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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Edited by PinkUnicorn25: 10/30/2014 3:07:08 AM
    Suck the magical balls of pinkunicorn25 Long live cod 4!!!

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  • I actually love this can't wait to play... But the warlock armour looks bad compared to the one there is in VoG

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  • I can't wait! i've been looking forward to this raid since i faced the Hive first on earth! dis is gon be gud!

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  • DeeJ I could give 2 flying Monkeys about the DLC right now. What I want to know is when are you going to fix the broken Jackolytes? Are you going to wait until Friday Update to tell us that it'll be fixed next month after Halloween is over? Also have you guys fixed the Monkeys and Weasels yet? And why did that even happen to begin with? Don't you guys test these patches before you make them live?

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    • How can so many of you have the audacity to state that this DLC should be free? I do not agree. If the content was labelled "extra content" even if it was built into the original game initially, then one should pay for those "extra" services. Developers plan, especially when they are going to release DLC. The very beginning of those DLCs may have been built into the game, but we don't know how much of it, it could have been Bungie planning on that DLC being in those locations in the game! If you buy a car that comes with gas, should all the gas thereafter come with the gas for free? I don't think so...we are responsible for the extra DLC if we want it. No one is forcing you to buy the DLC. One can still play the game and have a good experience without the DLC. You are not entitled to it.

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      30 Replies
      • I went to the midnight release, got a t-shirt, a poster, and a wristband for this. FOR THIS?? I WAITED SIX DAMN HOURS FOR ONE OF THE BIGGEST LETDOWNS OF MY LIFE. I don't know if it was Bungie or Activision but whoever it was that ruined Destiny, f*ck you.

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      • Not even one new -blam!-ing crucible game type! 3 maps with more senseless killing?!

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      • To Hellmouth with all you whiny bitches and your ten paragraph tearjerker manifestos. Please just offer concise, helpful feedback. These giant soapbox rants are so full of "poor me". You're all great writers, but could really get a lot more accomplished with a lot less verbiage. That said: I'm out.

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        • Need one for nightfall

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          • You sold your soul to Activision shame on you.

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          • what world is it a good idea to make dlc exclusive to a console for a whole year? Does bungie want the xbox comunity to drop the game or something?

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          • It sounds kind of cool, but the fact that Xbox One owners miss out on that strike mission even though they're paying the same price is a really dick move. I have a PS4 but dividing the community like that really rubs me the wrong way. Also, I'm really nervous about only getting three story missions. I assumed that the expansions would be able to fix Destiny's absolutely abysmal story, but I don't see how you'd be able to do that with just three missions. You might be able to have something decent in there, but certainly nothing that can make up for the core game's story. If you aren't going to address the game's biggest weakness, then what are you doing? So I guess I'll wait and see when it comes out. The story missions in this expansion are going to determine whether or not I'm going to pay attention to any Bungie games in the future.

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          • Great game, I new what kind of play it was going to be, however; what's the point of having exotic and legendary gear, that's been earned by hours of play by the players, when any Joe Shmoe could just ante up some dough and by it? I feel higher quality armor and weapons should be earned not,purchased That's the only complaint I have,

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            • So is the next raid going to be rng as well? I really enjoy doing raids but never being able to get to 30 because I am not lucky enough to get the gear that is needed. Will iron bane gear get you to level 32 as well or just 30 and be useless for hard mode raids as well. Please continue to fix 'glitches' when to much strategy was used.

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            • I'm sorry but $20 for 3 defend the Ghost missions, a strike, and 3 maps sounds like a bit much. It would be fair to charge $10 for all of that content. But who am I to talk about fair prices, this is Activision...

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            • How about a 3rd subclass? Just my 2 cents.

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              • 3 missions one strike one raid ? loL what a joke !! Bungie you should release this for free.. Giving ps4 an extra strike ? You're insane

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              • Yeah we get the content that was originally promised for us!

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              • Edited by UberDude01: 10/30/2014 2:58:30 AM
                Yay, I'm so excited for [b][u]3[/u][/b] new story missions whopdy freakin' do.... come on, only 3?

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                • Lame as shit we have to wait like 2 months with no new conetent people are just gana EZ clear in about 2-3 weeks any way, altho i still do want to play it cause this game is so Beautifully done and fun to play, but Bungie deff let alot of people down and havent done any thing to remedy that......

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                • Am a leader of a Dubai (UAE) based clan , 15 members who purchased regular , limited , ghost editions. After a month the ones that din't buy the dlc in the beginning purchased it. We're all happy with the game and have no issue with paying that amount. Its totally worth it.

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                  • 13
                    So those of you who are angry and commenting that you'll never play Destiny (or another Bungie game) are still logging in and taking your precious time to comment on this announcement. I don't buy it for one second. Many of you claiming this have said so in forums for weeks now. Put your money where your mouth is! Log out, sell your copy of the game, and never show up on this site again! Do that or shut up! I'm sick of hearing from you babies when you know damn well you are going to buy that DLC. Did you know your opinion doesn't change mine or anyone else buying habits. The game is fun and when the DLC goes live, and all your friends are playing the DLC and nothing else, guess what you're going to pony up the money for the DLC. Activision knows this, the industry knows this, and guess what all us gamers know it too! It happens time and time again. You can express your disappointment, but please...don't say, "I'm never playing this game again!" Because you just come off looking like a spoiled Diva queen.

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                    55 Replies
                    • Need to fix all the glitches on Vog before introducing a new raid. it's bullshit these glitches have been here since day one with no fix.

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                    • Looks fun, can't wait! Though I'm still a bit peeved about the length of Sony's exclusivity

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                      3 Replies
                      • THE DARK BELOW... All for the low, low, price of $19.99!!! But wait, there's more! (Wait, there's not more? S***. Think think think... Got it!) I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain this new DLC! Gtg fix the Suros now byeeeee

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