[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
Is this Expansion adding new achievements?
Activision to the rescue! I will have to wait a year or so before the full game is unlocked.
The season pass for the new call of duty is 49.99 guys. What the -blam!- is going on with these gaming producers? It's less games now and more corporate gaming corruption. ITS NOT JUST ACTIVISION/BUNGIE
You're doing great Bungie, can't wait for the DLC! New gear looks awesome!
Who wants to raid! Need people that want to become legend right damn now. PS4! No kids please.
Simple as this if you bought a crackbox shut your mouth you bitch to much no wonder bungie favors us with there new game.
Edited by Fates Clown: 10/30/2014 1:42:26 AMKinda disappointed at what I think I see. The boss for the one strike is a big wizard? Crota is a big knight? I'm kinda wanting some new character models. I would think the raid bosses would be important enough to warrant unique designs. I was also really hoping for new subclasses. :p
Sounds fun! The guns and armor look sweet!
Bungie is this really the best 500 strong team can offer? 3 mission two strikes and a raid. I know you many of you are working on post launch fixes and stuff but seriously?
Is it too late to petition for Dinklebot dying and going on a mission to salvage another ghost? Seriously, half the time he sounds like he is about to laugh as he reads his lines.
What are psn players getting X box live arent?
Yay can't wait for this to come out a bit early havn't finished leveling my third toon :)
Don't worry for you xbox users. Bungie is saving you money by not making you want buy. Just read about xbox vs playstation on destiny
Alot of peeps complaining about $20... just dont buy maccas and kfc for one day and you can buy the dlc u tight ass fat pricks, its not much money at all. Jeeeeez
Ok so I'm confused if the person isn't in the tower yet (and I haven't checked yet) why announce it? If they aren't then this post is pointless again I haven't looked yet so I could be totally wrong. Can someone confirm this person exists?
So I can spend 20$ on shit that should've been released on the full game? And get less on my console of choice AGAIN?!
Bungie/Activision's new marketing policy seems to be that of your average drug dealer. Give people something good but keep the good stuff out of it. Then sell them the good stuff just a tiiiny bit at a time, keep them hoping that 'the next one will be the good stuff', etc. I will not be partaking in this fiasco. Destiny could have been a great game, and perhaps it even will be, in the future. I'll wait until Destiny has -actual-, -good- -working content before returning, if I ever do return. And by then I expect they'll have some DLC superpack for 10$ or something, for what we are expected to pay premium now. Let me note something for you that haven't been playing the raid since last patch, and remind those of you who have been. Atheon post-patch has been a glitching nightmare. People getting hit while within the relic shield. People -STILL- being trapped, unable to exit the time gates. Sometimes people will be teleported into an EMPTY area, same as the boss fight area, but none of the teammates are there. Sometimes Atheon will decide to move away from where you can shoot at him from the platform. Sometimes the relic protective bubble will randomly switch off even when the relic holder is holding R1 with a passion. And there's always a good chance someone will get kicked to orbit. All this for a CHANCE at a drop. Fix your game, then ask for money. Asking for money for an incomplete game that 'sort of works' is dishonest, unless you sell the game as a 'premium beta' for your hardcore fans to support. I paid for a complete game, and didn't get it. Now you're asking me to pay more. Pft.
Lol didn't u say the team was hard at work at creating more content and that there was gonna be more than wat was announced but ...3 story missions lol wow u don't even lube us up
Does the upcoming expansion basically mean that playing the game is now pointless from an achievement perspective? As in, current gear will be rendered obsolete? First time MMO player and always wondered how games managed that aspect. Is my Atheon's Epilogue now second to some lvl 32 Blue gun? Also, horde mode?
So... Question for everyone. Does nobody find it just the slightest bit odd that they are releasing a DLC pack 2 months after release. But are taking more than half a year to release the second one? Even though we believe it will have the same amount of content as this one. Does this not give the slightest bit concern that maybe the entirety of this DLC was on the disk? Finished and locked! Just speculation since I have no evidence but honestly... I really hope this is not that case. If it is.. Well congrats Activision... It took you years to diminish the Call of Duty franchise. Only took you one release to slander this one.
GG Activision. GL bungie.
I like how we will get more bounty space yay!!!!
I can't -blam!-ing wait for the Necrochasm (The exotic auto)! Every other gun WISHES it was as awesome. I mean, when ever you kill something, THEY -blam!-ING EXPLODE. WHO WOULDN'T WANT A -blam!-ING CURSED THRALL FOR A FREAKING GUN!?! I SURE WANT IT!! GIMME!!!!!!
Can't wait for this! The new raid is gonna be sick!