally like shooting things
Can we not enjoy this great game they have given us so far? I mean seriously you obviously knew before you bought the game they would make the DLC's later... Quit whining about something that you could never make yourself and do you imagine how much trouble Bungie has gone through listening to everyones crap day after day fixing one thing then you go cry about another?! Maybe if we stop crying about other small things they will have time to fix the real things that need a little fixing. Bungie good job...
DLC push, Nice Bungie. I think I will pass considering "I CAN'T PLAY THE GAME TO BEGIN WITH". Fix the damn game already. Not that thousands haven't been able to play already, but now thousands more that had no previous issues can't play. But yet you still want to push the DLC, at least I know where you stand.
i have a question...why are ghost shells not avalible yet? i mean there are only two ive seen in game and one of them is a special edition thingy
Dear god these people ramble, stop tryna be Edgar Allen Poe and get to the damn point people!!!!!!!!!!!!
I for one am looking forward to the dlc. I still enjoy playing this game. it may be a game you grind and grind just to get the best gear but that's any good rpg. skyrim I put over 80 hours into one character and never even hit level cap. I played world of warcraft for years, guild wars for years. im not saying destiny has as much variety as those games but im using those as examples of games that you have to grind to get what you want. I am very happy with my purchase of this game and I plan on playing every dlc that comes out for it. bungie has worked hard for this game. I wish people would realize the amount of time that goes into making a game. if they think its so easy then try and make a game for the phone to start with. prolly 90% of those who whine wont be able to. keep up the good work bungie, I look forward to more content.
Dear Bungie, i don't normally leave feedback, reason being is that i'm guilty of engaging in today's consumer culture. The culture of taking efforts for granted with high expectations and only voicing my disappointment if standards aren't met under anonymity with zero personal accountability for any harsh words i say. We all know that the general forums and mainly the feedback forums is the place to find common faults and frustrations, however it's the wrong demographic for obtaining mainstream opinion of the game. I've been an active participant in online gaming communities for about 15 years, entering with an optimistic and positive approach to the development of MMOs in particular, however as time went by with the market being flooded with clones of the same genre, i was all too familiar with the hype and inevitable let-downs and would often look towards the negative aspects of a game to distinguish it between others, leaving me quite cynical and losing touch with the enjoyment that brought me into the gaming scene in the beginning. I frequently enjoy FPS to casually kill time, but taking this from an MMO angle, In particular, the last few years in my transition period between WoW>STWOR>GW2>Wildstar>Archage. Many titles have made vague promises and have pre-sold tickets to the hype train and for various reasons, myself and others have been underwhelmed and disappointed more and more. As time went by, i felt that voicing my concerns and harsh opinions were getting old and futile and began to wonder if the industry was declining in ingenuity or was it my fault for pitting the accomplishments of one game against another to see it in a bad light and raising my false expectations? Either way, i started to take developers pre-launch boasts with a grain of salt and eventually lost heavy interest in investing my time in online gaming. Until about mid 2013, Desinty's perception became fully aware to me and despite the better of me, i couldn't help myself to be hyped about it, really hyped. I don't know if it was stupidity, or the wanting to feel excited about a game again, which i haven't felt in a long time, but i took a leap of faith and told myself and others "You know what? this could be the next big thing i could throw myself into long-term since WoW." As time went on from my awareness of Destiny to the Beta, i had no doubts about the game whatsoever, just increased anticipation. I'll fast forward to today. Completing the story missions in a couple of days since launch, having my fill of casual crucible and currently finding the daily missions and Raid as a grind and not much in terms in the way of customization...this is not what i had initially expected after Beta, to be at this stage so early of release. This game in my opinion is clearly lacking on so many aspects in terms of content. But instead of getting upset and once again voicing my disappointment on how i've been let down once again, i stepped back and had a really good look at myself because despite the game lacking, i did find myself to thoroughly enjoy myself when it was new to me. The FPS mechanics are solid and the environment is captivating (to the point where i would find myself on patrol, trying to jump to places in the hope of finding something that hasn't been discovered yet). To me, everything that currently exists in Destiny, feels polished to perfection, it's just not what i hoped for in terms of features and content, so with all the grinding and repetition in this case, i'm kind of a bit bored. Does that mean i'll give up? Not by a long shot. What i see here is the solid foundation of a ballsy hybrid genre, waiting to be expanded and filled at a gradual, but refined rate. This game feels structured to the point where almost anything is possible and when i look at feedback ideas to implement into Destiny, as far fetched as they sound, i look at many of these concepts as a 'When' and not an 'If'. Thus, the whole concept of Destiny being the next big thing to benchmark others to come, to me is a matter of 'When' and right now, i'm content to grind it out in anticipation of what's to come. Despite, not being what i hope for, i'm heavily invested. No game this new is ever without it's share of bugs and imbalances and although i have expressed my concerns here, i'm actually surprised in comparison with other games, that Destiny is still thoroughly playable. So, instead of a complaint, it's about time i leave some positive feedback in appreciation of Bungie's efforts. Kudos to your marketing team, they had me believing it was going to be bigger than i initially expected, however as it is, is still worth every cent of my money. I look forward to the new expansion, it's looking incredible, although not as big as i hoped. But, slow and steady wins the race and i have no doubt you have more tricks up your sleeves to keep me playing.
DeeJ just needs a hug no homo bro either just saying I feel like he crys himself to sleep.
PS; The Guardians in the picture going into the new Raid aren't even level 30. Noobs.
I wonder how bad this dlc will stuff up the servers and make more error codes maybe atheon can fly and vanish after that download!