[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
I feel bad for the Xbox users who bought special editions. We kinda just jumped and spent all our money without knowing we'd have to wait a year or two. If Bungi is having a year wait for "The Dark Below." I'd hate to see the wait for the "House Of Wolves." [i]RogueLeader[/i]
The current strikes aren't terrible, but there aren't many of them. Considering that most of them consist almost entirely of reused assets, I have to believe it wouldn't be much work putting a new one together every month, hell, two weeks even. If the strikes had more compelling content I'd understand, but they don't. Just push some new content for us occasionally. We'd certainly be appreciative.
I really don't care about exclusives for different systems, but I don't get why the exclusives aren't released before the first DLC comes out (dust palace strike etc.) I can't recall PS users having to wait past the DLC release to get the xbox exclusives for games like cod (although I never had a PS so correct me if I'm wrong). I won't bitch about the usual "urrr we're you're original fans we made you", the company's expanding I get that. I just wish the exclusives on PS weren't exclusive for so long. Then again, we don't know if Sony just dropped the money and MS didn't or if Bungie purposely catered to the new crowd, so it's no biggie, just odd
oh yes can't wait ! //
Looks so cool. Can't wait. Keep up the good work Bungie!
Edited by xl Sherpa lx: 10/30/2014 3:27:08 AMDeej, how much would it cost me for an interview? It would be off the record. I'll sign any documents necessary for keeping my mouth shut. There's just some things I would like to ask that I'm betting you really want to get off your chest but you can't on the record
I'm gonna buy all the DLC
Entitled gamers nowadays seriously if 15 bucks is too much for you then quit gaming all together cus ots obviously too expensive for you..
The guy who compared it to cod is right cod gives you three maps for 20 bucks this gives you so much more not to mention cod is a completely unimaginative game a carbon copy of itself
Awesome news, looking forward to it. Hopefully Raid Matchmaking gets introduced soon so some of us can enjoy it. Shame theres no in-game matchmaking because the raid difficulty, causing people to matchmake through the forums (matchmaking in-game can't be any worse than forums or other websites surely), tad ironic..
Can all the people who are just going to whine, complain, hate, say they are going to leave, and such already do that? I don't know why you all have to stick around and continue to make annoying jackasses out of yourselves. P.s I know the game needs work. No reason for you to stick around when you are just going to biasedly bash on it, not helping.
To withhold this much content from a paid DLC pack and not inform your users beforehand, is a dick move. Thanks for taking yourselves down a couple of pegs in my eyes. It needed to happen, I was still starstruck with old Bungie, that kind misplaced idolatry is bad for both parties. I blame Activision too, for this decision, but the difference is that they've always been greedy, money-hungry dicks. Business is business at the end of the day, I get it. I'm not going to torpedo my progress in a game where I enjoy the mechanics, even though the content is BEYOND repetitive at this point, out of principle. It does mean that I'm going to care a lot less, log in a lot less, and be happy to give my money to other non-bungie, non-activision endeavors in the future. I pre-ordered the Digital Guardian Edition, so I'm stuck with my pre-bought yet incomplete DLC packages. I can't get a refund, but I can tell you thanks for ruining the excitement I'd built up to play your DLC packs. At this point, I see Destiny, and Bungie for what they both are, the shine has come off. You guys had me at the start but you can't stop shitting the bed on these points. There's more shit in the bed than blankets at this point.
I really don't understand people who say because it was already on the disc it can't be expansion content just because it comes out after the game doesn't mean it has to be made after the initial game.
Is there a new sniper?
Listen hear all of you haters, I am sick and tired of hearing these fricken negative comments about the game. This game may not have a great story but who gives a crap all we are doing is playing the game. It's pretty much halo but with much much more content. Can you free roam on halo, no can you do strike missions, no and can you get millions of guns with upgrades, no. For God sake it's pretty much halo but with more content. So quit your whining all of you and just try to enjoy the game. And about this random drop generation, I don't give a crap about because you feel so good when you get a good price of loot in the end. They don't try to make you pissed off. They are trying to make you feel like you have accomplished something. Oh and they are still going to add more maps and planets in the future so be fricken patient.
No third subclass? No new supers? No new skills? Oh by the way, weapons and armor ARE gear.
You know all of this new content is great and all but the real question is. Where are the shaders?!
F*ck you Bungie. The amount of content, more like lack of, is not worth $20. This should be considered a patch and not a DLC. How far does PS have their d*ck up your ass since us Xbox users are paying the same amount for less content? Why would you allow players to pay the same amount and have to wait a year to play the content? By that time your game is going to be dead and worthless. Last of all, am I the only one that thinks the grimoire is f*cking stupid. Why would you force players to read to understand the story instead of making it part of the gameplay??? Oh yeah I forgot, there is no f*cking story to play.
This forum site should be for people who actually are enjoying the game and want to talk to each other about how great the game is if you don't like the game if you're over the game if you don't want to buy any expansion packs whatever go play something else but don't ruin the game for people who like it and want to talk to each other about the game
Can xur please sell the skull of dire ahamkara exotic helmet
I'd be less mad if i payed less then ps4 users suck bullshit!!!!!!!
Dat Titan armor doe..
Lol it's DLC if you're mad don't buy it. Just because something is cut from a game doesn't mean it can't be DLC material. It's new to us, nobody has played it, why not put it in DLC. That's like saying "Why should I pay for the directors cut of this movie on DVD when I paid for the movie ticket 4 months ago? It just has scenes that were cut from the film"
Can't wait for Call of Duty to release. I am so done with this game.
I love how people expect this game to be perfect when every other RPG or MMO has initial start up issues at some point in time but they eventually fix themselves overtime. If you all care so much to complain then maybe you should care enough to make a game then deal with criticism from the entire world.
im debating wether to buy it, doesnt seem worth it when you dont even have matchmaking for VoG, and your making another raid lol