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10/29/2014 11:13:17 PM

The Dark Below

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • Bingie, this is a very poor offering

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    • Can't wait to the raid with my friends I wonder WUT I will get

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      • I think I'll spend my 20$ on a case of beer instead. That might last more than a few hours.

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        • Yall don't understand... Bungie clearly stated the dlc at e3 and they were open about it. It wasn't cut from the game.

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        • The best class in the game is the hunter cuz of there supers, then the titan cuz of there one hit melee in crucible, and then the warlock cuz they only get one chance to hit a shot with nova bomb. Anybody agree?

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          • Explain to me why the -blam!- I should buy this when your -blam!- buddy Sony gets more shit than Xbox? Honestly? Going to rip off half your community till after a year of release? Why? Because your getting more money, goodness sakes let's not ruin that folks..

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          • I see why they made it cost money but cmon guys, really?!? I mean we all spent 60 buck on your sorry excuse for a game and to make it better, you guys promise all this fancy "new" stuff that actually already exists and you guys just try to run our wallets empty so you can get as much cash as possible. This is a pile-of crap! I used to DREAM about playing this game and researched it nonstop ever since I heard about in like May of 2013. I thought that the September 9 release date was reasonable and was just because this game would be "an open world environment". I let it slide and stayed loyal to bungie and kept imagining of how how cool it would be to explore the endless world that was promised to me. Then the day came where I would drive on over to gamestop and start my adventure. Everything was great and then I got to Venus and discovered the reef. Here I met the queens brother. This really confused me because in the trailers and "gameplay" vids he confronted players with a handcannon and threatened to fire. Your response: wait for the expansions and DLCS to be released. So I waited. And waited. And waited. And then I realized what was happening. You guys actually GAVE us copies of the game that have all the stuff on them that was shown in the videos and documentaries, but to actually PLAY THEM, we have to pull out 30 freaking dollars and pay for a game that honestly is a sinking ship. In surprised that your fan base hasn't completely fallen apart already! So all of the greatness of destiny that was promised to us is actually just stuff that we have to pay extra for!!!!!! If you guys don't fix this I think that your "partners" activision are going to blow you away with the sales for cod advanced warfare. So figure it out bungie! Either drop the price to something reasonable like 10 or below or make it completely free! And don't act like I'm the first person to complain about this! If you still don't believe me then why don't you watch this video by a person who has the same beliefs about you guys as I do:

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          • Ive been with bungie since the original Halo, and honestly it kinda hurts that they would go and just absolutely screw over every single one of their xbox fanboys. Most of us defended bundie from all the PS fanboys, but in the end it all comes down to the $$$. Smh.

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          • Thanks so much for the BROKEN Halloween gift Bungie! Used all three of mine and nothing. What a waist!

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          • I'm still on the fence on this one mainly because I am an Xbox player. Not having the entire DLC package for potentially a year is crazy to think about. There are very few games in my Library that I continue to play after an entire year. I do like Destiny and play waaay too much of it, but I am not sure if I want to encourage this kind of lop-sided customer service. I know that Sony paid for this privilege, but the PS players did not - they paid the same $60 that I did. I fear that this could start a trend with other multi-system releases. In my own mind, if I pick-up this DLC for the Xbox, I will be saying that it's OK for Activision and Bungie to hold back content from me. I can see a month or two for a system content deal, but that's it. With that being said, I really enjoy Destiny and play the crap out of it. The new content will probably be a lot of fun and the new gear/level mark would have me obsessly playing the game. Since I can get the $5 off the DLC bundle till the new year, I'll probably wait and see what DA:I is like. If it is as good as it looks and has a story like Origins, I'll probably pass on this DLC and lose my copy of Destiny until a large DLC pack is released at a discounted price. And before anyone says 'it's only a couple of things missing' - I am sure a 'couple of things' will be missing for every DLC pack released, which could lead to a large amount of missing content for folks that paid the same $60 for the game. It will be interesting to see how everything plays out.

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          • @DeeJ it doesn't matter anymore the false promises and lack of content from day 1 make this game a joke you guys allowed Activision to micro manage your game too much dlc should be free like other mmo games and we should only have to pay for true expansions I only log on now to raid that may stop here soon as well as far cry 4, bloodborne, lords of the fallen release your game will not last 10 years at the pace you are going now with people telling you they don't care about the PvP and you are trying to push the PvP aspect your player base is mainly PvE players why cater to only PvP players Not to mention the PvE events that y'all are rolling out are a waist of time be original make new event missions instead of using the ones currently in game and do away with event bounties people don't want to grind all day for bounty rep it's stupid Then you have people telling you that the -vault space is too small you don't listen -they want the customization that was promised ie. vanity to make gear look like other styles you don't listen - they want to be able to change their characters styles still not listening - they want a hoard mode with its own gear sets, wpns, currency, and rank haven't heard anything about that -they want benders to sell worth while gear , wpns, sharers, emblems, and all rotated out as they should by the timers no word from you on that - How about that chat system that everyone has been complaining about where's that at - The rest of the non existant story we want that -nightfall daily where's that at -gambling for gear and wpns -trading system -taking the glimmer cap off no reason for that to be there I could go on these are all things that other mmorpg's have even fire fall has most of this stuff and it's a mmorpg fps similar to destiny That is all now get your ass to work DeeJ and bring us this shit befor dlc

