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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • You guys are the literal definition of crooks, it's embarrassing how little content this has and how BADLY you're screwing Xbox owners, and this is coming from a PS4 owner, I was suckered into buying the collectors edition of this over hyped shell of a game digitally and couldn't refund it sadly enough, it's honestly just sad at how little there is in this DLC and you guys have the balls to call it a full fledged "expansion" haha I hope you're ashamed of yourselves, the REAL Bungie needs to come back from the dead

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  • Hooray no more halo from bungie Sick of this broken game. Broken upadates everyweek.

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  • So rather than having a one month exclusive on dlc for PS4 you give them a whole YEAR before xbox gets it?!?! You've mislead the xbox people to believe that we all receive this dlc WE PAID for whether it be from the expansion pack or the various editions that include it. This is unbelievable.

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    • From what I understand, the DLC adds 5 new bounty slots.Thats all good,but WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY 20 DOLLARS FOR A NEW RAID AND 2 LESS STRIKES AND 5 BOUNTY SLOTS THAT COULD BE ADDED IN A PATCH?!!!??

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    • Seriously level 32???? All this new armor and stuff you speak of and you will have to travel to the end of the earth and find 5 good players and teach and re teach players and go through hours of playing with no rewards ( I did raid 3 full times before I got something besides shards or energy ) all to make it two more levels?

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    • Xbox users get Call of Duty content a month earlier than PlayStation and PlayStation users still got their content although it was delayed. Now but Xbox users won't get, what I think to be a significant chunk of the game, Destiny content spring or fall 2015?! By the time Xbox users get to play and use what was literally "exclusive" to PlayStation, there won't really be too many Xbox players. We all know that games start to die off about a year after release, but some would argue that Destiny launched dead already.

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    • just gonna throw this out there... at E3 and over an year ago they said Sony was getting all these exclusives... they hid nothing and were upfront about it. Microsoft was cheap and didn't wanna spend more for them. sucks but it happens. do I think this is worth 20 bucks? no... not really since there's nothing new added just payin to unlock stuff that's already there :/

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      4 Replies
      • ....Yawn....

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      • I think that if you boast about a game costing you 500 million to make then you make it worth it. I'm yet to see the worth. Someone said they didn't have time to do this or that. What!? This has been in development for 6 years already. It's in the second half of its life. There was no time? I call Bull Blip on that one.

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      • I bet a couple more people will agree with my older post about exclusives for PS being too much.... Thanks for screwing us xbox players again Bungie ~Sincerely the xbox player whose followed you since all the Halos and the first word of Destiny.

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        22 Replies
        • Man I'm stunned by all this bitching. Holly crap. To bungie... Keep the quick DLC's coming. Awesome job. Hoping to see Mercury soon guys. Not to contradict all the people that are upset by your game , but great world building. Looking forward to exploring this universe.

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          • Hahahahahahahahahah or you could buy dragon age and laugh your way outta gamestop keep coming out with dlc please cant wait tp read about your studio cuts in a year hahahahahahah

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          • -blam!-ing Activision! Wtf! Bungie needs to move to Infinity Ward!! And get their shit together and get your Servers on Point! Seven years in the Making WTF!

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          • Edited by RostenToken420: 10/30/2014 2:33:33 AM
            I see alot of anger at Bungie and you all have every right to be how ever - any gamer can talk the talk but can you cancel your playstation + accounts? And stop playing destiny? If so you could have the impact you want yes thats right the only way to kick bungie in the dick is to stop so i challenge everyone whos upset stop playing and stop paying for trash or you will get trash the rest of your life

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          • Edited by KimchiBurp Boy: 10/30/2014 2:34:23 AM
            Thank u bungie Thank u for awesome updates everyweek Keeps kicking me out from game. Thank u for all ur hard work to make this epic broken game Thanks god that no more halo from bungie Hooray Godbless america

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          • Bungie just stop and think really hard about how retarded you are... And Activision I know you helped with this game to in the future please don't event attempt to make a Sci-Fi game just leave that to the professionals!

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          • [IMG][/IMG]

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            • Edited by eegah manos: 10/30/2014 2:30:46 AM
              So since I play on Xbox One I get to pay the same amount for the DLC with less content. I understand exclusive content and don't hate the PS4 fans for getting it but let me know before I pay for the season pass which Bungie didn't. BUNGIE just because your pissed at Micosoft don't hate on gamers who play on Xbox, Xbox fans help make you what you are today by supporting Halo. So will you offer the Xbox fan a refund on the Season Pass if they want it since you didn't give use information that our money worth less to you before you put the season pass on sale. Also you guys need to get on the ball and offer more content for PVP/PVE content? I loved the game at first but it getting boring and I find myself playing Titanfall again.

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            • I don't understand you guys had such a big budget fund where did all that money go !!!!!

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              4 Replies
              • can we install a toilet in the tower? I need to take a dump on this game cause it's making me sick..... :-)

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                4 Replies
                • I was skeptical at first, but now I'm excited. The Dark Below looks pretty damn awesome. Can't wait.

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                • These new story missions... Will they actually contain... you know... story?

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                    Architect Mind
                    Architect Mind

                    Not much of an NPC - old

                    Lol, the comment tracker, to see how many people commented on this, is blowing my mind. I saw it was 298 at one point, literally clicked on groups, and right back to news, jumps to 459. Less than an hour up to around 3k, holy baby cow shits. I hope they are really down playing this, I mean after the over hype. Wow, saying stuff like that gets ya put in the looney house.

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                  • I think they need to fix everything else before they bring out a new raid... this game is kinda broken at the moment and they should be fixing this

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                    • I'm actually really excited for this DLC. Buying a PS4 right before December so perfect timing :)

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                    • Z batgirl inspired me to be brave and write in with my comments. I wanted to thank bungie for a great game and all the hard work they put into it. It's actually my first game. I have never played Xbox games before this. It's my boyfriend's game. My dad bought it for him on release day. He was going to buy him the standard version for his birthday but got lucky and a local Fred Meyer had the ghost edition on the shelf! So I stole it from my boyfriend and put the ghost toy in my room hanging from the ceiling. It is so cool. I felt lost when I first started playing the game. The controls were so weird to me but after about a week I started getting better! Now I think I'm pretty good. So I was fine running around everywhere on my own and I was having fun. Then I met my friends. They found me running around on the moon and invited me to play with them on their fire team. They needed a Titan! I was so happy. They are so good to me and took me to see things I would have never seen on my own. I want to thank them here in front of you all. Minecore3 and Your 12th Son have been sooo sweet and put up with me through the raids and strikes to help me level up and get crazy gear that I would not have gotten on my own. They are such good players! Thanks you guys! You made destiny super fun for me! I really love the queens armor! It is sweet! I love the way it looks and the matching rose gold shader! I wish I had spent more time getting more of the queens stuff. I hope she comes back soon. I was going to give bungie my ideas for the game but I don't want my friends to look stupid so I will keep them to myself..... Thanks for reading my comment! Have fun! See you all out there!

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