[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
So when are you guys gonna fix the problems that the newest patch caused? Cause I can't even play with friends without one of us lagging out, and that wasn't happing before the patch.
Kinda really upset that , PlayStation gets an extra strike. I really love destiny and tell all my friends that its a great game and don't listen to all the trash talk because its newbs who can't find armor, but it seems that you guys are constantly going down hill. If this is going to be a grind game then why not give us all access to the content to grind on or if its going to be exclusive atleast make it available by the second DLC . I have no problem with the price because the content adds 40± hours but ,why wait a whole year for the exclusive to be avaible to everyone. You still banked 500 million dollars that you didn't bother to spend on the game at all. Its just really upsetting that you treat your fans like such garbage, and make us feel like beggers for content we deserve. The friggen exclusive should be availible to loyal players not different system owners. And how hard is it to make different crucible match types ,all you have to do is use the same maps and make a different point system or add a bomb that has to be deactivated or a flag that's carryed to the other side. Or add all swords. Or use the existing planet maps and give us all pikes and race around. It would take literally 1 nights worth of coding to make : a bomb, a flag, and a course on each planet to race around.
you know haven 3 high lvl heros on destiny and finding out that the DLC is really not worth the money i spent.... pisses me off ... this game seems to me like its going to tank ...nobodys going to be wanting to play this game by the time the next patch comes out... HALO great game all of them Destiny..... what a flop.
My greatest problem with this game is we are supposed to be in a war, a war that we've lost to the point that we're about to be expunged from existence, and we went from that to, singlehandedly delivering crippling blows to every facet of every group, how can we be loosing while the fallen are bickering over a new archon and starving without out sepiks prime, while mourning the loss of a baron? It seems that my question boils down to how the hell are we losing if we were according to the speaker "much more powerful" idk how we can get much more powerful
-blam!- ur dlc won't buy it
Well this is depressing...I thought you guys at bungie cared about what the players want but instead you charge us $20 for another hour of play, a 15 minute strike and 1 new raid that people lvl30 will clear immediately. Screw you guys for ripping off the community. The only thing that will keep this game going. We wanted at least double and you give us less than 1/3. Its disgusting and frankly im furious.
Every time there's an update, people get pretty angry. You should try giving us an update with things we agreed would be good for everyone: exotic buffs, raid weapon buffs, etc. Instead, you make the game more of a grind and less fun.
Bungie, I love the game and I kept playing it heavily till now but the lack of content will eventually catch up. As much as I enjoy the game Bungie is far behind their reputation. Fact is the DLC comes way too late so Destiny won't interfer with the COD release for Activision. If this little bit of content with unfinished story and overpriced DLC becomes a routine we customers must stop buying it otherwise we will start paying 200 bucks to complete a game in the future.
Can't wait, just hope they nerf all the new weapons before they come out, and fix all glitches, and fix connection issues... Really tho, I enjoy this game... Thx bungie
'Invade the Hellmouth' I could swear that's what last week's Weekly heroic was... because I'm pretty sure the Hellmouth has been invaded to the point that it could file -blam!- charges against the Guardians, wherein they would welcome the lenghty legal battle as something less repetitive... COMING SPRING 2015
Wow people really know how to complain, why doesnt everyone just wait and see what the dlc actually has when it comes out before criticizing, personally this game is much bigger then halo call of duty and battlefield so quit whining, if your gonna sit and grind all day long serves you right if you get bored, this game will be big once a few dlc's are released, the areas that I have seen and been to on venus and mars and the moon that arent really accessible atm but certian people know how to get into them are huge
Can someone explain to me the difference between Xbox and Playstation in DLC?
This is it? Wow. I'm not so much disappointed in the amount of content as much as I am in the fact that I was hoping the story would progress exponentially with this dlc. Hopefully the cutscenes are long and fulfilling considering they only have a few additional story missions.