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            10 Replies
            • Can't wait to get this because I don't cry when I spend $20.

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            • Dear Bungie, You tried to make an RPG and failed. Please please please stick to what youre good at in the future: FPS. Out of that 3.2 million people that logged on every day in the first month, how many still are? Half? If that? Now just wait for these heavy hitters to come out the next couple months and all you will have is your fanboys and people who already locked into your dlc still running those repetitive chores. You all need to take a step back and rip up this 10 year plan you had and return to making games that wont collect dust after 30 days. Sincerely, Das Wienerschnitzol

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              2 Replies
              • So you expect me to spend $60 on a game and then another $20 on DLC to continue the storyline... No, I'll be trading in destiny for something worth $60

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              • Happiness in slavery anybody?

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              • You got my $30 a quarter...bring it BUNGIE :D

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                • Ps4. Lv 29 Titan. Would like assistance with raid. You need to know what your doing and have beat it already. Would like to get a group of ppl together to do it regularly. Don't like adding strays in the tower.

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                • Ignoring the haters, I'm pretty pumped for this. Bring it Crota, ya big pansy!

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                • Me3 has a 1 story mission, day one dlc and no one bats an eye. Destiny has 1 dlc and everyone loses their minds...

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                • I'm confused, in ANY other MMO type game, this would be considered just a patch with such little added content. And a patch is free, soooo we're paying 1/3 of what the actual game costs for about 1/12th the amount of content for a patch basically. I'm not mad about spending money, but it shouldn't be 20$. I would say no more than 5$ or 2.99$ When you think about it, a successful MMO type game comes out with a (patch) to release more content every 3 months to keep players interest. So let's do the math. 12/3x20.00=80.00$ a year Mehhhh

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                  19 Replies
                  • Wow only 2 light levels 😔

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                  • As much as I love this game, the cumulative content from both expansions (assuming they both have the same volume of content) would still fall short of what I would have expected from a full price Triple-A title, especially one which had the potential to be one of the best games I've played, but the lack content on disc available to us just isn't acceptable, Also what's with the exclusive DLC inside DLC? I can understand and would be more than willing to put up with a month early access like CoD does every year, but don't you think a whole year exclusivity is a little much to put on post game additional content? I know my next point isn't necessarily (to my knowledge) down to Bungie or Activision, but the thing that irritates me most, is the continuing lack of understanding of what exchange rates are. "Expansion" Pass - £35/$35 £35 does not equal $35, it's not even close.. Going by XE, $35 currently equates to £21.90 which is only £1.90 more than one piece of DLC on it's own! so by paying for it in the UK we will effectively be paying close enough to double the price for content which won't even come close to being worth it's price in USD! I really want to keep playing this game, I really do, but this isn't persuading me or by the looks of it, many many other gamers, to stay and play for much longer.

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                  • I'm sad that I'm part of a community that is full of so many whiners. It's all I ever read in these posts. Destiny isn't perfect nor will any game ever be. If you don't like it then don't play it, no need to bitch about every little aspect you don't like. Trade it in for yet another cod game if you hate it so damn much. I just don't understand why everybody feels the need to cry about it. Destiny isn't the game we all thought is was going to be, but that doesn't make it a bad game.

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                  • Edited by Crafty deX: 10/30/2014 2:08:35 AM
                    [b]ATTENTION: IMPORTANT INFORMATION[/b] There seem to be a ton of misinformed people and I would like to clarify a few things for everyone. Although I do not agree that this game was in its entirety upon release, bungie has stated that the dark beyond dlc was just recently finished. They added the unpolished places into the game to reduce the size of updates when it is released for our benefit. Sure it sucks that we broke into these places and feel that there needs to be stuff there now or that they should be free since they are programmed into the game. In reality, you are paying for the finished product of these places, not the place itself. This should not be a reason to bash Bungie. There are a lot more pressing matters that need dealt with... P.S. Here's the source for the information [spoiler]Have patience, and do some research.[/spoiler]

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                    5 Replies
                    • You have let us down bungie.

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                    • Is this Expansion adding new achievements?

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