[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Edited by Siefere: 10/30/2014 2:28:09 AMDragon Age Inquisition comes out soon, then elder scrolls online and next year the witcher 3. True PvE, tired tired of these games focusing primarily on PvP with an unbalanced weapon system. Then you have Bungie that pretty much flipped off all their Xbox fans, maybe it's for the best at 343 took halo over. Halo 4's story was actually pretty good. Bungie don't forget where you came from and who was with you for all those years. Seems like you're forgetting your long-term fans and the people that were excited that you were making a new game, the same people that were so upset that somebody else was doing halo. These Xbox fans are being cheated, paying the same amount for less content. I do like this game, but I feel really cheated that crucible and iron banner get so much of your attention let alone the PlayStation 4.
Yes destiny has a lot of things wrong with it. Most everyone that has experience in mmorpgs knows why. Keep in mind though that destiny is a brand new game and honestly, and an mmo that is perfect from day one is nearly impossible to come by. As long as bungee listens to their fans, and the fans give them the time to make updates and new content that will really improve the game, then everything should turn out just fine
Bungie why do you even try.
How did your servers get worse?
I like how everyone blames Bungie. Really it's Activision's fault. They are the publishers. Bungie is just the developer.
Well then... I, for one, am pumped for this! I hate that all the patch-hate has leaked into this post...
Xbox 360 gt: Samar0uz add me lvl 29, this games done once that dlc comes out, no one is gunna be stupid enough to get ripped off again by bungie after already buying a game thats completely under developed to buy yhe under developed dlc, bungie you must be crazy, ripping off all your fans, -blam!-ing sort it out its a disgrace you money hungry bitches
Not fair at all. 90% of the events are on psn and here we are getting ripped on content another system is getting real smooth guys
Anyone want to do the raid on normal on xbox one? Level 29 warlock and level 29 hunter. GT: MiSZ NiSH
Can't wait!!!!!
this game would've been great if Activision wasn't so money hungry.
Thank u bungie. all ur crap updates everyweek. Keeps kicking me out often everyday. thank u for all ur hard work to make this Epic broken game. Thank u so much that no more 'Halo' from bungie. Hoolay.
Something I question here: does getting up level cap change? Or can people only get to 29 ish without raiding? If that trend is true, then say 1 year later after the release of 10 raids level cap is 40 but some people are stuck at 28? Just curious, not satiric.
Edited by kurojishi33: 10/30/2014 1:33:14 AMSo are we going to get the mighty "[u][b]SKIP CUTSCENE[/b][/u]" button for this expansion or what? or did you guys just [u][b]cut it out[/b][/u] from this expansion too?
Hey bungie I hope you know your amazing enough for me to buy a new internet service just for your game
Bungie own up to your mistakes all we want is the truth tell us content was cut let us no we really can't be legend because whenever we find something new it's a patch or a nerf how did any of these problems make it past the beta? Wait to be honest it seems we are still in the beta phase and hoping you with Destiny 2 And atheon was the ultimate slap in the face there was no problems with the atheon when you took to the fourm to congratulate the first team on beating the raid ..... Why not let us not that atheon teleporting people in the back of the room was a issues/error......... Let me go on there was no mention that it was a bug when you congratulateD the first team on beating it on hard ...... It only became a problem once we found ways to beat your so called masterpiece quickly with our own wit now if you don't want players to figure out there own ways to beat missions or raids then let us no And see you numbers drop .... You say we need teamwork well let's us play as a team as we want if I can fall of a ledge a boss should be able to ass well I'm not encourageing cheese in but that's how you want to play you should have that freedom I mean this is supposed to be an open world game right? No ps or Xbox cosigning I can say haveing both systems we just wanna no where things went wrong and why you will not knowledge out real questions you answer and talk about everything but what is real Destiny fans want to know I'm supported from day 1 and I want to continue but your makeing things hard on me bungie - a true bungie fan
Anymore updates on Bee errors getting eradicated?! I'm still finding it impossible to play any crucible game that hosts more than 6 total players!
So raise the light level? How many times will we have to run this new raid? I've ran VoASS +10x and I've gotten 3chatterwhites,2x machine guns&spirit bloom! WTF is the point anymore? To have it a MUST to make 3 GODDAMN CHARACTERS and run it over&over&over while watching others get 2x pieces of armor,1x exotic&1x legendary on their 1st run EVERYTIME? Bungie needs to fix this before others wise up like I did,i stopped bowing down to an EXTREMELY FLAWED reward system,and just quit til such time comes. God knows I have enough ascendant bullshit and chatterwhites -end rant "Stay tuned vol.2 rant includes ERROR CODES!"
2spooky4me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Can't wait :)
There is so much that they could do. So many more area's that could possibly be explored. Why cap the levels? If you are going to do dlc's make it worth our wild. Let us explore more of all area's and the tower. Let us roam the city. Make it more interesting for us. How about mission's our bounties to find rare or limited copies of weapons and armor? And makes those tough.
Will Xbox get the new exotics or will we have to wait a YEAR!!! A year really? Messed up
Damn this Bungie. You suck. Another strike xbox players won't be getting yet we have to pay the SAME PRICE for dlc as playstaion? I've been sucking up for this game even though ppl complain how boring n repetitive it gets. I want my money back on the dlc I bought or at least a discounted price for lack of content. You are robbing us blind. If you don't fix this def not putting anymore money into this game.
Wow. Only 1 Strike?