[i] [/i]
Edited by II MedicBear II: 10/30/2014 3:41:22 AMSo DeeJ please give me your best reply to this if you at bungie actually listen to the comunity i want to hear the answer. I ha e not said a word about anything else i can understand some of this with a couple exotics being psn exclusive.. You know i thought bungie was great and i love destiny and if it is true that this was supposed to be a game that you want us to keep on playing then why would you screw over everyone on xbox i think this is rediculos this game is great but the options we get are too limited and playing them over and over gets pretty menotinous and boring i picked up my controler and litterally played for 5 minutes and shut it off because its just boring to play the same crap over and over and now i read the strike is for psn only untill fall of 2015 explain why this is i think games should cater to the consumer not the platform lining there pockets more and more the give us more content and by more i mean everything that is released not some and then in a year the rest of what we who got the expantion pass excited for more content paid for this is not the way to keep people interested this is a major deterrant hopefully everyone on psn can suppy the support and raiting for the whole game because you will see xbox loyalty fall off the charts
Destiny is a great game, but an unfulfilled one. I loved this game and still do, but I have decided that I will no longer log in to do the daily quests or max out my Vanguard and Crucible marks. This is because after doing this since release i've finally seen what's waiting for me at the end of the journey and to put it simply it's not worth my commitment. Sure Destiny is still going to be a fun game for me to go back to and run an occasional raid or play a match of PvP, but the grind simply isn't worth it. So sorry you Destiny developers out there, but if you're looking for someone who is willing to put hours into this game every day for the next few months you'll have to count me out. For all of you players out there who have given this game your time and also feel unsatisfied. I reccomend that you, like I plan to do so, take a break for a little bit. Play a few other games or simply finally catch some sleep, but don't forget about Destiny entirely. When Advanced Warfare or Borderlands the Presequel starts to bore you, remember Destiny and jump back in to beat down on the low life scum that's trying to wipe humans from the face of the galaxy.
Seems like people aren't arguing wether or not this content was already on the disc or not. But wether or not it is ok for them to sell us content we already paid for. Personally it's disgusting to me that anyone would defend this action and I encourage more people to express their concerns about this. However, at the end of the day the one irrefutable fact is that these people listen to money. I'm not telling you not to buy the dlc, but if you have serious discontent with their methods then the best thing you can do is vote with your wallet. Lastly, don't think your alone or that your actions won't matter in the face of a 3 million player base. Those are big numbers, but every person matters.
When does this come out?
I cannot wait for this, such an incredibly designed landing page and the actual art in the raid looks insane. I'm extremely excited to have a Hive raid, they are my favorite to fight. The gear and guns look sick, I can see many more hours put into that raid alone. Wish there were more story/plot developments, was left a little lacking on the story the first time around, but I'm curious how you guys will continue on. I'm happy and impressed so far. I've put many hours into the first raid, hoping for more and more as time goes on, and this one looks incredible. Love the eerie green/black lake at the bottom of the landing page.
Edited by ec4u2see: 10/30/2014 3:33:45 AMI like how a lot of people on these forums are complain about how bungie is screwing a "loyal or dedicated" gamer when most of them have been on these forum for a year or less... Unlike me who has been there for years, I'm excited for the dlc... Sucks for the xbone users about the now two strikes they will be missing out on but that's business... It's the same story with the new tomb raider game and all cod games...(you Guys can keep cod) different consoles get exclusives... These forums are just a giant bitch fest... People hate and say they will never play it again but are back online within hours... Hypocrites
It funny how people(aka destiny players that can't afford the dlc) are complaining, yet most of them don't understand how hard it is to make a outstanding game like destiny. Just shut up and play the game or give up on it. Some of them are way too stupid to insult.
Edited by TheCaptainM91: 10/30/2014 3:30:46 AMWhatever type of gun that is in the top right corner... [spoiler]...it looks pretty kickass.[/spoiler]
Definitely not buying this crap anymore promising a better game and experience. But its just not happening. Im just gonna stop beating a dead horse not paying anymore money for this game.
I feel bad for the Xbox users who bought special editions. We kinda just jumped and spent all our money without knowing we'd have to wait a year or two. If Bungi is having a year wait for "The Dark Below." I'd hate to see the wait for the "House Of Wolves." [i]RogueLeader[/i]